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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. And good players can take on bad odds. Been in many a fights where it was 2-3 vs 1 odds adn we still beat the team that had more ships (mainly cause of all the AI's they bring) and had hardly any lost on our team.
  2. Actaully there is a speed change but it doesn't show on the in port screen you will notice it in battle though. Even though it's such a small percentage that it's more like an extra .1 knt if anything or two.
  3. I think a lot of folks aren't understanding this part of it and why it's only folks in a certain area that should be able to join.
  4. I believe this is the plan Devs have mention they have for pirates. They took away the green on green part cause it was being abused in more than one way. They hinted that it will be prob clan base in the future. Though Pirates mechanics have to wait until we get all the national stuff ironed out. Though right now we are a Nation that is basically at war with every one. But until the patch comes out and we know for fact how this is going to work it's like a big waiting game.
  5. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3840990/330m-superyacht-owned-Russian-billionaire-sails-test.html Some info about her.
  6. Good point as now say we have US Brit and Spanish in an area. US and Brits alliance with each other and war with Spanish. There just happens to be Pirates there too. So we know what side the US will get pulled to if a Brit hits the Spanish. Though what side would the Pirate get to attack since they are at war with every one and they should get to pick sides. If one of the three hit the pirate will they all join against the pirates? At this time there is no third team optoins or the old green on green where pirates can attack any one. I didn't even think about this but I think it's going come up as being an issue. What if pirates want to kill every one? What if some pirates want to help the US/BRits, but another clan/group wants to help the Spanish? With the same group lets toss in a fourth nation. Say there is some French there and they aren't at war with any one (other than the pirates) would it make two groups and the US/Brits will get in a battle with the Spanish and the French end up out number by the fleet of Pirates? This going to be tested out pretty fast I'm sure.
  7. Isn't that exploration? Remember just cause you see the map doesn't mean you char has been there. To me I haven't been there until I been to that port. There are still some ports in the South Gulf of Mexico I haven't been to. Just cause they haven't put it in doesn't mean it's not comming. Not ot mention your unknown random map stuff was never even talked about. There has all ways been a map with set ports. Just some things like Kidd's island is not on the map and has to be found on it's own unless some one cheats and gets the cords. This guy gets it. I would love a more exploration ship that has a bigger cargo than a warship, but more guns than a merchant ship. Something good for going from port to port and maybe trading with and can protect it self. I'm still working on hitting every port once and that could be part of a exploration mission or such.
  8. Or the other thing if you have more than one button than it gets more confusing and you can mess up. I prefer one buttom myself. Though hate where it's at and need to remap it. I notice I have a problem of hitting it some times when doing other things. Like when I go to depower I have hit it with my fat fingers before.
  9. US had some problems and we didn't expect anything along with the PvE. Not to mention those big attacks a few weeks ago. What is wrong with this new generation of gamers wanting every thing. Not that I wouldn't turn down a free ship of course....lol Yah I been doing some of the same thing right now while waiting on the patch to get here. That and breaking out some of the old games too. I'm going to work on a new play through of all the ME games to get ready for ME:A even though that won't be out for a good long time lol
  10. Nor is any of it explained in full detail and prob won't be until the patch comes out. They need something to reset the servers or it will get stale. This could be total coquest or every so many months it resets. I would say three months would be a good time to do resets or even monthly but I don't think monthly would be good with how much area Spain starts out with. So the 3 month thing would be best as it will take a while to do battles and take lands. To be honest we don't know any detail and should just wait for the patch instead of just guessing and putting that info out there. In the very link you post the DEVS say there will be conquest. They haven't said it can't be. I'm going to bet we will be play testing these very things to see what works or not.
  11. People need to stop talking about Pirate Mechanics until all the Nation stuff is done as per Devs. We are a Nation until than and we will just have to wait until the patch for Pirates comes out (prob going to be the next big one). With that yah we will prob be having a blast every time they start to run up agro in an area we can just show up to fight them for the PvP and we don't even have to drive up our own agro. Thus keeping Spain ports safe from capture even if no one is there to defend them for the most part.
  12. To be honest the two largest nations should never be in a alliance for long. Loo how stale things have been since pirates topped fighting the port stuff. Who else is there to fight? Even the smaller nations have an alliance with Brits (which I can see) but to be all honest it's pretty much every one against Spain (uh is there any one left other than one player and his alts?), Danes (They only have one real time zone to fight in and well that is more small nations fighting with a little brit thrown in) and Pirates (every one hates us). I really wish Pirate capital was Kidd's Island not right int he center of things. It's going to be to tempting for some one to try to roll them fast off the bat for the reason you meantion above. I would be happy with just being a thron in the sides as other natiosn fight each other. Some pirates can fight for one side or the other and some can just hate every one, but that will never happen when some of the top nations all have alliance with each other and aren't fighting other nations. To be honest US and BRITS should be at war with each other. The smaller nations should pick sides and help each other out. And pirates should just be a thorn in every ones side. Helping some and hunting others (or all). I'll be honest with you I expect US to try to do the GULF grab up since there is little to no Spanish to fight back, but most nations are going to do this. The good thing is that creates agro and a place for us to go get PvP no matter what Nation you are. You might pick one side or the other. Once we know the regions that give special perks in crafting ships those are going to be hot spots for sure. Does any one know if the alliance votes will be reset on patch? They should be so every one starts over from scratch after the patch with who you will align with or fight against.
  13. And it's funny the rumors you hear about one clan. Folks think we have 100's of members but to be honest it's only 15-20 very active guys that play well together in it. Add in one or two other clans that has 3-5 guys and you get that 20-25 guys doing most of the stuff. Devs have even came on and told both Brits and US that US has the largest Population with Brits next to them. It's not our fault we have the most active PvPers but we have a lot of folks that don't work with others too. Some of it is stupid rumors made by folks that got butt hurt over this or that. Had some one last night say BLACK is the only ones that can make H. Rattlers. In fact we had the only guy until one of the last events but he had been AFK for over a month and has recently even left black while still being very inactive in the game. Prob will come back after the patch. The only clan that we know that has the BP is ZILCH. So we aren't the ones keeping them from every one. I'm sure ZILCH will make them for folks if asked. It's funny how folks just believe one side of stories and not find out the facts. Hell we do have folks with L'Ocean and Aggmon BP's and will make them for nothing mroe than mats and labor contracts if just asked. The only thing we said at the start was clan members get first dibs on them. Wich we would expect of any clan out there to do the same. As for the very effective this BLACK on vacation until patch comes out (we will still do open world PvP and show up for some battles) is showing folks just how much we fought and keep back two fronts on the map and left the third to every one else. I mean just look at the current map and how much ports have changed hands cause no one is showing up to defend them. And like you said that is only 25ish players of a few clans. Imagine if the pirates actually did all work together as a nation? Hell imagine if the Brits and US could get together and do the same too? I really just can't wait until the new patch comes out where there will be no more empty flag flipping of ports during off peak hours and multi port flag pulls so you can't cover all the fights and will loose some cause you got most every one fighting one nation. Maybe we will actually see some Nation VS Nation fights and just get to be Pirates and thorns in their sides....just maybe. Having a server just for PvE is kidna a waist of resources and there was never anything that promised PvE only to players. If you want it than you can play in the specail zone reserved for it and it will stay that way. You be surpised how many PvE players have been showing up on the PvP servers board after they have ranked up. The sad thing is how much these guys have no clue how to fight in PvP and than they complain cause they suck and fight like they are fighting AI and don't even know how to manual sail.
  14. That and add in the long wait since the last patch and the only new content we had was from the events that a lot of people was not happy about how special paints and BP's where given out and mostly to one sided towards certain nations. And than not released after the events are over. Many folks stopped logging in cause of this. We had some great spike in numbers during the last few events but they just didn't keep the numbers cause even the last one was a quick grab and run with little to no other content after those first guys got out of there. Than delay of a big patch which I don't mind myself, but when folks stop doing stuff and logging on cause they want to get the new content and others don't and use the lack of players to take advantage and steam roll folks it hurts player numbers even more.
  15. Going to take a wild guess that REBEL is all ready used in your nation even if it's not an active clan.
  16. There was a topic brought up about how folks can surrender to get around a blockaid if they have dura on a ship or if they sink they are right there at the port the battle is at, but if you don't have a Nation Port or freeport close your sent far away. I'm all for this myself. I think that when you sink you should be sent back to your Capital to be honest. The capital port should all ways be free along with the Newbie capital one. That would give us 10 slots in ports if they did that with one free one at start to pick how you want like we all ready start with.
  17. How soon might that be? Though I would have to admit storms in battles even if they are small ones would rock and make for something interesting in them. I haven't seen very heavy rough seas in a while either. Folks complaining about a lot of rain never been offshore. I had rain for weeks before when being out at seas and than other times it was so hot and dead calm you just wished it would freaking rain or something. I have all so been through 30 foot waves (got to love the Navy days).
  18. It's really not that hard to grind up the levels, but you should not be maxed out in a week or even month to be honest to many new games let you get to max level way to fast. That and most games won't even let you touch things like 1st rates or SOL until you hit a certain tier. You can if some one gives you one man a 1st rate as a rank one char. Way under crew, just remember all the Buccs folks capped from undercreweed newbies?
  19. People need to stop with the Pirate Nation thing. Remember we voted to put off the Pirate mechanics until all the Nation stuff is ironed out. That is why we are like a nation at this point except we are at war with every one. Though I'm all for the Raid system for the Port/Region control and if you can do the Marque Pass and work as a Privateer for a Nation. Being able to give up that contract and switch nations you work for a set time. Maybe three weeks vote time you can get a Letter of Marque and work for that nation. If any one knows how the Mechwarrior online mechanics work for Merc Clans/Solo you can pick a period time to work for one nation and you get perks (extra credits and such) depending if that is a small faction or you get less credits for the over populated ones. This would be a cool clan mechanic for Clans in the Pirate groups. Can have one clan/even solo work for one nation and another works for another nation and than you will have the outlaws that work for no one. Than again this is all for later patches when they get all the National stuff ironed out. Until than as per the devs own words. We are a PIRATE REPUBLIC so we are a Nation but without any alliances.
  20. Cuase not every one logs on every day and not every one is set up to be ready for the new patch. So if it's going to be in two days they prob should give a heads up. I don't really care myself as I have moved all my ports to the new zones that they need to be in or they are just all in freetowns. Though I know others that are still doing econ out of ports or having ships spread out all over the place. I'm expecting it more at the end of next week. I'm pretty sure the last couple patches happen on a Thursday so prob the end of the week more than the first of the week. Hay but we just have to wait and see. Until than I been just logging in to burn labor hours and playing other games like the rest of my clan has been doing.
  21. You got it backwards the Pacific is for the PvE guys. Every thing else would pretty much stay the same on the Atlanitc side as it is now.
  22. Yep last time I checked I thought we where the play testers for the game while it's EA and in it's Alpha stage and prob soon to move to a Beat some time at the end of the year (if they are expecting an early 2017 release). I'm going to bet there is a lot of stuff they have in there private test server they play with that we won't see until later. Like the UI is prob way more done than we know, but do you really want all the bells and whistles now? I mean after it goes live and we get the wipe what would we have to keep playing the game since most of us are maxed out. Personnely I think it should ab a complete wipe for all so we start over new with the rest of the new players. Just with the great knowledge of how the game works we will prob still grind up faster then most. BAH HUMBUG....it's not even December yet so don't say that evil word. Ok as long as we get it before my birthday I"ll be happy, but lets not hope we have to wait for Christmas (my birthday is two days before). I think that is the biggest issue that there is so much new content and change every one is ready to try it out and want it to hurry and get here. I don't mind the wait, but just would like a little update. Many of us are taking breaks and not fighting and that is causing folks to just take empty points and pick on those that are on game still. This is kinda hurting the game a bit. We need a slight heads up to get things ready. If it's going to take another week or two than the Devs should let us know. Hay we still working on it TBA but it's prob not going to make this window just yet type of thing.
  23. Even though I know every one is suppose to be at war with Pirates no matter what, but it's kinda sad when all the nations but one have to be at war with them. It's even more sad when the two largest keep an alliance and noever fight each other. I hear it all the time why folks are switching over to Pirate other than the main reasons. It's cause no one else to fight cause no one is at war with any one. I mean look at PvP2 US and Prits are the largest natios and they have an alliance, but there is no one to really fight. Other than the pirates. We stop fighting you than have nothing to do and no more dots to take. The DUTCH, FRENCH, SWEEDS are in a loose alliance down south fighting the Danes and Pirates. Brts kinda fight the Danes too, but those are all odd hours wars. So lets say the patch doesn't come out in a week or so and the US/BRITS get the pirates down to one port (cause be honest we aren't even trying to fight back) than who do they fight? I hear folks all ready complaining how stale the empty port battles and OW is cause of folks not being online and playing until the patch and even more cause of these supper Alliances. Other than Pirates every one is allways at war with Spain.....isn't there like 5 players and most of them just one guys alts in SPAIN? There really should be a cool down system for the alliances so that you have to go neutral for a while or even go to war with them. Maybe after a conquest if it gets that far you can't allied with the same nations? They prob should do a set reset of the map every 3 months or it might just get stuck with the same folks owning the same areas a nothing trading hands. We will have to see how things turn out with this new system. Actually they have, it's the Pacific/Atlanta Ocean concept on one server with separate PVE and PVP areas. This way you can still get your alone time and you can switch over and do the PvP risk. That is assume that you can cross oceans to do this. To be honest most games I been on has very little PvE areas and more PvP cause that is where the numbers are going to be. Doing a whole server to me seems a waste of resources and if they keep a EU and US servers they should just combine the PvE guys into these two servers with the system they have though of with the other coast.
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