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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. The screens were posted by PODW themselves a while ago. My point is taking one at the end of a fight where the majority of one team have left the field by its own accord can be misleading and used to look like they escaped due to damage or fear of defeat ect
  2. Been in a battle with PODW guys and we sank the lot of them except for one guy who is running off in to the distance, the vast majority of our fleet escape because they cant be bothered with the chase, guess what screen shot appears? Yep the one after most the fleet have left the battle of their own accord. PODW are good but they are even better at using clever and opportunistic screen shots.,
  3. My own opinion, every ship should have an officer in a slot like an upgrade. The officer gains exp with the ship not the players account. Don't sail that ship that officer gains no xp. Officers have as much dura as the ship, loose last dura that officer goes down with the ship.
  4. Learn the game. Learn how it works and then sail accordingly. All those people you hear moaning about not getting in battles, have they ever thought it also stops people ganking them inside their missions and battles they start against AI ect? Have you seriously thought about how it would be if every time you started a mission bad guys could jump in and sink you for the next 15 mins? You could never do a mission in peace. Right now the rule of thumb is simple, if your starting a battle either PVP or a mission and you cant see any other ships on the Horizon your going to be able to do it in peace, if there are sails on the horizon you might get disturbed. This is the simple reason for the 2 min timer, we have had longer timers before and it was much worse.
  5. Small ships do seem like they travel fast, once you get into bigger ships your soon see things slow down. Try sailing at battle sails rather than full sails and depowering on a pass. Also at 40 hours aiming is still a bit hit and miss, not that I still don't miss now and then after god knows how many hours.
  6. Go back to the old days of every time I buy a new computer I have to find all my old gamming disks and passwords to reinstall everything?
  7. Fox since I started playing this game, the battle timer has shrunk from 15 mins too 2 mins. It was done for the simple reason, when you start a fight what you see on the horizon will be what can enter your battle. This also protects mission runners who wait until no ship is in sight then start their mission. Yes it can be frustrating at times of course, but 2 mins has proven to be the optimal timer. Can you imagine the chances of doing a mission in peace around Jamaica if the timer was 15 mins? It works both for and against everyone and people need to get used to it. Why do you have the timer while undocking you ask? Its simple people would hide an entire fleet in port with a lone ship outside, the moment it was attacked the whole fleet would undock and attack. Again it goes back to the point when you start a fight what you see on the horizon is what your gonna be dealing with. Should there be a social perk of some kind that extends a timer or the chance of reinforcement? I thought it was fun and saw some huge brawls go down so I am not dead against it. Lets see what the devs come up with.
  8. Most of the National divisions are driven by the few individuals who run the various clans. The line members of each clan will have no problem with each other. The leaders however will often deride the other clans and their actions to the line members. Line members who have very little contact with these people start believing the bullshit. The problem is the huge egos of clan leaders, they love to tell people what to do but find it much harder to be told by anyone else or co operate with other people when its not their own plan or think they know a better one. Their may be some rare exceptions but that's the norm from what I have found. Smug leaders making constant derogatory remarks about other clans and their actions witch will eventually rub off on the line members.
  9. Jesus Christ, look at all the butthurt egos in that council meeting. People are taking themselves way too seriously.
  10. They got caught by 2 pubbie fleets after terrorising the area for a while. Tried to run but got destroyed to a man. Yes was lots of young sailors who showed the pirate Bellonas too much broadside, but displyed great bravery and determination to bring the bad guys to justice.
  11. Everyone turns up at Kingston at some point in the day. The most outrageous is the Russian pirate clan that turn up in 1st and 2nd rates and have the audacity to stream the entire thing live on twitch. Fair play to them.
  12. This man can at least back his words up by his actions on the battlefield.
  13. Running Rear Admiral missions outside Port Morant is not a good idea. Any of the locals could of told you that.
  14. New players are already looked after. The basic cutter is free, the crew are free. What more do you need? They can mission and pvp for no risk and no expense. Then when they spend their hard erred cash on anew toy like a snow, it has 5 dura allowing for some mishaps while leaning the ropes. When I was new it was the most exciting thing of the day to get in a fight with real people.
  15. Well I think quite a few port battlers have already quit or at least until the patch, hence why the majority of the British population are skirmishing with raiders around Kingston. My own view is that meaningless wars without consequence will do more damage to a nations player base than getting a good hammering any day of the week. I like a good challenge and quite a few other people would too. When half of Jamaica was in Danish or Pirate hands the nation pulled together, shit got real , and the wheat separated from the chaff, it was fun to log in after work and see just how good or bad things were going to be that night.
  16. He means the threat to make Britain quit never existed the same as Saddams WMDs that were used as an excuse for the Iraq war but were never found.
  17. Thinking about it, was it not you guys who had a campaign named make Britain quit? Or was that a dream I had one night after staying up too late?
  18. I have done big clans and endless port battles, for what? For nothing that's what ,you said yourself and everyone else has said, wars cannot be won or lost. There is nothing at stake, nothing to win nothing to loose. You think you are protecting your home land from what exactly? Everyone has clearly stated no one intends to destroy another nation so what is the worse that can happen? Big fleets turn up outside Kingston every night? PVP on the doorstep? Its like a bible basher walking up to me and saying Jesus died for my sins, no he didn't that's just what some people believe.
  19. How are they surviving on your merits what do you think will happen if you are not doing what you are doing?
  20. You seem like a nice chap. I think its just I like to fight wars that have consequences, good or bad, I need some stakes on the table. Could you play poker all night for no money? How long before that gets boring? I played EVE for many years and before that Everquest on a PVP server. All I can say is both games offered some brutal wars. I cannot stand artificial restricted warfare it just does not motivate me, I like to see my enemies crushed or be crushed trying. Nothing personal
  21. You know how I feel about the French, you ride on the coat tails of your Danish masters. You brag about how your coming to Jamaica, then you come crying to the forums about port timers when you get your asses kicked yet again. If Britain announced and all out war on France to the death I would be there like a shot my friend. Under this climate it looks like that will never happen though.
  22. Or you do what the Danes did to the French and Swedes, you hit them so hard they become a vassal state.
  23. Thank you, many good points. my entire post started as a response to bitching in Brit chat about lack of participation in port battles. I felt entitled to have a bitch back. Just understand that to me and others I have recently played with there is a general apathy for port battles. Many ports are taken and then given up without fight, after putting in so much time and effort in a campaign I did not expect the enemy to be let off so lightly only to have to face them again. If you are out there doing it for Britain on the port battle front good luck to you,. Just dont beat up on the pubbies around Jamaica about not wanting to take part in seemingly endless back and forth. Surrender ? You became a Danish vessel. They beat you so hard you joined them and bashed the Swedes with them.
  24. I think they could of been broken but we will never know, btw you might be a long way from home, but kingston area remains some of the most dangerous waters in the game. So it seems the general consensus is, its just a game and those playing it are quite happy for it too ebb and flow endlessly and should one side ever get the upper hand they have to stop and be nice to the looser ect. Thats fine I can dig that, but its not a war that would in anyway motivate me. I think there is a far bigger risk of people quitting through boredom and burnout than through getting a good old fashioned beat down. Again if this is how the majority want their wars why get angry at people who dont want to be a part of it? Whats the worse that can happen to Britain if it looses? After a few ports on Jamaica have fallen the enemy will stop right ? Answer the question, how many ports did the French have left before you gave them back?
  25. So how many ports did France have left before you finished beating them with the stick and offered them the olive branch instead?
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