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This newspaper is ridiculous, not to mention to the many losses the brave Spanish army inflicts daily at their own gates. Do not let people lie! The truth is out there ... and hurt the US Navy.


See you soon, collecting pieces of burning wood from your ships!!!


I find this funny.  You obviously do not have a clear picture.  Like when yesterday 11 US players beat 20 Spanish players during peak hours.  Or what about later, when about the same number chased off a same sized but HEAVIER Spanish fleet.  Or what about in your prime time we took several of your ports that you set timers for and were there to defend in large numbers?  Who has holdings on Cuba?  Notice how the US newspapers aren't reporting our minor victories.  Of course, you want your minor victories in because that is all you have, apart from Tampa the other day, which was in my newspaper, just like pirate victories have been in it and any major defeat of ours will be in it.


So far, this conflict with Spain has only showed that Spain is indeed the sick man of Europe, as people started calling it.  15 Spanish Frigates and 5 Snows and Niagaras couldn't beat 8 or so American Frigates and 7 or so Brigs, Snows and Niagaras and left Key West with their tails between their legs and with losses.

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Haha! :)

I do like the efforts you put into creating nice background pieces. That's good point for you. :wub:


Anyway, that's fun to see that the only ones who are convinced of those stories being the truth are your proud captains of the US. :P

In my experience of a few skirmishes and port battles and according to live reports that were made on our vocal, you were mostly defeated. You have taken all our ports  because battles were launched during french sleeptime. Many of your members have lost several ships (destroyed or captured)  which was often higher rank than ours. While we have lost barely anything except during the battle of Mobile where we fought you completely out-numbered.

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Lol.  Your comms then are reporting lies.  Who in your navy is skilled?  Grim and a few others?  One skilled captain cannot hope to defeat a nation in which a good many are some of the top players in the game.  Nakor's entire argument that we shouldnt be fighting the French is that the vast, vast majority of your group are brand new.

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Ignoring the fact that there is no peace mechanic in the game at the moment and that any native port of Spain can be taken by a few guys without clan when nobody is around; it is impossible to "sign" peace with Cuban ports in US hands and set to unreachable timers. The players in the Spain faction know pretty well that US is going to take over all the map at will without retaliation so game over on that part of the game.

I am pretty sure the Real Armada Española won't give up but this situation is not for everybody.

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Ignoring the fact that there is no peace mechanic in the game at the moment and that any native port of Spain can be taken by a few guys without clan when nobody is around; it is impossible to "sign" peace with Cuban ports in US hands and set to unreachable timers. The players in the Spain faction know pretty well that US is going to take over all the map at will without retaliation so game over on that part of the game.

I am pretty sure the Real Armada Española won't give up but this situation is not for everybody.

Again you have the same chance to attack US ports during off times for US players.

You cannot keep using that as an excuse. It is not the fault of US players you cannot and will not take advantage of the same opportunity that everyone else has.

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Ignoring the fact that there is no peace mechanic in the game at the moment and that any native port of Spain can be taken by a few guys without clan when nobody is around; it is impossible to "sign" peace with Cuban ports in US hands and set to unreachable timers. The players in the Spain faction know pretty well that US is going to take over all the map at will without retaliation so game over on that part of the game.

I am pretty sure the Real Armada Española won't give up but this situation is not for everybody.


yeah but TF offered to take the ports on Cuba and set no timer, so that the Spanish could retake them without effort and set their own timers. They were rejected and rather rudely at that. and while yes it is impossible to enforce a peace with the non-clan members of a faction, those disorganized players who aren't part of a clan wouldn't stand a chance against a concerted Spanish response especially as Cuba is home turf for Spain, they can get to any port on the north fast by TPing to Havana.

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Actually, Spain started it. You attacked our players, we tried to negotiated a peace understanding between the US and Spain, and you told us to piss off.

Jaja, Liers, bengun to "negociate" after take west coast of Florida. I spit in your "diplomacy" and use your newspaper in wc.

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Spanish players forget that long before we took ports on the Florida Coast, I think on the 1st day of the Pre-Early Access Head Start, Spanish leadership spit on American leadership in TF and TDA.  We went along with that.  Then you took ports in the Keys and Florida, then you sent players up the US coast and ganked several US players while we were focused on Pirates.  Then we fought back, and now have the majority of Florida, all of the Keys, and 2 ports on Cuba.  So go spit on yourselves.

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Spanish players forget that long before we took ports on the Florida Coast, I think on the 1st day of the Pre-Early Access Head Start, Spanish leadership spit on American leadership in TF and TDA.  We went along with that.  Then you took ports in the Keys and Florida, then you sent players up the US coast and ganked several US players while we were focused on Pirates.  Then we fought back, and now have the majority of Florida, all of the Keys, and 2 ports on Cuba.  So go spit on yourselves.

They can't play victim if they actually told the truth.

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Ignoring the fact that there is no peace mechanic in the game at the moment and that any native port of Spain can be taken by a few guys without clan when nobody is around; it is impossible to "sign" peace with Cuban ports in US hands and set to unreachable timers. The players in the Spain faction know pretty well that US is going to take over all the map at will without retaliation so game over on that part of the game.

I am pretty sure the Real Armada Española won't give up but this situation is not for everybody.

There is no way we could take over the whole map, our population is not nearly big enough for something like that.

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"Tradition of losing to Americans" ... ? I mean, It's not like the Spanish can even actually defend their Ports since you know... at the time you all attack they are always offline and sleeping for their next day of IRL work and stuff XD

Sure, wooooo! you took two ports. Two ports that nobody could defend because nobody was online at the time rofl. Great Victory! haha.

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"Tradition of losing to Americans" ... ? I mean, It's not like the Spanish can even actually defend their Ports since you know... at the time you all attack they are always offline and sleeping for their next day of IRL work and stuff XD

Sure, wooooo! you took two ports. Two ports that nobody could defend because nobody was online at the time rofl. Great Victory! haha.

That's no excuse, if your to lazy or don't have the mental capacity to attack U.S ports while they are not on, your entire faction gets what it deserves.

Besides you guys are more than guilty of attempting to do the same thing, just can't manage it.

Are the Spanish ever going to accept responsibility for their own incompetence? Or continue to make up the same sorry excuses time and time again.

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"Tradition of losing to Americans" ... ? I mean, It's not like the Spanish can even actually defend their Ports since you know... at the time you all attack they are always offline and sleeping for their next day of IRL work and stuff XD

Sure, wooooo! you took two ports. Two ports that nobody could defend because nobody was online at the time rofl. Great Victory! haha.

We took 3 ports that had timers on them. The leadership of your faction was too disorganized to think of what time to set the timers at. So if you didn't have players on during that time (you definitely had a few for las tortugas) then that's the fault of RAE and ACE. Not the exploitation by the US faction.

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"La Mano del Diablo" Privateer Spanish Squadron, War Report; 7 Febrary.


"TDA" Z4YS:            Yellow Frigate.

Umen manda:         Mercury

"AO" Demorian:      Snow

Samuel Nicholson:  Cerverus

Ruthless4u:             Cutter.

Edited by lobogris
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"La Mano del Diablo" Privateer Spanish Squadron, War Report; 7 Febrary.


"TDA" Z4IS:            Yellow Frigate.

Umen manda:         Mercury

"AO" Demorian:      Snow

Samuel Nicholson:  Cerverus

Ruthless4u:             Cutter.


The score is being set now.  5 American ships have been lost.

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