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Grinding some ports is beyond stupid

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25 minutes ago, Slamz said:


Here's how I see that working:

BLACK rolls up and hides in a battle with all their 1st rates. They sail around outside with a Surprise or two in some totally obvious location and manner, intending to jump out and warp-speed crash down on any PvPer who comes to fight them in a 20v1. They are surprised when nobody takes the bait and we keep sinking other people somewhere else instead. BLACK declares the game is dead and never comes back.

The idea of actually sailing around engaging in normal, effective, mobile, WYSIWYG PvP never occurs to them because they can't play without some kind of crutch to lean on. ("You are without a doubt the worst pirate I've ever heard of.")

tl;dr: I double dog dare you.

I honestly cant say I have seen a more accurate description of what will happen.  Are you a psychic?

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4 hours ago, Hodo said:

I honestly cant say I have seen a more accurate description of what will happen.  Are you a psychic?

He just described what they do at Mort and Christ...lol  Though replace the 1st rates with 4-5th rates.   Though I have to admit they are good about luring fleets out and ambushing them.  


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6 hours ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

He just described what they do at Mort and Christ...lol  Though replace the 1st rates with 4-5th rates.   Though I have to admit they are good about luring fleets out and ambushing them. 

Whatever floats your Basic Cutter, mate.

Personally, no group I've been in has purposefully done that and I've sailed with all the major French clans. Mostly what we do is sail around until we find something to kill.

That is why we get so many kills and BLACK remains completely ineffective on the server as a fighting force: sitting around hiding in a battle is not the best way to find kills in a low population environment. There's just not enough steady, predictable traffic to sit in one place like that. You need to actually sail around and find them.

Even if you are correct and other French are doing this any time I'm not in their group for some reason, one must still ask why it obviously is working for them and yet it so rarely works for you.

I sometimes suspect the problem is that so many BLACK members are on their French alts spying that they forget to leave any actual BLACK PvP accounts logged in to attack us with. It's just a bunch of spies all reporting to an empty barracks.

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Do refrain from explicitly bringing National News content to generic game discussions.

We all would appreciate the post edits so to focus on the mechanic fine points and dismiss all particular grievances.

Thank you.

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24 minutes ago, Vernon Merrill said:

All of this is moot anyways, as within a week or so there will only be 50 of us sailing around on this huge map looking for each other.  

Last night there was what less than 200 on the EU server at 10PM GMT, and less than 180 on Global at 10PM EST.   

That is just sad.


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I know it was "off hours" for the EU, but I logged in there last night at about 9pm Pacific and there was 73 people online (makes the idea of playing there kind of unappealing to have the pop that low during the timeframe I play). I'm sure Global is pretty abandoned at "off peak" hours, too. Wouldn't know, I don't log in during the middle of the night or wee hours of the morning.

At least right now there's over 400 on the EU server since it's their prime time. That's still better than what Global is seeing during prime time. 

Guess maybe it is getting to be high time for the servers to be scrunched together. I'm sure there'd be some player attrition as a result of that, too, but I'd also like to see if it would do what some hope, which is consolidate the remaining masochists together into one yellow-colored pool. 


Edited by Rhodry Heidenrich
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On 8/8/2017 at 10:54 AM, Sir Texas Sir said:

We don't want to stop you from flipping ports.  We want the port battles so why stop you.  

This would sound more sincere if since the wipe and then before on PVP2 your clan had not repeatedly responded to someone daring to raise hostility on one of your ports by rolling up a lot of ports belonging to the "offending" nation.

Im not saying that's the wrong strategy. It's certainly legitimate and makes sense militarily  to make it known that any attack will be met tenfold. But it does prevent you from getting more of your beloved port battles because unless a nation is equipped in skill, organization, and materials to compete against the resulting map wide war against BLACK they better not start anything with you.

I AM NOT saying you should be handcuffed to prevent this scenario but the game needs some simple mechanics to assist new players and nations with smaller pops to build organizations that can ultimately compete. Simple things like better clan/nation organization tools in game would help.

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