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Everything posted by pietjenoob

  1. Yes i tried 2 or 3 different settings but none seem to work
  2. Well I think that a good pvp/clan player knows the ship he is using, the perks he has, and what build is a good one as a hunter also the use of wind and maybe also how to play with partner in crime not to mention the ships he is up against and the possible perks/skills the adversary might have, looking at the Cackling brothers, @Tac and eirene and @Liq ;P I know that liq could easily take on more than 2 but it is also partially the skill level of player.
  3. Well normally i tend use cable, but even then it doesn't work also on wifi since i move home once in a while.
  4. Hey gents, I got a question, when I try to log in on my laptop with out connection to the energygrid I cannot come further than my char. before u enter port or OW Is this a normal bug/problem?? and any idea on how to possibly solve it? Pietjenoob
  5. May i ask who commanded the last PB of SM and who had the most ships..... and then again if we were mercanery why didn't you guys hire us? And as long people make suggestions, rumours and false aqcuisations. then to a lot a of people will always see us in a bad light. Then again when we changed nation we conciderd all nations with their pro's and cons. If memory serves correctly the pirates and brits were on a shared 2nd. And why did we side with swedish over our own and why are we playing swedish whilst things are good? We also could still could played Dutch you know. but then again u don't know the Full history of Cabal and why it was founded. And I am proud to be part of this group
  6. I want to give that day a Chronicle order of what happend. I was online that day early, and i knew we were going to hunt somewere most probaly around Roseau since PB. So I asked in NC what is the status with the French, just in case, multiple people responded, lions, ppp, pervs and XIX and they all stated: No RvR, but pvp is allowed. Later that evening we sailed already later so we could avoid the PB and went to Rosseau with 3x 3rd, a Pfrig, acting as scout/ support and a late Connie. To find some lone people sailing but we couldn't find people for 30 min so we sailed to Roseau. We met the French and Swedish and they all asked what our intentions were we said to come for battle and as an agreement we said we came as neutral. But attacking the Swedish would be suicide since they had around 30-35 people and the French even more with 50 people (not counting the PB) and half of it just over the horizon. When we were there at 45 min after start PB our connie arrived at Rosseau. At roughly 60-75 min after PB the French attacked the Swedish screening. The French had 23 people on there side and the Swedish 11-12 then we jumped in so in total the French had 23 and the swedish 16-17. I shall start from top to bottom first Sweden then France Sweden :3x 3rd, 1/2 x Aga, 2x Connie, the rest (10-11) a 5th rate ranging from PFrig till cerb France : 1x Vic, 2x Buc, 3x Bell, 1x Aga, 2x Connie and a Navybrig, the rest (14)a 5th rate ranging from PFrig till cerb The French tagged close to a Fortress and sailled a rough 235 course, wind was coming from the east aka 90, Swedish persueded them, they moved to a more 260-ish course, they tried with Ai Navybrig, a surp and a Ren to distract, particially it worked. Then French started to escape the battle, apart from a vic, surp, navybrig, connie and a Indefati, they all were either captured or sunk, the rest escaped. Eirene or Elias Captured a Vic, and I boarded a indefati, but he surrendered whilst i did the most damage Then the shit storm happend U may agree or not but this is what happend that day u can ask both french and swedish about it
  7. Somebody with people to fill pb+screening, but it depends on whom you ask
  8. And the noob hasn't even showed up yet
  9. Which 1 rate u mean Dutch and if i recall correctly the Swedish and DN had no 100+ ships. but she would be intresting on how they would make her into the game or not.
  10. With Legends i already heard people saying shallows are which make it interesting if you for example want to defend a fortress but you have mainly frigate but a 2/3 shallow water sols with a heavy broadside in the shallows whilst their French, American, Spanish and English counterparts need have at least half more depth to operate. Which also should also get naval landing were only traders for example can land marines to shore to capture fortresses, tower and the town. Which in turn could be translated to paying soldiers to keep city save.
  11. The first one known to use stock was the Dutch VOC. Est. in 1602 to unite the merchants into one business and stop the rivalry between them
  12. One of the biggest score i know so far/ taken part of 4 Indiamans captured, 1Wasa captured, 2 Indiamans and a Wasa we send it as gift to Davy Jones and the Flying Dutchman. Total worth in gold some were in the millions Goods: 11.000 Iron, 1700 Compass wood, 3000+ White oak planks, 2000 Provisions, 2400 Silver ore, 2100 gold, 800 sabicu and other goods that were at least 4 figures As a gift: To the brimm loaded indiamans with coal and guns My personal contribution 550+ crew to Hell itself And may Tyr and Ull be ever in your favor
  13. I feel really pleased that one of those Little Bastards was I and i did killed only a meager 550+ crew kills and @rediii 2 times Pala's indiaman sunk both thanks to the fortress, apperantly had were fully loaded with coal and guns.
  14. Yeah they but were on a timer, btw 4 danes v 7 swedish and i think if you would have put Ai on me and august u could blow us with one or two broadsides out of the water then it would be very intresting. And i also forgot to say Thank you for the Indiamans.
  15. And also maybe less of a turn since a good keel acts more or less like a fin and that can make shallow water also drift a bit more than usual
  16. Then u can get rid of all the Dutch ships then since most of the sol are designed to punch above their normal rate
  17. Ah yes, ah wonderfull battle Thanks to Graf bernadote we have supplied our nearly empty warehoure rough tonnage 20.000 total worth some were in the millions
  18. For the 7 Provinciƫn u got the wrong max lb it is supposed to be 36 pdr. Same goes for the Prins Maurits and the Vrijheid For the 74 gunners they would have 28*36pdr , 28*24 pdr , 18*12 pdr, it means they would have a broadside weight with Dutch pound in 948 pdr whilst the current bellona has 865 and the St Pavel 1038 if we calculate that to Brit pdr she has a pdr of 1041. There for I would say the Dutch ships would be a nice filler to bridge the gap between certain rates as a heavy ship rate.
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