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Total War against Great Britain

Senhor Lenhador

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12 hours ago, Lord Vicious said:

so how we defeated every full 25 first brit launch at us in carslile, port antonio etc?  or the american equivalent firstrate to us in ays? I mean go our recruitment thread we even killed brits with 2500 br vs 7k. bellonas and bellepoules vs first and 2nd rates.


We even engaged a full brit firstrate with 20 bellonas and they hided in a bay.. we didnt even challenge single clan but entire nations , How delusional you are? is all in the videos...


call me when a brit or a sweden clan alone will take and hold a port for 2-3 weeks near to the capital of the biggest nation in game in their prime time


A clan is outplayng you, outproducing you, outskilling you,  a clan vs a nation.      your biggest archievement in a year is  "we succesfully avoid to fight you " and you clearly need training, avoid confrontation is just delayng the inevitable.,  how more sad you can go then that?



go refresh your memory here:


Ok the myth that it matters if its a nation or just a clan your fighting is silly. You know as well as i do that a well organized (SORRY) clan with say 40 50 active members will almost always beet a unorganised force 3 to 4 times as larger. And i give you credit you are good at it. 

As for Carlisle it is a perfect example of this. You did not take and hold Carlisle during the prime time you took it and held it during the 1200 to 0200 AM EST. none of the major British clans played during that time zone and they where all out to the south east fighting Danes and French (SLRN and another clan). You had two clans as opposition during that time spot FTS a pirate clan that left Pirates with little to nothing and SOB a clan that had just switched servers (became KIN and then melted into Zerg), and we had only what we could Cap. You took Carlisle when we where just getting to the point that 2 or 3 clan members got 1st rate BP's. So what happened at Carlisle? a couple of BS attacks with randoms in capped 3rd rates while we built up and borrowed a first rate fleet. While we where doing that we where also taking ports from Pirate nation think it was like 12 or so. 

The one real battle for Carlisle was fought against SORRY a proven and GOOD first rate Fleet, you may have had 1 or 2 people from other clan? Verses SOB/FTS and 5 or 6 people from other clans. We made some of the First Rates some where borrowed,  Sailing out of KPR we had more then 10 players that had never been in a First Rate port battle we had 6 or 7 of them that only time they had ever been in a first rate was sailing out of KPR to carlisle. The battle started and through good Tactics by LV and a mistake or 2 by us you gained an advantage that held through the rest of the fight. think you Sunk 10 and lost 4 but not sure. was a clear Win by Sorry. next day or two Sorry packed up and left. 

So the idea that you took on the British nation is not true. Hell SLRN AUS and the other big clans told us they would not be bothered to come back to KPR just for SORRY at the time. You only fought a new clan and groups of small clans with no real organization. When we did finally get up to speed you left.

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6 hours ago, Nikodemus said:

Ok the myth that it matters if its a nation or just a clan your fighting is silly. You know as well as i do that a well organized (SORRY) clan with say 40 50 active members will almost always beet a unorganised force 3 to 4 times as larger. And i give you credit you are good at it. 

As for Carlisle it is a perfect example of this. You did not take and hold Carlisle during the prime time you took it and held it during the 1200 to 0200 AM EST. none of the major British clans played during that time zone and they where all out to the south east fighting Danes and French (SLRN and another clan). You had two clans as opposition during that time spot FTS a pirate clan that left Pirates with little to nothing and SOB a clan that had just switched servers (became KIN and then melted into Zerg), and we had only what we could Cap. You took Carlisle when we where just getting to the point that 2 or 3 clan members got 1st rate BP's. So what happened at Carlisle? a couple of BS attacks with randoms in capped 3rd rates while we built up and borrowed a first rate fleet. While we where doing that we where also taking ports from Pirate nation think it was like 12 or so. 

The one real battle for Carlisle was fought against SORRY a proven and GOOD first rate Fleet, you may have had 1 or 2 people from other clan? Verses SOB/FTS and 5 or 6 people from other clans. We made some of the First Rates some where borrowed,  Sailing out of KPR we had more then 10 players that had never been in a First Rate port battle we had 6 or 7 of them that only time they had ever been in a first rate was sailing out of KPR to carlisle. The battle started and through good Tactics by LV and a mistake or 2 by us you gained an advantage that held through the rest of the fight. think you Sunk 10 and lost 4 but not sure. was a clear Win by Sorry. next day or two Sorry packed up and left. 

So the idea that you took on the British nation is not true. Hell SLRN AUS and the other big clans told us they would not be bothered to come back to KPR just for SORRY at the time. You only fought a new clan and groups of small clans with no real organization. When we did finally get up to speed you left.

Wow, you are really trying to discuss with that guy? Hats oof, you`ve got time.

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I wanted to reply in another thread but it is already closed but this thread is also appropriate.

Ink, now is too late for many of us but thx.

To our dearest brits, the trouble here is not port timer at same time, this is a nice strategy. The trouble is the bug allowing any nation put timers at night, out of window timers (17:00/22:00). Since last wipe most of PBs  were obtained later than 10:00 PM, but the battle was not until 5:00 PM the following day. It is a fact that after each reset said hostility drops by about 10%. So if after making the effort to reach 100% in salamanca at dawn, after the reset said hostility would be at 90%, as has well said some of the English captains who have written in this thread.

For Redii, that post to which you refer does not represent the thought of Vltra, I assure you. I'm sorry you understood it that way. Maybe when it was written, after the subject of the basic cutters, we were too angry and the words were not chosen well.
Vltra and I can almost say that the rest of the Spanish nation does not want any more nation to go through what we spent in previous times, we know what that is and definitely does not benefit anyone.

I sincerely believe that Vltra has played the best, we have been loyal to our allies and even to our opponents. We have never underestimated our enemies, when we knew that we had superiority in quality and quantity of ships we have not used it to capture any port because we thought it would be possible that this would affect the number of players playing the NA. Now it turns out that the last two big bugs that have come up in the game affected us more than any other.
The way to solve them has been unfair and does not fit the rules of the game. We do not want those decisions to benefit us, but do not harm us.

In short, all these facts lead to the decision to the great majority of us not to take part in the RvR fight, turning all our ships to Havana after the battles tonight.

To the Devs, I think it's hard to screw it up as many times as you've done, lurching every time you do something about RvR. It's a shame that a game with infinite possibilities like this ends up being played by 200 people .... again.

Thank you, greetings and good luck to all.

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2 hours ago, Jorge said:


I wanted to reply in another thread but it is already closed but this thread is also appropriate.

Ink, now is too late for many of us but thx.

To our dearest brits, the trouble here is not port timer at same time, this is a nice strategy. The trouble is the bug allowing any nation put timers at night, out of window timers (17:00/22:00). Since last wipe most of PBs  were obtained later than 10:00 PM, but the battle was not until 5:00 PM the following day. It is a fact that after each reset said hostility drops by about 10%. So if after making the effort to reach 100% in salamanca at dawn, after the reset said hostility would be at 90%, as has well said some of the English captains who have written in this thread.

For Redii, that post to which you refer does not represent the thought of Vltra, I assure you. I'm sorry you understood it that way. Maybe when it was written, after the subject of the basic cutters, we were too angry and the words were not chosen well.
Vltra and I can almost say that the rest of the Spanish nation does not want any more nation to go through what we spent in previous times, we know what that is and definitely does not benefit anyone.

I sincerely believe that Vltra has played the best, we have been loyal to our allies and even to our opponents. We have never underestimated our enemies, when we knew that we had superiority in quality and quantity of ships we have not used it to capture any port because we thought it would be possible that this would affect the number of players playing the NA. Now it turns out that the last two big bugs that have come up in the game affected us more than any other.
The way to solve them has been unfair and does not fit the rules of the game. We do not want those decisions to benefit us, but do not harm us.

In short, all these facts lead to the decision to the great majority of us not to take part in the RvR fight, turning all our ships to Havana after the battles tonight.

To the Devs, I think it's hard to screw it up as many times as you've done, lurching every time you do something about RvR. It's a shame that a game with infinite possibilities like this ends up being played by 200 people .... again.

Thank you, greetings and good luck to all.

You can just surrender.

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4 hours ago, Jorge said:


For Redii, that post to which you refer does not represent the thought of Vltra, I assure you. I'm sorry you understood it that way. Maybe when it was written, after the subject of the basic cutters, we were too angry and the words were not chosen well.
Vltra and I can almost say that the rest of the Spanish nation does not want any more nation to go through what we spent in previous times, we know what that is and definitely does not benefit anyone.

I sincerely believe that Vltra has played the best, we have been loyal to our allies and even to our opponents. We have never underestimated our enemies, when we knew that we had superiority in quality and quantity of ships we have not used it to capture any port because we thought it would be possible that this would affect the number of players playing the NA. Now it turns out that the last two big bugs that have come up in the game affected us more than any other.
The way to solve them has been unfair and does not fit the rules of the game. We do not want those decisions to benefit us, but do not harm us.

In short, all these facts lead to the decision to the great majority of us not to take part in the RvR fight, turning all our ships to Havana after the battles tonight.

To the Devs, I think it's hard to screw it up as many times as you've done, lurching every time you do something about RvR. It's a shame that a game with infinite possibilities like this ends up being played by 200 people .... again.

Thank you, greetings and good luck to all.

i'm sorry but i have to call you out on your bullshhh** (for lack of a better word) 

1. unless you are children you have to take responsibility for your actions the "heat of the momment" excuse is not valid .. if you challenge someone you have to be prepared to face the consequences ..

2. ohhh but you DID try to capture our port (omoa) even tho you had a fleet of 15-20 L'oceans and you knew we had nothing .. maybe 3 agas at the momment .. so pls don't pretend to be inocent 

3. you clearely stated that you want to leave britain with only 1 port (and you would love to take that too if possible) so pls don't say now that you don't want to capture ports and drop our numbers .. you swore to exterminate us from the map (just reminding ..)

so the gauntlet has been thrown don't be surprised if you end up with 1 port .. this is what i have to say to you..

Edited by John Sheppard
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2 hours ago, John Sheppard said:

i'm sorry but i have to call you out on your bullshhh** (for lack of a better word) 

1. unless you are children you have to take responsibility for your actions the "heat of the momment" excuse is not valid .. if you challenge someone you have to be prepared to face the consequences ..

2. ohhh but you DID try to capture our port (omoa) even tho you had a fleet of 15-20 L'oceans and you knew we had nothing .. maybe 3 agas at the momment .. so pls don't pretend to be inocent 

3. you clearely stated that you want to leave britain with only 1 port (and you would love to take that too if possible) so pls don't say now that you don't want to capture ports and drop our numbers .. you swore to exterminate us from the map (just reminding ..)

so the gauntlet has been thrown don't be surprised if you end up with 1 port .. this is what i have to say to you..

Don' worry we are not going to fight anymore, we had enough weird bugs and exploits against us more than having fun or nice combats, and the most populated nation is going to win anyway, so good luck and have fun.

Edited by Chakal16
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8 hours ago, Jorge said:


I wanted to reply in another thread but it is already closed but this thread is also appropriate.

Ink, now is too late for many of us but thx.

To our dearest brits, the trouble here is not port timer at same time, this is a nice strategy. The trouble is the bug allowing any nation put timers at night, out of window timers (17:00/22:00). Since last wipe most of PBs  were obtained later than 10:00 PM, but the battle was not until 5:00 PM the following day. It is a fact that after each reset said hostility drops by about 10%. So if after making the effort to reach 100% in salamanca at dawn, after the reset said hostility would be at 90%, as has well said some of the English captains who have written in this thread.

For Redii, that post to which you refer does not represent the thought of Vltra, I assure you. I'm sorry you understood it that way. Maybe when it was written, after the subject of the basic cutters, we were too angry and the words were not chosen well.
Vltra and I can almost say that the rest of the Spanish nation does not want any more nation to go through what we spent in previous times, we know what that is and definitely does not benefit anyone.

I sincerely believe that Vltra has played the best, we have been loyal to our allies and even to our opponents. We have never underestimated our enemies, when we knew that we had superiority in quality and quantity of ships we have not used it to capture any port because we thought it would be possible that this would affect the number of players playing the NA. Now it turns out that the last two big bugs that have come up in the game affected us more than any other.
The way to solve them has been unfair and does not fit the rules of the game. We do not want those decisions to benefit us, but do not harm us.

In short, all these facts lead to the decision to the great majority of us not to take part in the RvR fight, turning all our ships to Havana after the battles tonight.

To the Devs, I think it's hard to screw it up as many times as you've done, lurching every time you do something about RvR. It's a shame that a game with infinite possibilities like this ends up being played by 200 people .... again.

Thank you, greetings and good luck to all.

This is too wonderful. I provide a Spanish - English translation service below

To our rightful overlords the british. we are going to use a minor bug, that is really not a big deal at all and nothing compared to previous problems us and others have had, as an excuse to back out of this melodramatic 'total war'.

We realized very soon after the war started that we would face actual resistance, in the form of a number of small clans and random players in frigates. now, we do have a huge fleet of Oceans, but we are worried that if we have to actually fight in them, some of them might get scratched and we really, really don't want that. We assumed that the british wouldn't have the guts to resist us, especially with our masters SORRY to help us, after all, that's what we would do in that situation.

So, having started this war in error, and not wanting to admit we are just too wussy to actually carry out the melodramatic actions we committed to just 4 days ago, we are going to seize on this very weak excuse and minor problem and run all the way home. we think people will fall for this. I mean, we once participated in a mass attack on British nation where 7 ports were attacked at once, and all were defended, but we cant fight 2, that's madness. better to not try at all in case we fail, after all, games are about not having fun with the ships we have spent dozens of hours crafting. right? right?

As a parting comment, and to try and pass the blame for this embarrassment, I would like to try and blame the devs, who dare to have bugs in this alpha game. its a total disgrace etc. etc. etc.

So, we are going to run home, please no one come and attack us despite our threats and posturing, we are really just a bunch on overly emotionally driven people who want to have big ships and act scary without having to really fight.

Devs please could you just arrange us a server where we have big ships, and the enemy nations are just full of bots who run away and offer their surrender? this is our best type of enemy. thanks.


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1 minute ago, Chakal16 said:

How easy is to talk when you are the most populated nation and now you even get help of the sweds, danish and dutchs :rolleyes:. By the way, you ara fighting mostly a single clan of the spanish nation and cried about it.

What fighting?

if you mean when basic cutters chased away 1st rates, I don't think that counts. other than that, there was literally no fighting before you gave up.

And there is no point claiming we only fight when we have lots of help, we once fought every single nation apart from the Dutch all at the same time, and didn't lose. nor did we give up when minor bugs or adverse events happened.


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2 minutes ago, Chakal16 said:

as i said "u are the most populated nation" is why you can fight more than one nation or swarm a single one, try to do it without ppl :rolleyes:

pft, most of our PvP players went to Gobal, most of the rest are inexperienced or not organized or moved to other nations on EU. numbers isn't everything, the quality in Brits right now is very low and organized clans would be very effective against them if they actually tried.

Also, If I was a small nation, I wouldn't melodramatically declare war on a big nation and expect not to get swarmed. If I had declared war, I wouldn't then immediately give up when there was a problem or I did indeed get swarmed.

either way, it doesn't look good or smart what you guys have done. you cant punch a much bigger guy in the face, then wake up from your coma and complain he only won because he was bigger, or accuse him of picking on a small guy.

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Just now, Peter Goldman said:

Initially we "got swarmed" by Spanish L'Oceans in Omoa trying to raise a hostility. You knew we don't have a fleet ready back then, it's easy to fight a nation without fleet, right? :rolleyes: I forgot about the help and cooperation from SORRY clan :rolleyes:

You mean "swarmed" by a fleet less than 25 ships of a tiny nation? or you mean the SORRY which fought vs the swedish at georgetown due to a bugged tagging system? :rolleyes:

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4 minutes ago, Chakal16 said:

You mean "swarmed" by a fleet less than 25 ships of a tiny nation? or you mean the SORRY which fought vs the swedish at georgetown due to a bugged tagging system? :rolleyes:

yeah, the system is slightly buggy right now. (same bugs for everyone)

Better immediately give up on the 'total war with no surrender or diplomacy' as a result of that. That is the only logical course of action at this point, after the massive effort you put in with all that posturing.

everyone totally believes that is your reason. the bugs. not that you bit off more than you can chew.

Edited by JCDC
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Just now, Peter Goldman said:

You had 18 L'Oceans at Omoa and even more frigates around. That doesn't sound like a small fleet. SORRY had a full 25 Aggy fleet for George Town. You just both failed, especially the Spanish nation failed on screening George Town being late half an hour and leaving SORRY fleet without any security.

They weren't late, that was a bug where the rest of the world was 30 mins early. so if anything, its the devs fault.

And those weren't 18 Oceans, that was a bug where a bunch of ships were accidentally duped. actually they only had 3 players there.

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We failed at Omoa due to a broken mechanic of the basic cutter  (now fixed), failed at georgetown due to a fail tagging system and the help of the sweds, lost Cartagena today due to a bug with the port timers :rolleyes: If you think 18 ships is a swarm... we are a tiny nation with a well organized guild, but you are fighting mainly a single clan :rolleyes:

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7 hours ago, Chakal16 said:

We failed at Omoa due to a broken mechanic of the basic cutter  (now fixed), failed at georgetown due to a fail tagging system and the help of the sweds, lost Cartagena today due to a bug with the port timers :rolleyes: If you think 18 ships is a swarm... we are a tiny nation with a well organized guild, but you are fighting mainly a single clan :rolleyes:

Sant Iago wasnt just 18 ships

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31 minutes ago, Grundgemunkey said:

Sant Iago wasnt just 18 ships

No one is talking about Sant Iago, is about Omoa.


7 hours ago, Wicked Wicked said:

...with a full bucket of excuses and tears.

Don't get me wrong, you are the ones who started crying about fighting a SINGLE clan.


2 hours ago, AxIslander said:

And keep it at that!

Meh, we are going to stop any activity is hard to fight bugs more than our enemies.

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7 hours ago, Chakal16 said:

We failed at Omoa due to a broken mechanic of the basic cutter  (now fixed), failed at georgetown due to a fail tagging system and the help of the sweds, lost Cartagena today due to a bug with the port timers :rolleyes: If you think 18 ships is a swarm... we are a tiny nation with a well organized guild, but you are fighting mainly a single clan :rolleyes:

You failed at Omoa because you brought the wrong ships and played the wrong way. you brought 1st rates to open water fighting, and didn't escort them properly. we could have used Lynxs/privateers/pickles as fire ships with the same effect. you simply played it badly. then, you didn't come back in the correct ships to get hostility, you just rage quit.

You failed at Georgetown because you didn't expect us to have allies and we screened you. you were disorganized and weren't in the right places at the right time. yes, the tagging mechanics are dumb at the moment, but they work both ways.

You lost Cartagena because we can make 2 fleets and you 1. ok, the port activation was a bug, but we would have activated both ports at the same time the next day. so, you would have had exactly the same problem, just a day later and there would have been no bug involved. your mistake was declaring 'total war' on a bigger nation. of course Brits would use their numbers to advantage to counter your better ships. you were going to lose Cartagena today if you didn't lose it yesterday, because you cant defend 2 ports and we can attack 3.

The problem is not that you lack ships, or skill in PBs, you just were led by arrogance and emotion and no strategy whatsoever. its remarkably childish the whole mess you got yourselves into and you have no one but yourselves to blame. Britain didn't want war with you, and only defended our port at Omoa. now you have lost Carta, and the only people who can be blamed are yourselves! Not Brits, not Devs, not SORRY. you are just lucky that despite your declaration of total war, saying that all british clans were scum who you wouldn't even talk to and definitely wouldn't allow to surrended, the British clans were adult enough to let you keep the ports you need and accept peace despite the insults and accusations.

What a shame this whole episode is on the Spanish clan/nation. try being less arrogant, and less melodramatic, rely on being smart not on being in big ships and try and just have fun. you will do better.

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1 minute ago, Apina said:

Im confused. Did the spanish now cancel their total war?


They didn't, but Celtiberofrog was here yesterday asking for us to negotiate the two port battles that were scheduled for yesterday.

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4 minutes ago, Clarion Call said:

They didn't, but Celtiberofrog was here yesterday asking for us to negotiate the two port battles that were scheduled for yesterday.

Jorge announced that they are going to stop doing RvR and all go back to Havana due to the 'bugs'.

Since this is not starships troopers, the bugs are not the problem. what he really means is that they realise they are not going to have an easy win and are running away using some lame excuses.

either way, the 'total' war is over without really a shot being fired.

Edited by JCDC
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