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Anne Wildcat

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Everything posted by Anne Wildcat

  1. But that's you, not everyone. I also like hardcore, and so am planning on setting up outposts in free ports where the action is going on. The devs want to please as many as possible, not only a select few.
  2. Guys, remember, this is a game. I play pirate but am a teacher in real life. I understand wanting realism but you don't want to turn away players by becoming too real. For me, I play pirate because I give a furry rats behind about conquest I like pvp and want to be able to kill anyone. Heck, I'll duel my friends for fun, which only pirates can do. But I also enjoy making things and eventually want to be able to craft big ships. Should pirates not have the ability to craft large ships, no. Remember we are people playing pirates not real pirates. Pirates should be able to capture ports to give them areas to fleet and still be safe Some pirate players (not I) may want to level up fast so they can battle in big ships. They will not want to be attacked by masses of nats while grinding xp Should pirates not be able to capture ports, no. Remember we are people playing pirates not real pirates. Basically, the point I'm trying to make is every player is different, and a real person. Don't add restriction to pirates.
  3. On the topic of crafting, nats feel pirates shouldn't craft to suit the realism of the time. What everyone needs to remember, this is a game. You are not going to get pirates who want to be 100% pirate. Some pirates who care less about conquest, national alliances, and want to kill anyone may also want to craft.
  4. Just got out of a storm and saw what looks like part of a rainbow (without color) in the cloud formation. That gave me the idea for this post. What would be cool to see is rainbows for after you get out of a storm during the daytime. http://imgur.com/DyP74cf
  5. It's also the very first server and was the only pvp server during alpha testing. Many from the US, including me, play on it because of this. I made friends on this server and didn't change once a US server came out because of it.
  6. I think the devs should add 1v1 as a choice for pvp missions. 1v1 Small battles Large battles I'll gladly 1v1 although I'm still a noob & working on getting better at battling.
  7. I don't know much about leveling, but how is this faster than AI fleeting?
  8. If pirates shouldn't craft ships, nats should not be able to capture ships.
  9. I'm just curious, the only faction in game that can have a civil war is pirates. What happens if, let's say, Brits want a civil war? I guess they will have to turn pirate?
  10. Since crew management and production buildings have been added, I'd love to see exploration missions next.
  11. The brains of the Ununited Sissyboys are the yummiest.
  12. I'm kind of a loner with the intent to get good at battling, explore, maybe make money trading, and, cross fingers, eventually get on someone's most wanted list. I can care less about conquest (although will join in on pbs for the pvp, profit, and XP) but will protect my area, and am more interested in pvp. Pirate is the perfect life so why shouldn't I be able to choose it at start?
  13. I'm not talking about putting people on low pop servers to play with only those on that server. Is there some way to get servers to communicate? Let's say Bob is sailing next to me, he is on pvp 1 but because I logged in later, I'm on pvp2. People across servers will be on the same OS map, like 1 big server. As mentioned, I'm not a techie so I'm unsure this is possible.
  14. And constellations and asterisms too.Back to weather.... I also find little sun annoying but I don't know much about weather, is there much sun at sea?
  15. I updated my original post to make my idea more clear. Is there some way to set up the servers so the game chooses which server you play on when you log in? There will also be communication across servers so it seems like two giant servers, one for pvp and one for pve, but in fact it's multiple servers working together?
  16. Congrats on starting to get organized. Looking forward to some good fights in the Bahamas.
  17. I don't think merging servers is a good idea, bc nations on different serves have captured different ports, unless they do a map wipe. If there is a wipe, I wish there was some way to save all data over all servers, and I'm not a tech expert so I don't know, so if in the future one server is full, the game switches you to the other & it will be the same, people will be communicating & interacting across servers, like one giant server that everyone plays on, at least for the pvp servers.
  18. Different people have different work/life schedules. I work, for example, weekday afternoon & evenings & Saturdays so changing pbs to nights or weekends only will be a disadvantage to some. Keep it how it is.
  19. I'm not interested in a shipyard With the limited time I have, I do like to pvp but cannot make money off it to buy ships. I do need some way to make money. Selling resources would be it.
  20. So pirates have to put resource buildings in pirate ports? Or are pirates excluded from having resource buildings? If it is the former, then since soooo many are against pirates being a nation, I suggest adding resource buildings to outposts in free towns.
  21. You are only crying bc, rumor has it, a number of US turned pirate after all the Britt & pirate attacks. I like the ability to be able to attack other pirates. What might help is the ability to run to any other nation even though you will still be QQing. That was a reply to praeters post above.
  22. I can care less about conquest but I like pirates having our own area and I will help defend it. With about 200 hours in game, I am still only rank 3 bc I like to explore & be a thorn in others' sides in my small ships. I am all for pirates who want to rank up, craft, and sail large ships bc they defend my home. If pirates cannot capture ports, then how can we take back ports captured from us? If pirates can't sail large ships, how can we defend our ports from those who do? If some pirates like conquest, so be it, but, being an officer in probably the largest pirate clan on pvp 1 the only interest I see is in defending our central area.
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