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I'm outda here

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Okay a newbie here to the game but not mmo's.


From my view I stumbled upon the game accidently, think it was a random FB add. Probably only have about 30hrs into the game. First 20 was a struggle the last 10 benefited from in game help. Have read wiki, forum posts, u-tube vids but still found it a struggle with the content.


So my only gripe is for a new player is that there isnt say an in game help box, as in scratched head about crafting etc. But I love the period, the detail that is being added. So maybe i get to see with fresh eyes, there is a lot of helpfull people in OW.

That is how most of us had to get our info.  The problem is a lot of the ELITE players are very rude in game when you ask for help.  Than you have some really nice guys/clans that will help you.   Had this happen to me today.  Had some one call me a spy cause I didn't know the answer about how to find out what port are being attacked or defended and I missed the actually answer from some one else. I been a solo player and I have left for a few months cause I got bored.   I just recently came back cause of the new patch and I'm sure I'll get bored again cause of how little content there is in game.  I love the mid level play and would love more privater options in game.

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Stop being too nice - ban him and delete the post! This kind of garbage is a cancer to the society - screw him, ban him and give me his stuff!

Yea get rid of opposing points of view, destroy decenters, my way or the highway...yep seen people like you before...didn't think much of them either.

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Yea get rid of opposing points of view, destroy decenters, my way or the highway...yep seen people like you before...didn't think much of them either.

If you want to leave - leave; your continued posting suggest that you wish someone, anyone, would beg you to stay.  You act as if your making this post with honorable intentions; yet you haven't left as you suggested in the title.  Instead you continue to respond to post and complain because people do not care about you.  Such is life! Grow up and do as you claimed you were going to do - or - apologize to the community for this desperate attempt for attention and become a productive member of this forum society. But OMG - don't qq and whine like a small child that is going to quit because he doesn't like or agree with something. 

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............ I didn't know the answer ..........

Still my major bug lol......


Most games have some form of starter tutorial mode, that runs you through some basics.


I know there is a wealth of information within the forum etc......and from the noob point theres the problem, hats off to those that have explained in detail different aspects, but take the past two days, bought guns that i now have in warehouse cause they wouldnt fit, didnt know how to tell the correct size until i stumbled on a write up on steam.....


But being here isnt playing so Im off to unfurl my sails.

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Maybe a good reminder:


The devs have always tried to bring content patches every month or 1,5 month. After each content patch they immediately start working on the hotfixes that needed to be done.

Furthermore, we always have had plenty of say in what we wanted as the next new content. Not only via the development priority votes, but also regarding the player ship selection.


When major bug/exploits are found, the game is even brought to a halt to fix it right away.

Or, as most of us will remember, when something is implemented that the majority of the community doesn't like, it will be removed.


The thing with development is that it takes time. Whilst i know little of the actual coding and the amount of time it takes, i know plenty about the writing of frameworks.

For a feature is capable to be coded it needs to be nearly fail-proof to begin with and that takes a long time to achieve. Not only to get the feature itself to work, but also considering the side-effect of what that feature may cause.


If the game in it's current state doesn't offer enough for you to continue testing, i hope it will in the near future and we will see you return. :)

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... and players are the customers that make a game live or die


Yes. The purpose of a product is the customer. Not you, an individual, as a customer specifically.


Thanks for understanding.

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I can't understand why everyone is complaing about new dmg model. That model is so great.

Before it fights were all about sinking people and that felt stupid arcady and like every kiddy pew pew game.

Now fights have way more depth and all aspects of the game are required to win.


Are u joking or its real? Now its only one proper tactic, both OW and PBs: make max boarding ship (usually ppl use consti), split enemy, gank with chains and grapes splited part, board them, repeat with rest of enemy before they'll click out. In PBs add 1 point: capture towers. All about battles is now which side will brake enemy lines first to split them and gank.


There is even more simple tactic in last days for PBs: 1. make screen fleet with some 2,3 rates and stay outside attacked port. Let inside 5 ppl with boarding stuff and capture towers. End of battle in max 20 mins, profit.

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If you want to leave - leave; your continued posting suggest that you wish someone, anyone, would beg you to stay.  You act as if your making this post with honorable intentions; yet you haven't left as you suggested in the title.  Instead you continue to respond to post and complain because people do not care about you.  Such is life! Grow up and do as you claimed you were going to do - or - apologize to the community for this desperate attempt for attention and become a productive member of this forum society. But OMG - don't qq and whine like a small child that is going to quit because he doesn't like or agree with something. 

I will stay or go from this forum as I please. I have every right to defend or expand upon my original post. What you consider whining, I consider clarification. How many have left without explanation? Your and others unwillingness to hear these "whines" speaks to a blind spot on your part that I have exposed. If they want to have a viable game that commands the numbers required to fill it than, in my opinion the bleeding must be stopped. Who better to explain where the blood is coming from than the blood itself. 


I'm not alone in these thoughts. Their are many current players who agree with me and for every one of those their are many, many more that are now former players. So maybe you should quit YOUR whining about MY post and learn something.

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I will stay or go from this forum as I please. I have every right to defend or expand upon my original post. What you consider whining, I consider clarification. How many have left without explanation? Your and others unwillingness to hear these "whines" speaks to a blind spot on your part that I have exposed. If they want to have a viable game that commands the numbers required to fill it than, in my opinion the bleeding must be stopped. Who better to explain where the blood is coming from than the blood itself. 


I'm not alone in these thoughts. Their are many current players who agree with me and for every one of those their are many, many more that are now former players. So maybe you should quit YOUR whining about MY post and learn something.


May I ask for a practical example which explains why you have to sail that long? You should have explored all ports in your area, cause as you may or may not know, there're only about 5 ports (maybe one more or less) with different resources which are all quite close together (partially the reason why ppl complain bout boring RvR).. Hence, hauling doesn't rly take all that long except when you need one specific resource which is sold out in your area.. When I do NPC missions I usually keep canceling them until I got one which is close enough to get there without much hassle.. 

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Still my major bug lol......


Most games have some form of starter tutorial mode, that runs you through some basics.


I know there is a wealth of information within the forum etc......and from the noob point theres the problem, hats off to those that have explained in detail different aspects, but take the past two days, bought guns that i now have in warehouse cause they wouldnt fit, didnt know how to tell the correct size until i stumbled on a write up on steam.....


But being here isnt playing so Im off to unfurl my sails.

Yah I done a tons of searching on here and youtube and other sources, but since I wasn't in a clan and I haven't even gotten into the PvP of the game other than small battles I had no clue about the conquest and PB stuff.  I'm prob about to join a clan and get more into such.   I get it's EA and that might come later on, but the ELITE players need to understand not every one knows every thing they do and that there actions are doing more harm to the game than good when they push away new players like that.  New players mean more money for the game.  If a bunch of folks give up and give the game bad reviews cause of the way they are treated in game you will have less and less players when the game comes out fully.   That and content coming out so slow sooner or later some one else is going to come out with a better game with more features and your game will be out dated cause you took so long.  This is how I been feeling about the DayZ Standalone game which is EA also.   There is all ready other games like it coming out with more materiel faster that are catching players interest.


OH and stop calling this a simulator.  It is not a simulator. It might have some characteristics of one, but it is no where close to being a true simulator folks. 

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Yah I done a tons of searching on here and youtube and other sources, but since I wasn't in a clan and I haven't even gotten into the PvP of the game other than small battles I had no clue about the conquest and PB stuff.  I'm prob about to join a clan and get more into such.   I get it's EA and that might come later on, but the ELITE players need to understand not every one knows every thing they do and that there actions are doing more harm to the game than good when they push away new players like that.  New players mean more money for the game.  If a bunch of folks give up and give the game bad reviews cause of the way they are treated in game you will have less and less players when the game comes out fully.   That and content coming out so slow sooner or later some one else is going to come out with a better game with more features and your game will be out dated cause you took so long.  This is how I been feeling about the DayZ Standalone game which is EA also.   There is all ready other games like it coming out with more materiel faster that are catching players interest.


OH and stop calling this a simulator.  It is not a simulator. It might have some characteristics of one, but it is no where close to being a true simulator folks. 


You probably alrdy know this but you can ask questions here. I agree, though, that a tutorial might be helpful for new players.. Devs could maybe even connect the tutorial with a small story for the PvE minded people.. 

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Yes. The purpose of a product is the customer. Not you, an individual, as a customer specifically.


Thanks for understanding.


nor you, Mate. Nor you


And BTW, thanks for NOT understanding. 

Edited by victor
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May I ask for a practical example which explains why you have to sail that long? You should have explored all ports in your area, cause as you may or may not know, there're only about 5 ports (maybe one more or less) with different resources which are all quite close together (partially the reason why ppl complain bout boring RvR).. Hence, hauling doesn't rly take all that long except when you need one specific resource which is sold out in your area.. When I do NPC missions I usually keep canceling them until I got one which is close enough to get there without much hassle.. 

My original post was written on one of those short trips. Where some see these trips as exciting adventures, I see them as tedious and dull. The shortest trip I will take is five minutes. This may not seem like a long time in real life, but in game life it is too long. NPC missions are a prime example of tedious wastes of my time. Ask yourself this "why are you cancelling them?" Because they are a pain to get to and a pain to return from. The best reason for that is that I have heard is "they want to put them in less populated areas." Then why are they always closer to three other ports than the one they originated from? Why have a monstrously huge OW if a precious few bother sailing it? If the only answer to the drudging work of sailing any distance at all is to stay in a small area, why have an open world at all?


If there were something to do on these time consuming treks that would help tremendously. A floating crate, a survivor hanging onto a scrap of wood with a story...anything. Heck, polishing brass would be an improvement. Bravo for those that can muster the imagination to fill the void of empty sea, I can't and the truth is, I'm not alone. And that is what this game is going to struggle with if it remains thus. The choice will be between player retention to maintain the numbers needed to fill this massive playing field or a massive playing field with no players, in my opinion.

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Don't worry this crew update they are working on will make the game a micromanagement nightmare.

Will be interesting to see how the population is affected.


Barriers to pvp. PVP game. Population will be affected negatively. That's my best guess. Time will tell. 

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Barriers to pvp. PVP game. Population will be affected negatively. That's my best guess. Time will tell.

I see it being a real issue for players who don't have several hours a session to play.

Sail out, maybe find a battle after 20 mins, up to 30 mins or more to fight depending on type of fight, if you win and take any significant crew loss or capture ship, sail back and repeat.

But who cares about filthy casuals.

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Seems like whenever anyone makes an 'I quit' thread, they invariably end up going on to make a minor feature request later in the thread. Because the game is tanking, but my pet idea can save it.

And when that idea is something... something missions...

<mumbles> "Fuck missions" </mumbles>

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Like evrybody else, I played alot computer games in my life. Multiplayer ones and singleplayer ones.While the idea of the openworld ist nice, it is indeed a little bit empty. When you do long trade trips it does get boring. I don't like the port-battle mechanic at all. Not even the concept of capturing ports. I would have been happy with fixed ports that can't change the nationality. Fighting those turrets seems very lame. Either do it right, with a harbour and a fort on the hills above it or don't.

If you have just 1.5hrs at the weekend to play, you really think about starting naval action. I rather play something else when I am short on time.


My 2 cents is, that the game would draw much more interest if it would have been a more "world of Warship" game with proper sailing physics. I definatly had more fun in the early closed alpha phase.

Edited by Banana_Joe
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Since this will be my last post for some time I might as well go out with a bang. The population that is left here is not an adequate judge of what this game requires to flourish. This distilled remainder could watch grass grow and call it entertaining. They could be feed gruel morning, afternoon and night and applaud the chef. As far as they are concerned this game it ready for release. That or the potential is so outstanding that questioning obvious faults, is similar to questioning the celestial plan of gods.


There are 82 players on PVP2 at prime time on a weekend. PVP3 closed down and those few on PVP2 wondering if their sever should be merged. The average player population on PVP1 would allow each player his or her own private port. Steam reviews have gone from mostly positive to mixed with the majority of negative respondents coming from players with hundreds and or thousands of hours under their belts. This avalanche of negativity is greeted with, what can only be described as a self imposed ignorance. It is countered by excuses (it's early access) insults (they don't care about the game) and developer thin skin (deletion and removal of posts.)


So who am I to tell you your wrong, (or anyone else for that matter?) After all its the developers game. If you enjoy it the way it is...who am I to say your wrong? No-one,...just some player with a few hundred hours and soon gone from the game buffoon. So good for the developers to silence my ravings. Good for the players who want the game to stay the same. Good for the apologists to attack my motives. You have a wonderful niche game that will fill the needs of a very select few for a long while. Enjoy it my former sailing mates but don't ever wonder why its empty. Don't ever wonder why more people don't see the beauty that you see. Because the answers where rendered unto you and you dismissed them with great vigor.


So goodbye, I will go with my truth and leave you with yours. No ill feelings on my part and I hope you enjoy NA for many years to come.

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They'll change pirates and what their place is in the game regarding RvR. They'll obviously also rework RvR as a whole since it is obviously not exactly motivating to conquer port after port after port for no apparent reason but painting the map with your faction's color.. 


Yes Rosebud, you're right that a lot of people stopped playing the game but I simply do not understand what the F you want? You keep going on and on and on about player numbers and that something has to change which is cool but give the devs at least some time to work on it cause by the sounds of it you only seem to understand either now or never which is just unrealistic.. 


Take a break and check back once the summer is over.. Best u can do, rly.. 

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