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Americans (PvP1)

Vernon Merrill

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Summer is coming...and that will bring the Black Hurricanes!!!

Well yes, summer and the school break will give you bounders an influx of middle-school Jack Sparrows. Thanks for your concern, but we'll survive the infestation of the little nippers just fine. :P

Edited by GrapeShot
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Another case of anti-American bias from the mods. They remove off-topic, off-faction comments from the French, Spanish and British national threads, but when the USA faction puts one up it's a free-for-all.

Arr the mods clearly see through the guise of american imperialism and are fighting to destabilize your attempts at forum diplomacy. Har har 

(Light Forum PVP is surely acceptable in this scenario) 

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I am not bothred by the ramblings of tweener pirates nor Old World fops in their poofy shirts and powdered wigs.

Just like our diverse federated States, our clans and free men can cooperate inspite of the meddling from the other factions.

Edited by GrapeShot
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Arr the mods clearly see through the guise of american imperialism and are fighting to destabilize your attempts at forum diplomacy. Har har 

(Light Forum PVP is surely acceptable in this scenario) 


I thought the same thing, until my (and others') posts were deleted from the aforementioned threads.

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Another case of anti-American bias from the mods. They remove off-topic, off-faction comments from the French, Spanish and British national threads, but when the USA faction puts one up it's a free-for-all.

We have several US moderators. I don't think that is the case

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The OP is correct.


All clans and representatives of unaffiliated players are welcome to join the discussion of strategy on our TS, which we use as the place to gather for War councils. A nation is stronger than their numbers whenever they are unified and active. We will have gains and we will have losses and we will adjust and adapt to whatever onslaught that comes our way.


Attacks and defenses can be better planned with a sure knowledge of participation and communication between all. Chat windows are not sufficient. The enemy watches those. If you are not interested in TS then find someone that can represent you and others.


As the call goes out, will you answer? Don't be one of those players that complain about strategies and progress while you sit comfortably behind the lines doing missions in relative safety. This is a pvp server for crying out loud!


Don't air your concerns in public for all the other nations to take advantage of. Get a hold of the clans that are on the front lines. We have many avenues of communication available beyond TS. Friend the leaders of these groups and send them mail or contact them in game. Understand the decisions before you criticize them. For an example. The gulf push may have seemed useless but even if all those ports are taken back, we will have owned, for months, over 60 resource ports when we started with what, 8?


You've heard the call, the invite, now act.

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