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Ned Loe

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Everything posted by Ned Loe

  1. Devs should stick with 3vs1 ratio (read ^ post) . Like I said before only new players demast in 1vs1 and if you hunt traders in most cases you slightly damage sails and rage board when you tag at the right wind angle. This simply means that Conie can easily fight 3 Frigates and be able to show force and not loose sails fast in gank situations and 'maybe' survive. This makes Naval Action rating system work. Player should know that even with 3 frigates it should be difficult to take on a heavily armed 4th rate and and not suffer casualties. Today gankers jump people, demast, sink and get away undamaged. Game breaking imho. Just my opinion, please don't get mad.
  2. Did you test demast with a 3:1 ratio? Take 2 friends and go try to demas Conie with caros/longs at different ranges. See if it works. 3:1x100=+300% Damage If damage to sails from 3 Frigates (combined) vs Conie equals to pre patch damage output of one ship, then we are fine.
  3. What do you mean? Are you talking about blueprint? If so, Blueprint is paper weight.
  4. It's not an issue it's a test process. It will be tuned down eventually I am sure. Test your patience for few weeks maybe?
  5. I will take it, about to create 2nd account and it will be useful. Note that final wipe will get rig of all your items anyway. Remember being a tester is hard work, if you feel it's too frustrating for you take a break and come back when you feel it's time. Happy Holidays.
  6. Please post your reviews in this active topic: You will have larger chances to be heard.
  7. I am not a big fan of this. Why disrupting players who are heading to PB? what about nation with only few players who just made the numbers to defend their ports and they get split and killed outside? This means PB is over for them. All that work from multiple time zones who worked hard is wasted by this addition. You think they will come back and do it again? I don't think so. I would instead protect participants and make sure PB is filled 25vs25 by adding a PB participant flag that would protect them. Unless you want people to sink on the way to pb... For such addition to work correctly you need very large player population for each nation.
  8. I wonder if Devs considered Npc vs Npc OS open battles. Imagine you are sailing and then you see open battle going on, you jump in and try to sink all Npcs. Get nice loot after.
  9. This is true. That does not mean I can not express my point of view. We are allowed to participate in clean and civilized conversations. The more people talk the more information Developer can take out from these conversations. Sometime it's good to hit 100, listen to your comments and then fine tune it down. Saves time and money.
  10. We try to keep discussions nice and clean and without any hostility. If you are questioning Developer data please mail them with your concerns. Disrupting conversations and attacking players is not nice. We don't argue we try to figure out every detail and hear everyone's opinion. Thank you.
  11. I will personally ask Devs to give you a free copy of their new game. Your feedback is great and right on point.
  12. We have seen enough of yours. I appreciate your feedback.
  13. I understand, but with only 1 repair you can just kite anyone to Death. Don't you get it? You really want to call Kiting a skill? I understand if repairs would reset every 10 mins it would be a different story.
  14. Let's try not to call each other names and keep it nice and clean. Devs did the change not people who express their opinions. Thanks.
  15. It needs testing and fine tuning. I am sure it's not final value and will get adjusted once they get more data from fights. The increase is good, but like others said could be at Max allowed for comfortable level of gameplay. I would test more and wait for the Hotfix patch. Don't forget testing is uncomfortable feeling.
  16. We are all special at some point. Devs should just get nice data first and then fine tune it. Done.
  17. I don't get why do you need to demast? Is break rudder not enough? if a player wants to fight he will stay and fight. Devs said player can run any time if he wants to do so. However, if I am facing 2 Npcs and 2 Frigates in my 4th rate I want broadside to broadside sink action.
  18. It was not in the sweet spot. If Devs want to balance things more interestingly, just add debuff shot. LEt's say overloaded shot with chain +30% once per game. This shot must be fired precisely to get all 30% into the sails/masts. In this case Victim will need to maneuver go to Battle sails in order to Defend from such attack. All gankers are now complaining. Come out and fight broadside to broadside?
  19. How do carronades perform at close range when shooting sails? Let's say 24lbs Anyone tried. btw, I would rather see 5vs5 shooting armor and not sails. Looking back in potbs, if it was a 5vs5 all went shoot to sink and later when numbers changed to 4vs1 let's say they went for sails and in our case 4vs1 will work and you will be able to cap a ship.
  20. 1. You don't need demast in 1vs1, Devs give you option to run anyway. 2. You need demast penalty in gank cases and that is where 30% comes in handy. 3. 30% won't change much in PBs since damage output on focused target equals to 10-15 ships doing damage at once. So, 30% is perfect and focus fire will chew sails nicely.
  21. Kite tactic is still at large and will remain that way. With 30% increase to Mast HP demast will take longer , but it will still be possible if gankers use the fleet. Longer time means more time for a victim to cause returning damage on attacker that in some situations will turn out Victorious for the victim. This is what Naval Action needs, unpredictable ending or in other words great 'comeback'. If a Victim can sink 2 NPCs and hurt 3rd player badly and force him to flee, then I can call this a good balance. It will cost attacker 2 npc ships and crew maybe 200k+ in damages compared to Victims 1 dura lost in 50% of cases.
  22. What if that's a gank group of 2 Frigates and 2 more Endys? We are not talking 1vs1s. In 1vs1 only noobs go for sails. However in a gank situation they always go for sails and that has to stop. If they ganked me with their friends let's go broadside to broadside like real men.
  23. I am not going to explain the whole story about how US nation acting in PvP battles. I know what I could do and what couldn't. The point is ,it will help players survive and prolong battle fun.
  24. Demasting is still a problem and I think 30% is perfect to keep players fighting side to side and not sails all the time. I had a fight in my Consti vs 2 Frigates. I was able to keep them off and enjoyed the fight up until they chewed my sails and fun was over. I had their armor down low, but I had no sails left to operate the 4th rate. This 30% is what I needed to keep fighting, it really works well in gank situations and will help many players. You are on the right track and if someone says it's too much I say it's not enough. Gank demasting is what is killing this game, making demast useless what you should do. Players should fight broadside to broadside. On the other hand, Demast in port battles will still work, since incoming damage is 10x heavier.
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