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pirates selling ports to other factions

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3 minutes ago, Cabral said:

 That can create a civil war between pirates, those ports belong to Pirate nation, not to SORRY clan. Or I'm wrong?

Your not wrong. The only thing he can do is ask his clan guys to not defend it. But if the rest of the Pirates cant defend it without Sorry help do they really deserve to keep it?

Edited by CaptVonGunn
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Perfectly within the parameters of the game as I see this announcement of the devs:


Some captains advised us to post this topic as a change of strategy might be required in conquest. 

Thus here is the edict.

National admiralties and governments will now provide mark distribution - called a pension (name is not final). 

The requirements to receive such pensions are simple

  • If you win a port battle for your nation you personally will start receiving conquest marks for that port.
  • If you defend a port battle for your nation you personally will start receiving conquest marks for that port. 
  • For as long as your nation controls this port players mentioned above will continue receiving conquest marks for that port. 

If someone captures that port from your nation they will receive pension from their nation for that region.
Pensions are non-hereditary and you will lose it if you lose the port, or if you don't come to fulfill your duty to defend it. 

As a result. Gaining regions and controlling them becomes extremely important to support heavy fleets. 

  • All regions give 1 conquest mark as pension
  • Some regions indicated in the patch notes can give a bit more.

Governments close their eyes on political port trading (its allowed). For example you can pay pirates to attack a port to deny enemy their pensions for that region (which they will lose if they don't come to defend). Or you can request nations to fake attacks to your regions if you don't like current landowners in it. 

The best strategy at this stage is to grab as many regions as you can. Some regions provide better pensions due to their importance to the region. 


Taken from the thread "Such is a lord.. part 2" but I've either got fat fingers or just ain't tech savy so I can't make a link to the thread... Not for lack of trying.. I've taken the liberty to highlight one section so everyone doesn't have to read it all..

As I read it this is a policy to prevent a few clans within a nation to hawk all CM.. IF any clan(s) does this other clans can pay other nations/clans to flip the region and get marks in this way. Personally I need to consider the implications as I'm currently the richest man in the carraibean but not getting many marks.

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It's funny that pirates who do not take part in rvr, (including hostility generation and port screening), start complaining when agreements for ports take place!

So far we see the same four mabey five pirate clans doing all the work.

When clans are fielding 30-40 ships under a single clan banner, day in day out working towards organised goals. The rabble get offended, love it!!

Put work in and maybe you'll be invited to the adult table!!

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5 hours ago, Cabral said:

 So in few words, Lord V auto-proclamed himself ruler of the pirate nation?

Surprise, surprise - not like he tried that shit when he became a Brit and immediately made demands, etc.

The current conquest marks and PvP marks system is extremely flawed and way too easily abused/circumvented. The only thing that somewhat works is the PvE system. There should at least be an exchange market so nations/players that didn't abuse the system can catch up eventually and not be torn apart by ships they cannot obtain/fight.

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Jolly what demands has LV made exactly?? 

Unless I'm mistaken all the above shows is agreements between clans across national borders! Hang on a second did I miss when the pirates gave LV the crown!!! 

How is this any different to the Danes and sweeds non aggression agreement allowing traders to move between Capitals without risk of attack? 

Or the British and Dutch non aggression agreement on there Boarder around new Edinburgh!

It's all just clans working together there is no formal agreement restricting what you can do. If you want a region get off your Arse, get your ducks in order and take it!!! (stop enjoying pirate expansion and the resources we have without doing anything) and please Don't result to the age old crying on the forum!! (your looking British not like a pirate) 

**edit rumoured agreements

Edited by monk33y
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6 minutes ago, monk33y said:

Jolly what demands has LV made exactly?? 

Unless I'm mistaken all the above shows is agreements between clans across national borders! Hang on a second did I miss when the pirates gave LV the crown!!! 

How is this any different to the Danes and sweeds non aggression agreement allowing traders to move between Capitals without risk of attack? 

Or the British and Dutch non aggression agreement on there Boarder around new Edinburgh!

It's all just clans working together there is no formal agreement restricting what you can do. If you want a region get off your Arse get your ducks in order and take it!!! Don't result to the age old crying on the forum!!!

 But you are missing a point, not all pirates agree with their territory being given away by some agreement between SORRY and the spanish. You don't see a swedish or a brit clan giving away ports without consulting their respective nation counsils.

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15 minutes ago, monk33y said:

Jolly what demands has LV made exactly??

In the British nation? Oh quite a few (excluding the Germans from port battles for example - what a retarded demand).

This is about the attitude of joining a nation and thinking youre a god given leader and everybody has to obey.

Surprise, surprise you are pirates - they do whatever the hello kitty they want and they don't run 30-40 men fleets. So don't be surprised when some of them tell you to hello kitty off.

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Admin or mod. Fancy closing this down!! (yeah I'm shocked too)


To any player from any nation, if you want to capture or hold onto regions on this eu server. Up sticks, add ports and dock spaces and move to the region you want to control. We have port battle timers so you know when battles take place, you even get warnings on the hostility generation on the map!

If you want to take advantage of resources generation without spending a dime, in ship construction, adding ports and equipping cannons etc. Shut the hell up (feel better now)

Edited by monk33y
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lil guys crying when the big guys step forward and make the nation progress... 10/10.

Do you guys realize that these agreements have more pros than cons for all factions in it? Just so you know, cooperation makes you stronger, not weaker.

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