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Everything posted by Balck

  1. Taking down a larger ship in an inferior one is an exhilarating experience. Trinco could dance on a Victory's stern all day but oh well, his loss. Too bad he messed up someone else's fun...
  2. Ah, was going by the "simulator" line I'm subscribed to both Sidestrafe and Ram. Bought the game cause of ram; saw one video, bought it two minutes after Welcome aboard! You'll have a blast.
  3. Sidestrafe, is that you? It's sim-light for sure but it is pretty damn good at it Better than some so called sim and sim-light titles out there *cough* war thunder *cough*
  4. I got it from here while doing research on the subject.
  5. Surprise is a heavy corvette, by French standards anyway We do need some more variety in frigates, some lighter than Surprise and up to the Constitution.
  6. The two ships were in the same class. That is, identical specifications, dimensions, armament, etc. As such, to bring it into the game would mean simply remodeling the stern to show a different name but for all intents and purposes you have two of the same ship. Not a bad thing in and of itself. However, man hours better spent on new ship types/classes or the open world prototype. I think that's what Gautrek was getting at. I'm alright with either case to be honest. But would rather see the gap between brig and heavy corvette bridged as well as seeing 4th and 2nd rates. Then we can add multiple models within the individual classes as well as merchantmen and indiamen.
  7. I concur with Sir Cunningham. Even if I agree with the underlying premise of his post, that capture should be more common than sinking, the way the gentleman went about it crossed the line. As Mr. Walsh, myself and others have pointed out, this is an issue we hope and expect the development team to address in the future. It has been brought up many times before. A simple search or merely looking through the forums would demonstrate this. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/1941-damage-cannons-repairs-firing-aiming-suggestions-and-feedback/?p=44609 http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/1941-damage-cannons-repairs-firing-aiming-suggestions-and-feedback/?p=44610 Moreover, the developers of this game are more than happy to interact with and listen to their players/testers. The manner in which he broached the subject was utterly uncalled for and counterproductive. As such, the repercussions are well within reason. Take a week off to reflect and come back with a more cogent, less belligerent, argument. There are many who agree with the premise and point but really don't care for how you went about it.
  8. Blast from the past! How many of you ever played Tides of War from 1998? It was loosely based on the war of the Spanish Succession with an entirely open world loosely based on, well ours Some of it was cheesy, like the Spanish being called the Darn Empire. Still, the ability to sail from London to Sydney and anywhere in between with diverse nations, friend and foe, was mind blowing. It didn't hurt that it had a great story line and that intro! I didn't sleep for two days and played the sucker through, still have my cd's. You went from piloting a cutter to a first rate. You had to manage provisions, ammo, crew, repairs, morale. The controls were arcade for sure, but you had to manage the wind, which was tied to your geographical location and time of day. For its day, and in the genre, hell of a game! Still have fond memories of it. (looks very dated these days ) Here's a playlist for the soundtrack https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA62CBD841B5DEAA0 And a small sample EDIT: You can actually get it here from Old-games.com.
  9. That may be the best solution. A purposeful full broadside would be subtracted from the total. One or two close shots would be negligible. It would go a long way to discourage the behavior described by Sainduiex. May I also add one to this list? Purposefully ramming someone, or threaten to ram, in order to push/drive them outside of the battle boundary in a boat which is about to sink anyway. Frankly I think the battle boundary is a mixed blessing, I get why it's there. That little experience yesterday left a real bad taste in my mouth and hope to never see it again. Win or lose, do so with some integrity.
  10. Balck

    Reporting for duty!

    As I told another fellow, get your affairs in order. This game is like crack!
  11. That is only for when your pump is damaged (red) in order to plug leaks and pump water from the hull, select survival. Rudder, magazine, pumps can all be damaged and repair. Armor and Sails are replenished a certain amount.
  12. Ram, you're in essence arguing for our very own system of tarring and feathering. This wasn't always just even if it may have been sometimes justified. Please consider the unseen consequences of handling bad apples this way. I don't want them in the game if this is all they'll ever do. Still, perfectly good and descent players may end up tarred and feathered because of one mistake or because someone has a gripe against them. Pandora's box. There needs to be a system whereby the innocent are cleared and the guilty are dealt with. Otherwise this will end up hurting the community more than helping it. While I sympathize and agree with your sentiments, I'm obliged to disagree on the methods.
  13. Balck


    Keifer, you made it! Was working on Fletcher to come over but he's anxiously awaiting Elite Dangerous but may give this a try later on. I remember you from PotBS Pfeil, but more so from WT. Agreed on Gaijin's screw up of that game. My last hopes were on ground forces... good Lord.
  14. If port towns are ever implemented, where the avatars can walk around, i'll be able to help with buildings 3D modelling.
  15. Careful, you're sounding like Flip. No offense Flip (light humor for both of you) It really isn't that hard once you get the gist of it. It has a relatively small learning curve but takes practice and a bit of time to master, I think that's good. It actually helps and is far more rewarding than mere a/d. The two gentlemen were discussing in detail what happens when the sails/masts/yards undergo changes as seen in game. Maybe information for the dev's to tune up the manual yard controls not necessarily give us turrets syndrome
  16. Well, he went for close range after a victory in his surprise earlier, that didn't go as planned. Them stern chasers...
  17. Work server's being updated today, internet down for an hour. No NA during lunch break today either way since its server is also down. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy... I'll be looking for you MrDoran
  18. There are so many great baroque composers that one could spend a lifetime sampling music from each and still have not heard each gem. By far my preferred musical style. There are the well known ones like Handel But then you come across one you've never heard before and have to stop and admire the cheer beauty, sending you on a quest to find more from the composer. Like this piece by Guillemain.
  19. Some love for the French and one of my favorite renditions of Santy Anno. This is a favorite of mine: For the pirates among us:
  20. I've actually grown accustomed to the whistle. From repeated usage, I can figure out what's going on other ships if close enough
  21. That would fall under the first category in my example not the second. However, we are in testing... victory matters little if at all. Damage matters most. For testing and progression. Secondly, a cutter got nearly 5k damage in a match I was part of yesterday involving Surprises and Trincomalees. Had he rammed to "help the team" he would have actually lost the match for them because his damage made a great deal of difference. He got his brig not long after that to boot. Ponder that one.
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