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Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by pietjenoob

  1. Those who are insane are the ones you find insane. The insane are alround you but the quality may vari. Look to the guys who are closest to you those are too crazy to sail with and yet you sail with them *cough*steel,bubbs,shiv,nash,me to name a few*cough*
  2. Well you have also take into account that not everybody uses the british pound. I know for a fact is that the dutch had generally 36 pdr Dutch on the lower deck which roughly translates to the 42 pdr british pound on most ship of the line and a few other nations use a different pound than the british which makes it heavier or lighter
  3. and when can we expect the the first dutch ships?
  4. Why haven't any Dutch ship been implemented whilst they have only a nation and nothing else to show for whilst the other country's has at least 2 ships to show off? http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/15194-a-question-to-devs/
  5. Well i believe that DAS and ARSE voted against the treaty so i don't why DAS and ARSE both aprove the treaty whilst they both disagreed with it
  6. because the Treaty is made by a single person and had no involment of the Diplomats
  7. Well like i said earlier this person is a self proclaimed diplomat and how do you suggest a clean house if this person acts on it own?
  8. Pablo Frias, on 31 Jul 2016 - 11:26 PM, said: 7 up is not the most important Dutch clan. they are the most active RVR clan yes but not the most important no we have a council of at least 8 different clans of differents sizes
  9. Well unfortunaly this person we are talking is not representing the dutch nation. and no he did not inform anyone untill it was already too late so don't blame the dutch nation for it but the person(s) who came up with this this treaty did not involve any kind of Dutch diplomat or through the dutch council what so ever
  10. this is the worst TREATY you can ever make. and this far from FAIR and this is not the decision of the DUTCH NATION COUNCIL
  11. you probably need hire some conquistadores, donkeys and horses and find the lost ship of Ponce de Leon, the Santiago. or what the shipwrecks name may be.
  12. well depends on the stuff you have and what kind of ship it is but it is you only option to leave atm i look it this way most thing can be replaced. but the not craftable stuff yep sorry but you need to search new ones and i had the same problem with a complete Boarding modules just vanished in thin air it took a few fays with the help of good contacts most could be replaced by the same or a bit lower
  13. and that is why they asked for the south of cuba, The cayman isles and Placer area to be not be attacked out side no problem if i have heard correctly. but unfortunaly the spanish are coming with ridiculous demands whilst it was only a talk to see what kind of peace/ limited war was possible nothing else
  14. then i would say you have or chosen the wrong nation or the wrong game. and personally this should be part of general discussion not NN. but take also in account the first itteration of the Diplo patch will be next month and Diplomacy is not the easiest thing to implement in a game because of the many aspects. and yet you need to get a healthy playerbase or else i would suggest go take a look at USA PVP2 which is way worse than PVP 1(everybody have a sustainable economy via treaty or ports) http://vps9712.ervers.com/map/pvp2/
  15. maybe teleporting had the same issue a while back with a lot of clan mates btw of the 12 ships only 2 got get out the rest was stuck
  16. what also is a nice one, is the 64 gunner Rotterdam also a nice mid 18th century ship and Dutch
  17. to be more correct it were 26 ports but currently someting like 30+ ports and they wanted a shared buffer(wait, what?) on south-Cuba, Cayman island and placer area. A buffer can only exist in one nation or as allies. then to help the pirates i would say you can also go east enough room over there. and how can a nation be at a disadvantage whilst they still have other options to go for.
  18. who are the participants? maybe also the text of TS
  19. and would in the end damage the ship and crew by blowing up after a couple of shots. if it was real, possibilty would be the ship would sink by the amount of cannons explodes and schrapnel or at least a ship without cannons
  20. to the addition on this topic it is Dutch not Ducht and most dutch ships besides the orange had if i remember correctly they had a blue band around the ship. and most dutch ships had a triple prince and the admiralty flag most of the time flag of privince on top of the masts besides the flag signals
  21. that is only talking about the ships not even to mention the admirals who have earned a lot of respect from foreign country's the Tromps, De Ruyter and Cornelis Evertsen to name a few.
  22. Well who attacked the Dutch in the east while there was a war between Dutch and French it was also Spanish so to be more exact Spanish should have declared war on the Vereenigde Provinciën and not the Dutch be happy we did
  23. Well what i hope is that the Developers have noticed this and will make a teaser or something for a Dutch ship al be it an Fisher man but it cannot be that one of the most Economecial and in lesser degree military wise the Vereenigde Provinciën has nothing to show for before release or earlier.
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