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Missions being severely restricted

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1 hour ago, admin said:

Before overreacting remember that even World of warcraft forces you to do mini raids in groups. Not only that - most casual games like clash of clans completely lock some of the content only for groups. 

We want you to socialize - it is easier to do fleet missions with friends and more fun. You are more protected this way and actually will enjoy the game more playing as a group. If you are solo player you still have access to solo content on the open world. Just find the spawn that you like (by some sailing around) and move there sinking ships of your liking.

There is want and force,  WANT  is where you ask nicely and maybe give players some extra reward like a shiny bit of loot that you dont get solo, FORCE is where your making us group us for the same rewards we would get from a low tier mission.


I don't mind grouping but when i come on and no one is around to play or people are busy i still want the option to solo misson to chill out as i find the combat the most fun, I dont want to sail for hours and hours for 1 battle...

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38 minutes ago, hoarmurath said:

Then the game isn't a sandbox anymore. Sandbox is about giving options to players so they can play the game the way they want. If you want to explain to us how we should play, you should do a theme park.

There is 1536 NPCs on the world ranging from solo traders to 24 ship fleets. + from 100 to 1000 players (lately)
if we completely remove missions it will make it sandbox again? Missions and quests are actually give less freedom to players. There are no quests in sandbox Rust for example. 

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5 minutes ago, admin said:

There is 1536 NPCs on the world ranging from solo traders to 24 ship fleets. + from 100 to 1000 players (lately)
if we completely remove missions it will make it sandbox again? Missions and quests are actually give less freedom to players. There are no quests in sandbox Rust for example. 

Skyrim is a sandbox and it has a Story line and missions. Eve online is a sandbox, has missions and dare i say some form of story..i use Eve online as the better example as it is what you seem to aim Naval action to be like.

Rust doesn't have currency so no need for Missons its pure pvp..if you want NA to be Pure pvp just make it like World of warships.


Also 1536 npcs on a map that big? Do you understand actually how big the map really is? it takes 8 real hours to get across is, so finding NPCs that are 5th rate and higher and not in a massive fleet is super rare. 

Edited by ironhammer500
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3 minutes ago, admin said:

 Missions and quests are actually give less freedom to players. There are no quests in sandbox Rust for example. 

OK, fair point.

But missions do give you the opportunity to get gold and XP, without having to sail around for a long time looking for AI or players.

In short, the missions keep a larger population in this game, and without it, the population will dwindle.

Not everybody has time to spend hours and hours searching for people or AI to fight, but at the same time, they might not want to give up the trading and other RPG elements that are in this game.

Therefore, telling those people that there will be an Arena style version of this game is simply not an option.


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1 hour ago, admin said:

Before overreacting remember that even World of warcraft forces you to do mini raids in groups. Not only that - most casual games like clash of clans completely lock some of the content only for groups. 

We want you to socialize - it is easier to do fleet missions with friends and more fun. You are more protected this way and actually will enjoy the game more playing as a group. If you are solo player you still have access to solo content on the open world. Just find the spawn that you like (by some sailing around) and move there sinking ships of your liking.

There are a couple of key differences that allow this group play in WoW to work. One is the population of the game. 7+ million players in WoW vs about 500 in Naval Action. Second is running a group mission in wow takes about 5 minutes and a dungeon usually about 15-30 minutes, A single 1v1 in Naval action takes at least 30 minutes let alone fleet mission that takes 45-1hour. Third group play is not mandatory in Wow. You can get from lvl 1-110 (without ever being in a group) In fact in WoW the speed levelers actually level faster solo than you can level in a group. In Wow group play also has much higher rewards than solo play in the form faster access to higher quality loot. 

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2 hours ago, admin said:

Before overreacting remember that even World of warcraft forces you to do mini raids in groups. Not only that - most casual games like clash of clans completely lock some of the content only for groups. 

We want you to socialize - it is easier to do fleet missions with friends and more fun. You are more protected this way and actually will enjoy the game more playing as a group. If you are solo player you still have access to solo content on the open world. Just find the spawn that you like (by some sailing around) and move there sinking ships of your liking.

Give us group search tool. 

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1 minute ago, strife1one1 said:

In Wow group play also has much higher rewards than solo play in the form faster access to higher quality loot. 

A decent strategy in Naval Action would be to keep missions for all levels in the game without restrictions, but just increase the rewards for group play.

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Just now, Yngvarr said:

A decent strategy in Naval Action would be to keep missions for all levels in the game without restrictions, but just increase the rewards for group play.

Agreed. Add better loot to the fleet missions such as upgrades and paints (oh wait upgrades were removed as drops) 

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Game is a huge time sink now, you need at least 3 hours per day to get enough $, so you can maybe save for a ship and pvp. Long drag that will soon become boring. This is specifically connected to starting players. Instead of making it easier for them you make starting a hardcore experience that will bring only refunds. 

-Increase gold drop from  1st 2 rank missions, 1000 gold is a joke, make it 5k. This will help new players with guns and crew money and they can hop in something else than cutter. One dura ships is enough hardcore for this game, don't make it any more difficult for people. 

-Open Restrictions and let players help each other.


Edited by Ned Low
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1 minute ago, The Red Duke said:

Can that be that hunting the NPCs in the OW be the equivalent of going into a mission to hunt NPCs ?

I'm going to ask you to explain your statement a bit further.

But on the first glance, i must say that hunting OW for AI or players, is not equivalent to doing missions.

(i'd explain the difference, but i think the difference is quite blatantly visible)


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No Duke, because a mission gives you a location to hunt and numerous npc's to kill within that small area. And the mission can be completed in 5-10 minutes. Hunting in OW is the equivalent to trying to find NPC's your level to grind and kill except in NA there is only 1 npc. 

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Okay, thank you.

Yngvarr, maybe I was a bit short on my reasoning.

Let's say a frigate level mission where we are faced with a squadron of 3 to 4 NPC frigates. There's enough of those roaming the regions.

What is the difference ( apart from the specific location as strife pointed out ) ?

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6 minutes ago, The Red Duke said:

Okay, thank you.

Yngvarr, maybe I was a bit short on my reasoning.

Let's say a frigate level mission where we are faced with a squadron of 3 to 4 NPC frigates. There's enough of those roaming the regions.

What is the difference ( apart from the specific location as strife pointed out ) ?

The difference is in the time required to find this squadron. Enough? Once every one will be hunting them, for how long do you think there will be enough?

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3 minutes ago, The Red Duke said:

Okay, thank you.

Yngvarr, maybe I was a bit short on my reasoning.

Let's say a frigate level mission where we are faced with a squadron of 3 to 4 NPC frigates. There's enough of those roaming the regions.

What is the difference ( apart from the specific location as strife pointed out ) ?

I have hardly seen any frigate fleets roaming around that are not my nation, even when i went to hostile waters this could be a PvE server issue idk, but i makes me feel the 1 hour trek is worthless.

The PVE server is in desperate demand for gold, players are to poor to use production to supply the need for resources, people are not trading the needed resources only the non usable money maker goods..


There is a saying, if it isn't broke, don't fix it!....the game was fine eco wise before..

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Duke for missions to work like in Wow the missions we take would have to be along the lines of kill X number of frigates. When you enter the battle there would need to be 15-30 ships all spread out and they only aggro to you when you get close to one of them or attack one of them. Then the health pools would need to be significantly reduced so they die in 1-3 hits and over time say 5-10 minutes they respawn and still offer the same xp/credits as loot as they do now per each kill. I mean in Wow AOE grinding is a thing where you go and aggro 10-15 and kill them all in 10-15 seconds. 


And missions are for all levels not just limited to the first 4 levels. 

Edited by strife1one1
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53 minutes ago, Ned Low said:


-Increase gold drop from  1st 2 rank missions, 1000 gold is a joke, make it 5k. This will help new players with guns and crew money and they can hop in something else than cutter. One dura ships is enough hardcore for this game, don't make it any more difficult for people.

I get 6000 gold for sinking any lynx that sails by after I leave port, and lynx seems to be the easiest ship to sink. 


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1 hour ago, rownd said:

I get 6000 gold for sinking any lynx that sails by after I leave port, and lynx seems to be the easiest ship to sink. 


Take average time spent sinking, let's say about 15 mins. Knowing that we are making 24k / hour. That is nothing. Devs open your eyes please. Buff damage/kill reward and make mission pay 5k at least. 

Edited by Ned Low
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Admin, You say all of the changes in this latest patch are to get more players into the open world.  But in my opinion these changes are having the opposite effect.  The economy is messed up.  Gathering costs are too high, setup costs are too high.  Ship setups cost has gone up by more than 1000% (cannons).  These changes are just going to drive people away.  It is nice that there are people that can dedicate their whole day to this game but that is not the majority of people.  The nice thing about wow is that I can hop on for an hour or so and get a lot accomplished.  An hour or 2 here might get me 15k gold.  As far as the socializing thing goes I think that was happening before.  When I'm on I'm active in our clan's TS and on nation chat.  I'm doing missions with other players.  But the more time it takes to get a ship fitted the less risk I want to take with it.  You want people to be willing to take risk and participate in PVP.

Edited by ltdan83
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34 minutes ago, ltdan83 said:

Admin, You say all of the changes in this latest patch are to get more players into the open world.  But in my opinion these changes are having the opposite effect.  The economy is messed up.  Gathering costs are too high, setup costs are too high.  Ship setups cost has gone up by more than 1000% (cannons).  These changes are just going to drive people away.  It is nice that there are people that can dedicate their whole day to this game but that is not the majority of people.  The nice thing about wow is that I can hop on for an hour or so and get a lot accomplished.  An hour or 2 here might get me 15k gold.  As far as the socializing thing goes I think that was happening before.  When I'm on I'm active in our clan's TS and on nation chat.  I'm doing missions with other players.  But the more time it takes to get a ship fitted the less risk I want to take with it.  You want people to be willing to take risk and participate in PVP.

The setup costs are a separate conversation, and I'm with you there.

But a game where the best (and therefore only viable) way to make money is to grind missions is a miserable failure of a game.

It probably would have been better to remove missions (in their current form) entirely, so no one could complain about the devs 'forcing' them to play a certain way.

Personally, I'm fine with the devs 'forcing' me not to use the Bismark ship that was added as an April Fools. Because it's a better game that way.

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I made 500k in one day trading. Set up coal, iron, oak, workshop and stone buildings, about to start crafting long cannons. You need to incorporate trading to make gold, not just missions/OW battles. One day trading, two days fighting.

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Im a  from PR and the coal mine is faaaar. Keep in mind the patch is brand new and they will tweek things. Got a protractor for map, great tool. Pretty soon you will be able to buy resources (coal, oak, iron etc) as people start producing them. To me the key rt now is to make as much gold as possible, with gold you can do anything, buy ships, cannons, resources, on and on

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1 hour ago, maturin said:

The setup costs are a separate conversation, and I'm with you there.

But a game where the best (and therefore only viable) way to make money is to grind missions is a miserable failure of a game.

It probably would have been better to remove missions (in their current form) entirely, so no one could complain about the devs 'forcing' them to play a certain way.

Personally, I'm fine with the devs 'forcing' me not to use the Bismark ship that was added as an April Fools. Because it's a better game that way.

Removing missions would be a bad idea, how are new players ment to start the game? And dont say cap ships, cause u get 1000 players trying to cap ships its not going to work, so missions work.

Bring back missions for all ranks and the lack of gold will be sorted, people will produce goods...

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2 hours ago, ironhammer500 said:

Removing missions would be a bad idea, how are new players ment to start the game? And dont say cap ships, cause u get 1000 players trying to cap ships its not going to work, so missions work.

The game worked just fine before missions came along, I can assure you.

If you say that OW rewards should be increased in order to help new players, then I'll agree with that.

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