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Flag on Aves planted within seconds


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Today when DKN assaulted Aves, Babay the flag carrier was pulled into battle outside the port. He managed to leave the battle, and literally seconds later the message that conquest had started was displayed.

It was nowhere near the two minutes it takes to plant a flag, it was seconds.


Is this a bug, intended or what happened here?

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There was a bug that when you started the flag timer, got dragged into battle, the timer still ran down and the PB opens the instant the flag carrier can leave the battle. Maybe that's what happened?


Sounds exactly like the teleport bug then

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I can confirm, from a not included side of the occurent, that this happened. A few swedish players (inculding me) came to see the spectacle and noticed the incident. (Looked nice btw.)

We also wondered what was going on.


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One thing i noticed, while being on the danish side is, that we got pull into a battle by a relativ small frigate fleet also we had more then 30 3rd around the flag carrier and your battle rating was so much higher in that battle that we could leave again straigth away.

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As devs already mentioned, new Conquest system is in works and will be out soon. Hold on tight. Expect port wipe during patch deployment. 


 I heard, New 3 circle port capture will be introduced. Battlefield style. Devs will post details when it's ready. 




Port conquest will be slowed down, assault flags most likely are going to be abandoned. 

captains should be advised that ports are getting reset when that feature comes out.

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As devs already mentioned, new Conquest system in works and will be out soon. Hold on tight. Expect port wipe during patch deployment. 

If it's just a "port wipe" - should we make sure we keep all our assets in freetowns in case it is implemented on short notice?

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