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Hotfix for patch 13. Le Gros Ventre Refit + Swivels!!!


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53 minutes ago, Jda940 said:

fffffs i dident even get the ship yet and they allredy broke it jesus............

a game thats not suppose to be balanced in anyway is getting more broken every ¨fix¨they do.....

its like having a bazooka vs a knife, and people goo omg the bazooka need a nerf its to explosive... 


Judging by the shitstorm in this particular thread they kinda made said bazooka a knife. It's called balancing.

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3 hours ago, EliteDelta said:

I think the worst part of this nerf is that the only people who had the LGV Refit were active PvP players. Many of which now feel defeated, as their hard work to get this expensive ship feels pretty worthless now. 

It's kinda like when folks thought the Type 59 in WoT was so OP.  No it wasn't, the problem was guys like me had it since day one and was running around with a 5 crew maxed out set up and could own any pub noob in a heart beat with it.   Which is what you get when you have a ship that only PvPers can get is you have some of the better players in game with a ship that others can't get so it's going to seem OP cause they are the more skilled player.....well some of them are.

3 hours ago, Slim Jimmerson said:

Is the new LVG the Pirate LVG or is it just the Slightly Up-gunned trader/blockade runner LVG? It's not even a PVP ship, it shouldn't cost PVP marks.

Would make a great reward ship, but than again I would love to have a bunch of Pirate Refits that only pirates can get and than put the limit on 4th rates and below shipyards for pirates.  Only way to get any SOL is by capture them You know give us pirates some mechanics and I might even be interested in the game once more.

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Just now, Sir Texas Sir said:


Would make a great reward ship, but than again I would love to have a bunch of Pirate Refits that only pirates can get and than put the limit on 4th rates and below shipyards for pirates.  Only way to get any SOL is by capture them You know give us pirates some mechanics and I might even be interested in the game once more.

Stop,  you are starting to sound like me.

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18 minutes ago, ShroudedRecluse said:

yeah - i didn't twig to ... /s

my bad and therefore my apologies

i'm butthurt over the way things are (in my personal opinion) getting worse rather than better for folks who like sandbox mmos

after the removal of outlaw battles for totally fake reasons (the tagging mechanics of other nation alts where you can hide in invisibility an entire fleet for 90 minutes is WAY worse than outlaw battles where at least you can still jump in and asses the opposition), and now the nerfing of the pirate lgv, it's like an online game of hungry hungry hippo 

now they nerf the pirate LGV after a week, whilst all the carebears are whizzing around on the ocean at 15 knots for months???

am done 

Im sure outlaw battles will come back once they figure out a way so people can't use it to boost their rewards. PVP marks for example. Fact that outlaw battles disappeared a patch before PVP marks was reintrocuded is seldomly a coincidence. Also bear in mind the game is only in alpha. They are testing and modifying mechanics.

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11 minutes ago, Rigge1988 said:

Im sure outlaw battles will come back once they figure out a way so people can't use it to boost their rewards. PVP marks for example. Fact that outlaw battles disappeared a patch before PVP marks was reintrocuded is seldomly a coincidence. Also bear in mind the game is only in alpha. They are testing and modifying mechanics.

You never got any rewards for outlaw battles hahaha stop posting about stuff ou have no idea about

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Fake reason why they remove outlaw battle and no reason at all for a nerf to an already underpowered over priced ship. It was like using a Cerberus in combat with low armor, low sail hp, bow chasers and an excellent wind profile. I loved the PLGV because it was something different for the gameplay, new tactics were involved in it. Now it’s just an underpowered ship which has no place in use in the games current state.

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1 minute ago, Rigge1988 said:


Donald Trump just nuked north korea.

Would be fake news.

You're just angry cause they nerfed your new favorite OP ship to oblivion and I came in the way. Sorry bout that. I will remove myself from this discussion so you can continue being butthurt alone.

It was never over powered. Please tell me, where and how was it overpowered

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9 minutes ago, Vile Executioner said:

If you never sailed the ship you have no business talking about the ship. Let the real pvpers talk about the nerf.

There was no nerf

3 ships had a bug in game which has given them 2 best angles instead of one.
This allowed those ships to sail faster on manual sails (not faster than max speed but faster than this angle allowed)

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Just now, admin said:

There was no nerf

3 ships had a bug in game which has given them 2 best angles instead of one.
This allowed those ships to sail faster on manual sails (not faster than max speed but faster than this angle allowed)

But the sailing profile was changed? I compared the API data. http://prntscr.com/h9yd4f

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18 minutes ago, ShroudedRecluse said:

there were no combat mark rewards in outlaw battles just so that they couldn't be exploited - but you get rewards from sinking somebody else's alt in another nation - another prime example of misinformation

also admin categorically stated that outlaw battles will never be looked at again (about 10-14 days ago)

if you have info more recent since then with admin stating that hey will be back, would love to see the link

Hotfix 1 November 1

Significant changes

  • New ship - Le Gros Ventre Refit, with swivels. The ship is available for pvp marks in the admiralty.
  • Outlaw battles have been removed - they were a cause of multiple exploits that unfortunately could not be fixed in a reasonable time. 
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3 minutes ago, EliteDelta said:

But the sailing profile was changed? I compared the API data. http://prntscr.com/h9yd4f

fixing the bug changed the square sail curves. every mast has its individual curve and removing the bug changed the curves. We would like to remind that the large hp and speed and br rebalance is coming.  LGVP is still a perfect hunter ship requiring skill and precision. 

Several captains reported the bug and it was fixed.

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2 minutes ago, admin said:

you can ignore its sailing profile in the API. For bugged ships speed curves were useless

the pLGV is still gaining speed when turning from 90 to 0 degree. shouldnt it lose speed while turning?

Edited by z4ys
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1 hour ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

It's kinda like when folks thought the Type 59 in WoT was so OP.  No it wasn't, the problem was guys like me had it since day one and was running around with a 5 crew maxed out set up and could own any pub noob in a heart beat with it.


And the flipside is the T-62 which is super potent in the hands of a good player but stats don't show it since all the baddies drive it en masse and dilute it's stats so it looks average on paper. Kinda like pubbie lineships being taken down by lone Snows to frigates with the following demands to make lineships have a millionbillion marines or swivels firing over the stern to kill the smaller ship's crew.

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