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User feedback ship

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Based on the feedback we were getting we have finally figured out what ship testers really wanted in game. 
  • First - excellent performance in any weather conditions (even against the wind)
  • Second - large caliber guns that can shoot without moving the hull and with minimal aiming
  • Third - thick armor allowing to sustain heaviest cannonball fire

This ship was provided for testing today and showed excellent results against most vessels (even first rates)
Screenshots (as usual no Photoshop or any other magic)
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It's the Bismark, I believe. And yes, it was a stupendous model. I assume someone had that kicking around their hard drive from an old pet project. Much too detailed to be thrown together for April 1st ad hoc.

just noticed the word stipendous.. 

this bismarck was done specifically for the 1st of april event

we also had hood but it could not arrive in time.

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So they're the Tier 10 Ships :)


Well that would be a surprise if Naval Action also incorperated  WW1 and WW2 era gameplay.

The ship models look great.

The last time I played a naval game similar to the pic's above was Microprose Task Force 1942 back in 1992.

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Is there any intention to make this game so general in period that it does like world of ships try to do everything badly (I assume) rather than one period well?

I'm sure if Game Labs wants to develop a ww1-2 naval game, it will be just another game, and there won't be any intersection between two games

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