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>>>Beta v1.1 Feedback<<< [RC 6]

Nick Thomadis

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New intrigue with Russian campaign 1900 and ship design. 1st dreadnought design has arrived, but for some reason when I design the ship...it won't let me exit to the world.

First attempt I had sent the ships into production, but then when I exited to the world it was in between the extreme north border/south border world map and stuck. So I backed out to main menu and reloaded, and my new ship production and the design were gone.

Second attempt. When I return to main menu and reload the campaign, the design disappears. Same deal, stuck in ship design. I hit escape, offers me return to main menu but then it comes up in the world now under ship designs page, offering me to build the ship. I did not this time. When I went to world tab, stuck between borders again.

edit - the immediate workaround was to exit the game completely. Then when I reloaded I deleted the old battleships and designs and cycled the turn. Once that turn cleared, I redesigned the dreadnought and put it in production normally. It cleared.




Edited by Admiral Donuts
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It has been said before but I guess I'll add my voice.

Economic collapse of AI opponents needs to go. I guess you can keep it as a failure mode for the player.

New campaign as Britain. War with Germany. Had some nice battles that were decently playable, no real doomstacks, AI playing reasonable. Actually enjoyable. I rack up 100k points to their 10k. After 18 months we sign peace. The same turn the peace was accepted they collapse, leaving me with 770m in reparations but NO PROVINCES to choose. TBH this is bullshit, and just made me want to stop playing again.

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4 hours ago, Stephensan said:

major bug going on

I'm aware of the bug but this is more like a minor bug causing a major problem. After all the only ways to create a NaN out of nothing are divide-by-zero and negative square root.

So the actual fix to this is probably figuring out what had cause something to become 0 or negative when it shouldn't. And if the devs weren't aware of the fact that fuel also became NaN maybe this can help them fixing things faster.

Edited by DableUTeeF
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Shipbuilding capacity does not match what I am currently building.  Unless... is shipbuilding capacity intended to be taken up by ships that are in repair?  If the later, the math is still wrong as seen below.

Unfortunately, I need to type this out as the allowed image size is just too small.

Shipbuilding Capacity:  100,643 t
Ships being built:  3x BBs of 24,869 t displacement for a total of 74,607 t

Ships being repaired: 7x BBs of mixed displacement, 10x CLs of mixed displacement for a total of 131,022 t

Total of ships being repaired and built:  205,629 t

In my Finances tab, I see that my shipbuilding capacity is overloaded:  199,878 t / 100,643 t

UPDATE:  Now that all repairs are complete, Finances tab shows expected 75,000 t which is the maximum allowed displacement for the hulls being built with no modifiers.

Edited by Suribachi
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War reparations still shows provinces taken in previous wars, even from other nations.

Just finished a war with the US, results:

Provinces gained:  Hong Kong, Formosa, Eastern Aleutians, South Alaska, Panama.

Actual:  Hong Kong and Formosa I gained from China earlier.  Eastern Aleutians and South Alaska were gained in a previous war, not this one.  Panama is the only new province I gained in this war.

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*Hotfix Update 4*
- Fixed excessive losses in land battles and made them more dynamic. Advance in offensive missions should be changing back and forth according to monthly battle outcomes.
- Fixed bugs that were caused by land battles and could create campaign instability and crashes.
- Slowed down army conscription increase during wartime.
- Balanced further the  oil resources of Russia according to historical facts.
- Fixed manual aiming not being able to reset after destroying a target or losing it in sight.
- Your manual aiming can now be reset with the combination of keys Ctrl + Space (It is also written in the targeting tooltip).
- Fixed some remaining selection issues in the campaign map.
- Fixed further ship movement issues.
- Fixed speed penalty due to low fuel not applying if speed was not adjusted.
- Fixed NAN bugs in the campaign which could make it become unstable and unplayable. Campaigns that got this bug cannot be repaired, they have to be restarted.
- Fixed old error allowing naval academy or custom battles to load without the necessary auto-designed ships, if some of them failed to be auto-designed.
- The dissolved Major Nations can now properly re-emerge if they have at least one controlled province. (Some remaining issues remain under investigation).
- Fixed smaller nations ordering ships without proper constraints according to their port capacity.

Known remaining issues:
- Targeting of ships can still be inefficient, resetting more often than it should.
- Some of the new hulls cannot be hit by torpedoes due to a bug.
- Emerging Major Nations may emerge and dissolve at the same turn and a portion of their previous fleets may be unmanageable for them.


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5 minutes ago, Nick Thomadis said:

- The dissolved Major Nations can now properly re-emerge if they have at least one controlled province. (Some remaining issues remain under investigation).
- Fixed smaller nations ordering ships without proper constraints according to their port capacity.

Big if true! Can't wait to test it!

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Awesome list of bug fixes. I've been ignoring the previous releases. Might actually give this one a spin--it looks actually playable.

Much love to yall who braved the previous versions of 1.10 & the devs who worked through the laundry list of issues

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There are a lot of expected changes and finally there is no insane amount of oil in Russia.

Now it would be great to deliver the USSR in one piece in 1930/1940 so that France doesn't die every time (I just want to play for France against Germany, please).

Also, Japan is asking for the Liaodong peninsula and Sakhalin (1910-1940).

Edited by Lima
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I've noticed while playing as Russia - that each time I conquer a minor nation my unrest jumps 17.5.

To me this is just arbitrary. I've (Russia has that is) conquered both Afghanistan and Persia. Each time this happened. In either case my decisions were never involved, nor could I influence the outcome.

Nor did I want to.

Since none of it is under my control, I feel more raped by these mechanics than pleased by them.

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i love that we can sell ships to minor nations now and we can control them in battle but i feel like it need to be slowed down a bit i had denmark order a couble of ships and also it would be awesome if we could sell ships to major nations like like an allied or neutral nation could really spice up the campaign if we had to fight our own designed battleship ps would love to know how i do land invasion naval invasions

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37 minutes ago, kineuhansen said:

i love that we can sell ships to minor nations now and we can control them in battle but i feel like it need to be slowed down a bit i had denmark order a couble of ships and also it would be awesome if we could sell ships to major nations like like an allied or neutral nation could really spice up the campaign if we had to fight our own designed battleship ps would love to know how i do land invasion naval invasions

Also it would be wonderfull if we could sell already built ships. I'm pretty sure it would be a good use for old ships.

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43 minutes ago, kineuhansen said:

我喜欢我们现在可以向小国出售船只,我们可以在战斗中控制它们,但我觉得它需要放慢一点,我让丹麦订购了两艘船,而且如果我们可以将船只卖给,那就太棒了如果我们必须与我们自己设计的战列舰作战,像盟国或中立国家这样的主要国家真的可以为战役增添趣味 ps 很想知道我如何进行陆地入侵海军入侵

If you want to start naval invasion send enough navi to the sea region enemy port belong.After you start naval invasion,you can see naval invasions in the mission list click the naval invasions and then send you navi around the port In the middle.And then every term you can see your and your enemy soldierlost in the battle list.It means naval invasion have started.

ps I want to know how to invade minor nations.😂

Edited by Alnitak
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Regarding the re-emergence of previously dissolved majors: Do they need a port or can they exist as purely land-locked nations?

And if it's the latter... will they still build transports even without any port facilities?

Does sale of ships factor in any way into the GDP or does it just give the one-time payment?

Edited by Norbert Sattler
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I just had an UI issue (which I also reported in-game).

I started a new campaign with custom ship building, went into the ship-designer and designed a ship. Then I noticed that the exit button was grayed out. Hitting Esc also didn't have the usual "Leave Shipyard" option, only the option to leave to the main menu.

When I hit exit to main menu the game went to a loading screen and then went back to show the campaign menus, albeit frozen. After 2 or so minutes it finally did go back to the main menu.

The campaign ended up saved in the slot, but in the state prior to saving my ship design (i.e. the finances sliders and research stuff were saved, the ship not).

Designing another ship and saving did not change anything, but making an auto-design did finally make the exit button work again.

Should I send another bug-report from the save-state where it works again?

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Excessive land losses bug is still around. In the first month of an invasion I lost 222k soldiers out of a force of 97k with 4.4k enemy losses. And in the second month my losses rose to over 450k, which is one again more soldiers than my entire country combined even had.

I think it's Serbia specifically that is bugged, since I have so far seen this happen only in attacks on them.

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Well. Drunken sailors are not still fixed.

Also, I think this has been said before, but either strategic speed need to be dramatically increased, or turns need to be dramatically shortened.

It is absolutely nonsensical that a ship would take two monts to go from La Coruña to Barcelona. Not even in the 16th century would have made sense.

Considering that turns are one month long, task forces should be able to go pretty much everywhere in a single turn. If you want to keep the current tactical speed, then turns should be shortened to a week, tops.

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