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Anne Wildcat

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Everything posted by Anne Wildcat

  1. But they are slower than their counterparts and so if they face their counterparts they probably will not have the option to run if outnumbered.
  2. Just watched the trailer. It didn't show very much about the game at all in my opinion.
  3. It's kind of sad, I play this game for the PVP but usually only have time to play on weekends. Three weeks in the only PVP I have had is in basic cutters. The rest of the time I've been working to get money, buy outposts, set up some buildings. I just redeemed my pickle and surprise, bought medium cannons from the store, and I'm back to getting money so that if I do lose, I'm not completely broke. Although I did finally make a traders Lynx Hopefully in a month I'll be able to be more consistently pvp'ing. We will see.
  4. My suggestion would be allow to choose durabilities on crafting, more dur requires more mats. This, I think, would satisfy both crowds.
  5. If they are home defense fleets, they should be out patrolling the f'ing waters and not just come out when someone cries. My suggestion, remove tp to national outposts but be able to do econ (harvest goods) from anywhere?. Just a suggestion.
  6. Talk about arrogant. I only have weekends to play, so maybe 8 hours a week and I'm a hardcore fan. Not leaving. Yes this patch is hard, week 3 and still getting my Econ and money stash set up, but it doesn't deter me.
  7. I thought Devs wanted SoLs to be a wow factor but with the new conquest mechanism it seems like SoLs will be easy to get again. Personally, I'd like SoLs to be rare.
  8. Want a reduction of revenge fleets? Remove tp to national outposts.
  9. @Global Pirates Just leave South Haiti for us French to harass Brits. ? Back on topic, someone above posted allowing capture of AI 6th rates and lower. I think that would be good in case someone loses everything, it will allow them to get back on their feet without returning to the basic cutter. Plus I enjoyed my first capture, even though it was AI, and would like to give new players that same feeling.
  10. Amen! I know everyone likes their big ships but this new such is lord seems like an undoing of trying to make them rare.
  11. Nice job! There definitely need to be more people out there interested in trader raiding than making money or grinding skill slots
  12. This is a niche game. It does take patience and time. Myself, I can care less about RvR but I like hunting for PVP. Sometimes I can find some, other times not but as I don't mind the sailing and the time it takes when I play on weekends, I love this game.
  13. Take note of what trade goods are sold for in your nations capital, I actually created a spreadsheet to make it easier for me. Then go to a nearby enemy port. There is probably something there that you can make money off of. Yesterday I made a huge mistake, I got down to 16k gold after harvesting Oak, do not do what I did. You want at least 100k to be able to fill your boat with goods. But I was able to make it back to 126k from 16k doing trade runs. I'm sure all the really money making materials will be bought but there will be something at enemy ports not too far away to make money from. You will not need to sail hours just to make some money. I hope this helps.
  14. Maybe you can find someone in your nation that doesn't mind the sail and pay them to do it?
  15. What nation do you play for? Ask in nation chat. I'm sure there are some people in your nation who know how to make money relatively fast.
  16. Cayman Brac is a Free Town. You can no longer teleport to and from free towns but you can teleport between national outposts.
  17. Maybe on basic cutters you can only do 1v1? I like basic cutter PvP.
  18. I'm definitely not new to the game and I still struggle with the lowest level mission in a basic cutter. ? I should try it more but basically I avoid it. What I do for fun is search for PVP in my basic cutter (yes, PVP, please don't take that away as suggested in another thread) or hit AI trader brigs, I also suggest please bring back AI trader lynxs and cutters back to the game. Point being, there are ways for a new player to make money and level up other than missions. Edit: Hit an AI trader brig the other day and got lucky getting a historical artifact which sells for more than 80k. Got outposts and buildings set up
  19. Yes please, at least bring back capture of AI traders. If while hunting in enemy waters I hit an AI trader, it was nice when you could take control of the trader, enter an enemy port under the smuggler flag, and sell the goods.
  20. It can be touchy, move the camera around. You can no longer capture the ship, unless it belongs to a player, but you can take goods. Look for the x. Like I said, it can be touchy, so move the camera around or get closer.
  21. I'm sorry if this is off topic. When the final version does come & you need help making spreadsheets let me know. It should not take that long to create a spreadsheet. Raw resources only need to be included once then referenced. Here is the one I created when the new POTBS econ, which is much more complex, came in. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1t1MfojC6ceQlHIL78nSIUB_7GkEU-oJ2oH-Tb7d_kBc
  22. Trader raiding is very profitable if you are good at it, or have the numbers. If you are going broke bc there are privateers making money off you trying to make easy money, do the same to them. Worry less about money early in and go out hunting. If you go completely broke, hit some AI traders and sell the goods until you are back in business. What might reduce the number of trader raiders is removing nation to nation tp, which I would not mind, but I know a lot are against.
  23. I've seen plenty of action, in fact one of your guys got a PVP mark off of me. (yes, I'm a PVP noob) Take a few days and enjoy it, find some battles in the basic cutter wait for econ later.
  24. If you already redeemed everything, do a few missions or kill some AI on OW then you have the gold. If you haven't redeemed anything, delete your character.
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