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Ned Loe

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Everything posted by Ned Loe

  1. Ned Loe

    Patch day?

    You think Devs will start Monday with some good news? P.S. the stars are aligned properly and predict good things.
  2. Now this is what I am talking about. Thanks for making this nice and clear. What do you think Devs? Add admiralty Shop and make things interesting for everyone.
  3. Problem is , this game lacks the amount of items that can be used as rewards. For example, if Devs would add loot and divide it into Rare(PvE) and Exceptional(PvP) then we could have exchange missions for PvE and PvP , but each quality would have it's own items as final exchange reward.
  4. So, how would you tune it? How about adding achievement system to PvE. Means Kill 100 Vics and get reward equal to 1 PvP top 10 reward?
  5. All you have to do now is make Events rewarding and long lasting. Means some items will require long pvp/pve participation before they can be acquired. Addicting crowd to rewards/ achievements should put this game back on the track. Add junk loot on the top of that and see what happens Make visual unlock path for achievements/rewards based on kills and activity. Such system will make you golden.
  6. I agree, I said it many times introduce participation reward such as new currency. Reward people for trying. I am not talking big amounts of coins, but small value after each fight is a good start. Such currency should be accumulated and used in Admiralty Shop. ex. 1 Rare Ship Cost = 12000 Event Coins Participation reward 150 coins. That is 80 fights for those who did not make it into top 10. You want people to fight and grind, this is Naval Action .
  7. That's where balance should come into play. Devs should know better that PvP should always give away the most drops. PvE on the other hand should give away same drops , but not that often. ex. PvP Rare drop 60%, PvE Rare drop 20%. Devs are responsible for balance and how things drop, but all players should be able to get same drops no matter where they participate. In this case their fastest option would be PvP. All those who take their time will get same items with x3 more time spent. ex. PvP = 1 week, PvE = 3 weeks. All PvP and PvE participants should get rewards (rare wood, gold mods, notes, titles etc), but rare drop rate must be adjusted to each mode individually. Rare drops should include (blueprints, paint, labor etc..)
  8. Are PvP events only 1vs1? or there are no rules in the zone?
  9. PvP server has people who pvp and those who don't. Forcing all into pvp is not a smart move.
  10. Port entry will change and both attackers and defenders will spawn based on their OW position. We don't know about the wind yet but maybe the wind should be taken from the OW forcing attackers to carefully choose the time for attack. Why not add a bonus for better spawn locations, *wind direction etc.. Read here:
  11. I think if they slightly nerfed crew damage numbers + added one time 30% crew heal over 5 mins + Brace. It would be a perfect combination imho. Not too strong, let's player restore some guys over 5 mins just in case they have a critical crew and they still want to fight. ex. Player is hurt and his crew is badly damaged. He Uses Brace+Heal 30% crew and takes cover behind his friend. After some time he is back in the game and the fight continues. This is something NA doesn't have right now.
  12. PVE challenge. New lobby event focused exclusively on killing NPC ships. Players will have limited time to sink as many opponents as they can (on a pre-selected ship). Event will run weeky (or for several days) depending on the testing results. Top 10 players will be rewarded by ship redeemables, upgrades, rare materials and paint customizations. Ship which can be used in events will change every event. This needs more thinking. Why would anyone participate if only 10 would get rewarded? Make sure players get participation rewards - small amount of Admiralty Store Currency and nice loot with a 25% gold mod drop. This means players who participated and managed to kill at least 2 ships or more are automatically qualify to receive guaranteed Admiralty store money, loot a maybe if they are lucky get a nice mod. Make sure small quantity of rare material drop as well. Top 10 should get much larger quantities. Now if they want better rewards, then they need to work harder if you know what I mean. Think about the same for pvp. You can't leave participant without a small reward if he lost or did not manage to get in top 10. The only drawback found in testing is this - land changes combat completely and in some cases will slow them down depending on the harbor. Some harbors will be very hard to capture due to their natural composition. Make difficult harbors Regional capitals that are close to National Capital. You don't have to copy exact land shape, but if you make those region port battles challenging it will bring more people and keep them trying. example. Take a look at US, they lost ports because it was open world line ship battle. Trust me if it was a challenging Port Battle with land it would be more difficult for the attacker to claim Ports. I would reset ports again , and try fresh with land in battles. So, introduce changeling land formations to regional capitals and Nation Capitals only and make all other ports as they are. It is not logical that all crew can be killed by ball or grape (for some of the sailors are on the masts and yards). We have returned the old sea trials thresholds of 30 and 10%. After you kill 70% of enemy crew it will be harder and harder to inflict more casualties. After losses reach 90% crew damage becomes impossible. The cannonball damage is still under review. Brace is added for testing. Brace allows you to give a take cover command to your crew that will act a s crew shock severely limiting crew casualties, but blocking some of the actions you could do while you are on brace. Brace will stop reload, affect firing ability, stop repairs and water pumping and rudder usage. You will still be able to use yards. Now this is something that I really like. Making crew harder to kill is a step i the right direction. Along with that, please consider adding one time Surgeon/Medic kit use that can also restore 30% during 5 min time period, but not instantly. Really like the Brace idea with cool-down on other skills. Players will be able to create new fighting tactics. Admiralty store. New currency will be added and will be granted for PvP victories and successful port attack or defense. In its basic implementation players will be able to use this currency to buy rare materials and upgrades. This I think must get in. Make it simple for now and have a variety of items to purchase using new currency earned in events/pvp/port battles. Ships, paint, mods, *figureheads, titles, *crew uniform color etc.. *possible future additions Please consider junk loot that can replace many rewards for those who participated.
  13. I wonder if Devs ever considered creating a very detailed illustrated map for NA. It would make exploration more popular. Illustrated map could display resources, landmarks and all other details that current map is missing. Example
  14. Devs have to give player options. 1. Stay at your area and play nice. 2. Go teleport and disrupt your enemies at any time with minimum travel times. This means when I log in I sail to my jump point for 15-20 mins, jump to another region and have action there with jump timer of 1 hour before next jump. This gives players flexibility and more things to do than just camp their ports and stare at the same coast.
  15. So, you are suggesting people to lock themselves on their property and scare away crows that want to feed on your newly planted garden seeds for the rest of their lives?. This is the most boring thing I ever heard.
  16. Unfortunately it won't change for better until Devs get more PvE content in the game and make travel around the world easier.
  17. 'most' places , but not all. 20% of places leaves 80% untouched. This is -80% of game content that is restricted to a new player. Restricted due to long travel times and some people can't afford it. This results in Naval Action being a temporary place to crush in. Temporary means it will take little time before customer realizes he wasted his money. Refunds, bad reviews and so on...
  18. I think you see Naval Action as true sailing simulator. Unfortunately, only minority will enjoy this concept. You simply saying yes to gank fest and saying no to friends helping friends.
  19. I am not alone. There are 100s of requests on this and Steam forums. I like to hear all opinions including yours.
  20. You can find sweet demand here: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/17281-why-naval-action-rating-is-sinking/ Everyone has their opinions and I respect them all, but I look little further. If devs can't see it then someone else will. Comparing No Man's Sky and companies who now copy/remake their technology to satisfy the demand and take easy $$..
  21. Good idea, but In order for this to work, Devs have to stack Free Port shops with basic ships. I would add small .5% increase in cost to 'buy passage'. So, with every jump price slowly goes up and resets every 24 hours do default.
  22. I look at the map and find a spot half way between each free port in the route across the map. Then take a level 1 mission that appeared just past the half way mark. Sail yo it, enter and surrender. Rinse and repeat. This is not what people payed for. To me it looks like someone did not finish what they started. If a customer payed $40 for a product that forces you to use what you wrote ^ it simply puts a big shame mark on Company. Read latest reviews and see what people want.
  23. 90% of players don't have 8 hours/day required to enjoy this game fully. This means those 90% will eventually get bored and quit. Devs need to provide tools that will let players join action when then they want and right when they log in into the game. Today we have this - player log in, he sees pvp on the other side of the world, but 1. I have to spend days real time sailing there to set up an outpost and move ships. 2. By the time I do all this pvp is over in that zone and is moved to another zone. 3. You know the answer ... because that player is no longer in Naval Action.
  24. You need to come up with something that let's players fast travel around the world. Join hot zones when they need it. I think you simply killing your game by ignoring long sail issue. Adding extra Free-ports will not solve 8 hours to get action thing.
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