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What type of game do you wish Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts to develop into?

Rebel Witch

What type of game do you wish Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts to develop into?  

64 members have voted

  1. 1. Pick one of the options.

    • Open world Sandbox (think EVE Online but on the Oceans)
    • Ladder style balanced match play (think world of warships)
    • Other: Describe your wish for this game.

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1 hour ago, goduranus said:

I thought this game studio was known for making realistic games, where the reward for playing come not from fast paced action, but from methodical execution of logistics and tactics.

Well this just seems like a general thought question rather than, you must pick something and it will get implemented thing.

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Fast paced action will be part of this game once you get to WW2 destroyer squadrons meeting each other or show up with a bunch of auto-loading cruisers like the Des Moines or Worcester. At the same time, I agree that the big battles will be won through patience and proper planning.

Maybe it will end up similar to the Wargame series where you have a tactical game about positioning which can get very fast at times when things get really serious. Imagine being in control of the entire fleet during a Jutland-like battle where you have to deal with the battle lines but also keep an eye out for the screening forces, keep track of target selection, torpedoes and so on. That will get hectic even at 1x speed.

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I've played EVE and WOWS for years.  I purchased this game because it's advertised as a naval single player campaign type game.  If I wanted to deal with botters, hackers, pay to win schemes, gambling loot boxes, toxic players, and premium gameplay items I would still be playing those other games.  Instead I want something like Skyrim with ships.  I want to have campaigns where I get so many resource points and production facilities and fight an AI for naval superiority of a region.  I want to relax and enjoy the challenge.  I want most of all, a PAUSE key so I can go back to my real life, get things done, then come back to the game I left and continue.  You cant pause in multi-player games.  Not all gamers have several hours in a row where the phone doesn't ring, the microwave doesn't signal your food is ready, or the lawn doesn't need to be mowed RIGHT NOW because it's about to rain.  Playing EVE is like having a full time job.  I do not want this game to be like that as I already have a full time job.  I want a game to de-stress me that i can play leisurely while drinking coffee and listening to music.  I would really like this to be a combination of large scale strategy that determines what ships are available to fight it out at the tactical level.  As for multi-player I would rather have the ability for invited two player campaigns.  I would love to have a friend of mine be able to play against me in a campaign 1 v 1 and have that campaign go on for numerous battles.  Again I would like the ability to pause and save the campaign (at the strategic level screen?) so that when we had time we could go back and continue slugging it out.

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Many have expressed a wish for an option for two-player combat. That should be relatively easy for the developer team to implement. Game Labs would not need to run a big server to host it on as the two could do it on their own computers (one of them hosting the game). Perhaps a forum where players could meet each other and have tournaments, like in chess? I've seen this in other games, like MechCommander.

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honestly this game reminds me of the old battleship craft game on the iOS. Makes me really nostalgic and I honestly just wish there was more customization, even building custom superstructures and conning towers, as well as more options.

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On 11/2/2019 at 7:55 AM, goduranus said:

I thought this game studio was known for making realistic games, where the reward for playing come not from fast paced action, but from methodical execution of logistics and tactics.

I’m hoping... like what I see so far

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On 10/29/2019 at 7:17 PM, Rick W said:

I just want a simple, solid, technically accurate naval surface combat game circa 1898-1945. No bells, no whistles, no Massive Mullti Player. Accurate models of actual ships in addition to the shipyard creation types or at least the standard style parts of a broad range of actual ships so we can create them. A start to finish Campaign with shorter sub-Campaigns ( Spanish American War, Russo Japanese War. WWI, 20's-30's What If, WWII ) and above all, a powerful, fully customizable Battle/Campaign Editor to create our own battles and campaigns to allow us to play the game the way each individual chooses to play it! Head to head play with up to 10 players would be cool.

Rick W



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I am desperately hoping that given this design studio's ultra high quality track record with 'UG: Gettysburg' and 'UG:Civil War', that they will produce a solid, single player and head to head player product with accurate technical specs, a creative campaign and a powerful, fully customizable editor. This product is in its Alpha infancy and already many here want to turn it into something it does not appear to be intended to be...

Edited by Rick W
Alter Thought
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Tbh I think that open world would miss use the potential in this game but if the fan base wishes then so be it but if it was my decision I would develope it into a rule the waves style game where you select a county and build a grand fleet to challenge other great fleets of other empire and have events where will ether plundge your nation into war or bring great wealth ether way an event thing should be a big thing and including especially customization of ships you could build historical ships or develope your own ships I do think it should mainly be single player but I think it would be a neat feature to be co-op as well where you both can be great allies and defeat other empires or be bitter enemies 


Custom battles should be a thing to where you can build your fleet and vs an air fleet or an human control fleet 


This is generally the bed Rock ideas but I believe that you developers can go ham on this and make it a great experience


Look at paradox games and total war series fir more if this style of inspiration I believe that Eve isn't a good style idea of a game I personally don't like eve fir me it was hard to get into but that's all I have to say 

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Can I add that I DON'T want it to be created so that people can play it as a ww2 naval game?  That's all I keep seeing.  People asking for CVs, Torps, Subs, Aircraft, etc as if this entire game is set from 1938-1945... if its got to be balanced for an era of combat, I'd like it to be ww1

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9 minutes ago, Lobokai said:

Can I add that I DON'T want it to be created so that people can play it as a ww2 naval game?  That's all I keep seeing.  People asking for CVs, Torps, Subs, Aircraft, etc as if this entire game is set from 1938-1945... if its got to be balanced for an era of combat, I'd like it to be ww1

There were submarines, aircrafts, etc during WWI (and before).

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6 hours ago, Lobokai said:

Can I add that I DON'T want it to be created so that people can play it as a ww2 naval game?  That's all I keep seeing.  People asking for CVs, Torps, Subs, Aircraft, etc as if this entire game is set from 1938-1945... if its got to be balanced for an era of combat, I'd like it to be ww1

Sry man purpose built aircraft carrier  were being laid down starting 1918. Carriers were already being seen as something that was going to be included as part of the navy. The Washington treaty even had carriers in it.

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30 minutes ago, Lobokai said:

There's carriers and then there's carriers... people aren't asking for scout craft tenders, they want Enterprise and Avengers

These are purposes built carrier not scout craft tenders hosho 1919 and Hermes 1918 followed by Lexington. These are carriers that were fighting ww2. Before this you had conversations from other ships like the argus, and Langley 

You dont meed ww2 aircraft to be a threat to other ships you had bi planes that are able to be a threat too

Edited by DarkTerren
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If we get Argus and some swordfish, sure. But I thought it was already said aircraft would be abstract, and as a game billed from the beginning as Age of Dreadnaughts with be ability to do “no Washington treaty” what if’s as the higher tech. If not for WT allowing experimental platforms, carriers would have been longer coming. 

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23 minutes ago, Lobokai said:

If we get Argus and some swordfish, sure. But I thought it was already said aircraft would be abstract, and as a game billed from the beginning as Age of Dreadnaughts with be ability to do “no Washington treaty” what if’s as the higher tech. If not for WT allowing experimental platforms, carriers 

I disagree even without the wt carriers would have taken over same time in the end. Biggest reason carriers to so long to be the go to ship was there was no major war between ww1 and ww2. For them to prove their worth. If there was carriers would have become even more numerous before ww2

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I want to be able to recreate the Russo Japanese war and have ironclad predreadnoughts duke it out in a hail of gunfire and smoke where two of the three biggest engagements of battleships to ever battle battleships would happen. I want to play as Spain and hold onto my colonial possessions during the Spanish American war, I'd like to defeat the Japanese fleets at sea during the Sino Japanese war, I'd like to fight in the Aegean sea in the Greco-Turkish War in any sort of manner but that's out of the question, so in that case, I'd like the wrestle control of the Mediterranean out of the British and Italian hands as the Austria-Hungry. And heck, I even want to fight Russian, as Russian and battle ships I Designed and built in the previous decade that have fallen into the hands of the Bolshevik scum! 

There seems to be a huge, massive interest here in the technology and tactics of WWII, which is cool because that's fascinating. Lord know's I had family serve in both world wars and I'm also incredibly obsessed with them outside of this game and forum but the second world war era is the final fifth of the campaign, maybe final two fifths if we want to split hairs.. about aircraft carrier tech but what about the preceding decades? It's just carriers and world war 2 tech ad nauseum..  I'm really interested in the 1890s through 1910s, is there anybody else? 

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On 11/4/2019 at 10:33 PM, Fishyfish said:

There seems to be a huge, massive interest here in the technology and tactics of WWII, which is cool because that's fascinating. Lord know's I had family serve in both world wars and I'm also incredibly obsessed with them outside of this game and forum but the second world war era is the final fifth of the campaign, maybe final two fifths if we want to split hairs.. about aircraft carrier tech but what about the preceding decades? It's just carriers and world war 2 tech ad nauseum..  I'm really interested in the 1890s through 1910s, is there anybody else? 

Like Fishy, I see the 1939-1945 era as just a segment, roughly 1/4 to 1/5 of the planned destination of this product, yet all many people seem to go on about is Carriers and Aircraft. They form little to no part of the bulk of the time period that is being modeled here. The product is called 'Dreadnoughts' for a reason, but many of those here seem to be missing the logic of that and what it implies... This product is about ship to ship Surface Combat. Nothing in the developer descriptions or comments have indicated anything beyond that. Since we are just in a very early Alpha state, discussion about anything beyond getting the core basics of this product 100% right and forming a strong base from which to move on to more complex game and combat systems (Aircraft, Subs, Carriers, Shore Batteries and such or Head to head and limited Multi Player options) way down the road is extremely premature. Nor does it help the Devs solve the current significant issues that need to be corrected long before they go down those other roads. Until the Damage Models, the Damage Control Models, the Secondary/Terrtiary gun issues and even simple things like a ship firing at enemies on both sides of it rather than letting one enemy calmly cruise down one side and blast away as though he wasn't even there while only the guns on one side engage and the guns on the other side remain silent... Or the AI blindly and stupidly firing 5" guns at the main battery selected target 10 Kilometers away while 2 or 3 DD's or Torpedo Boats close to within a a couple kilometers to launch torpedos unmolested. At this stage, there are a large number of flaws and failings, some major and some minor, that are FAR more important than what many of the posts are throwing out there. The AI as it stands is nearly clueless about standard and correct naval combat tactics at this stage of development. They are still working on getting ships to move correctly.   Despite that,  many of the posts are about things that as yet are not even notes on a yellow sticky pad in the cubicles of the developers... More constructive observations on what currently exists and less blah blah blah on what as yet has no relevance to the product might go a long ways towards getting to the things you want added later...

Edited by Rick W
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Personally, I'd like a game to eventually cover naval development from 1890-1950 ish much like RTW2. UAD's additional detail in the pre-dread period is definitely being appreciated, but I feel a longer time span will make for a even better game and campaign experience.

However, none of these should come at the expense of the earlier portion of the game. We know for certain that the game will cover 1890 - roughly 1930s, and that it will incorporate some techs in to 1940s. The campaign year seems to indicate the game goes further, but it may just be RTW style campaign extension that gives player chance to play past the end date.

I want what is already in the game to be done well and down right first and foremost, and that, without doubt, is going to be focused on dreadnought era naval warfare. We do go into the earlier years of naval aviation, but that is a hugely complex and nuanced area in of itself. I don't want carrier in the game if they aren't going to be done in an appropriate manner. It is of course, up to the team to decide how much they can take on, and while I very much would like carrier at some point, I wouldn't mind that be a post release DLC or even expansion that I'd gladly pay for.

For now, the priority for me is to have the dreadnought era, campaign, and its associated content done correctly. I am more than happy to for the time being treat the later tech era as a "what if" scenario in which naval aviation never took off. 

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Just had a thought that kinda relates to this: There's UA: Age of Sail right? what if you could continue its campaign play though into this game? And cover say half a millennium.

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6 minutes ago, Absolute0CA said:

Just had a thought that kinda relates to this: There's UA: Age of Sail right? what if you could continue its campaign play though into this game? And cover say half a millennium.

That sounds pretty cool actually Ultimate Admiral: Lord of the seas. Or something along those lines. I mean since this game will be based on what if scenarios with some historical accuracy (obviously there should be the option to go full historical accuracy and add/remove anything peeps don't want in their campaign game mode or even the navala academy). With choices on hardcore historical accuracy it could easily work too be honest.

Kinda like a mega campaign like mister drew durnil does with paradox games, obviosuly this could be a thing much later on but stilla  gud suggestion nonetheless.

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