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Anne Wildcat

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Everything posted by Anne Wildcat

  1. As a pirate, I like to sail around in enemy waters and dock at free ports. This is just a suggestion as devs are considering the pirate role. Let pirates pay to enter enemy ports, to take a break or hide from chasers. Don't allow these bribers to see port chat or use port shops. Although this can probably be exploited somehow. Just throwing out the idea. ????
  2. You only lose crew when you lose all dur on a ship. So lost crew replenishes after a battle if you didn't completely lose your ship? They way I see it is it will only hurt those sailing 1 dur ships around and make port battles more risky. If you get down to 1 dur on a 5 dur ship, just get a new ship.
  3. Agree, we should be able to see our port timers even though there is a website for it.
  4. Anne Wildcat


    Spiced rum & Dr Pepper is a good mix.
  5. What would be cool but probably impossible to code is save battle instances for NPC fleets and port battles, have OW pvp on the OW. If someone spots a ship close, they fire. Add the ability to enter enemy ports just to hide/repair, no chat available or shops. But then again you will have players hiding & popping out of NPC battles. :/
  6. I like playing with a group but sometimes there are not enough around to find a group, especially with such a large map. A mmo should also provide for solo play when needed. I have a job, a house, a husband so should I only play when I can find a group? Not fun.
  7. Agree with this, how about 20 secs? And I still feel it needs to be longer for the attackee's nation (say 2 min) so the attackee's can call for reinforcements. To avoid counter ganking, maybe add 1.5BR on the attackee's side.
  8. How about 10s for those from the attackers nation, so they can not magically appear on the other side of the circle, but a longer time for people from the attackee's nation?
  9. I am urging anyone that goes to another nations capital area, and I know some pirates that do, and attacks new players to STOP! How would you like it if you started playing a game and right off you get bullied? Do you think these new players will stay? I care about this game and don't want to see it die.
  10. I also cannot see navies, historically, sending 7 ships to take down 1. Waste of resources. Maybe they would send 1 or 2. But I may be wrong as history is not my forte.
  11. Maybe he, like me, likes the thrill of sailing in enemy waters looking for an unexpecting player instead of a 'here you go, battle'.
  12. What would be nice is to have the same 3/4 hour cooldown timer for teleporting to capital but no cooldown for teleporting between outposts.
  13. Not sure you all know, but the 1.5BR mechanic was removed. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/13448-they-disabled-the-15-br-limit-difference/?p=246568
  14. If you look at the trader it says something like 'Contraband goods found'. I'm not in game now and so do not know the exact phrase.
  15. To protect new players, mechanics should be installed so enemies can't enter protected zones, but than you'll get all the whiners, 'that's not realistic', 'it's a sandbox game, I should be able to do whatever I want' and so forth.
  16. Not that I'm enforcing this rule, but why sail anywhere in a Pavel?! You are asking for trouble. Save 1st and 2nd rates for port battles. If it's a port battle at another port, sail very close together in a large group.
  17. No, please please no consumables. We have upgrades for bonuses. Keep it simple. What would be cool is loot collections you can trade in for gold and/or XP and possibly missions attached to this.
  18. That would be a cool idea, being able to craft from a phone. However, the devs have so much to work on now, I do not see it happening.
  19. As posted before, if you are in enemy waters there is no place to sell goods you've captured, but repair kits, or port if you need a break other than free towns. Keep free towns, keep outposts there (especially if pirate mechanics are reworked). I'm for what Babble, I believe, suggested, have free towns have a ship manifest of all online players docked there. Although this could possibly cause other problems.
  20. I think the AI challenge is good. Realize you may not finish every battle, you may need to run. Before, a group of 4 could finish off 8 AI without any running or loss, which is not realistic. Coming from POTBS where 1 to 2 men can take down a group of 8, this is a welcome challenge. My only suggestion is to dumb down AI in the first few level missions to help new players. Edit If you want a quick, relaxing, easy fight then do a lower level mission.
  21. As a national, set up patrols in your area. If you see large groups of enemies, call on people to attack. As a pirate, I sail in enemy waters and free towns are the only place I can port and sell any goods captured. Please keep free towns and outposts there.
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