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Everything posted by Prater

  1. Look up ramjb's videos. Someone else has one for the brig but I don't remember their name.
  2. The cutter is a small target. It is harder to hit a cutter so in the brig you are probably sinking faster or having to try and evade more than you did in the cutter. Brig also turns slower, so in the Cutter you can often get 2 broadsides or maybe you had carronades loaded? They double the broadside weight.
  3. I agree with all your points, however, the small ships are a blast. I spent most of my games this weekend in the lynx (even though I have all ships unlocked), and I had a blast going yard arm to yard arm with bellonas, trincs and constitutions who couldn't hit me. I sank a Surprise and a snow. I finished off several surprises, a bellona, a trinc, and was an all round nuisance. I had a Bellona wasting broadsides on me instead of allied frigates and bellonas. I had surprises and conis and snows primarying me instead of their equivalent. Pretty good for a ship that had a broadside weight of 48lbs. p.s. The all time favorite moment from this weekend was when my allied Trinc purposefully rammed the lynx I was fighting, pushing him into me and running us over. Both lynxes sunk. Pretty funny since I still had 2 repairs left and was beating the enemy lynx. I can't wait for the navy lynx that is being released in the next two weeks.
  4. Just because your dxdiag says you have directx11 that doesn't mean your video card supports it. In the general discussion there is a topic A short guide for novices that has a part that talks about video cards.
  5. Don't know, but it shows a cannon being fired at a "hull"
  6. Yes, they say that the weight of the shot is 1/4th that of shots used on warships, whatever that means. I assume it is a 6lber? But the say they also scale the wood so it isn't as thick as what it would have been, but I don't know if this test is exactly reliable. I wish they could have got a scale gun like an 18lber and made the "hulls" the correct size. 32lb carronade would have been nice as well.
  7. I dont know that myth busters is exactly accurate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGM6AlwjGS0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfsuIaTU92Y&app=desktop
  8. You know you are in the right fleet when Leviathan takes out his 2nd or 3rd deck of guns on the Victory to accommodate for more beer storage and we still win the match. Who needs 24lbers (or 32lbers) and 30 extra guns on a line ship? Not Leviathan.
  9. Nice! The framing isn't quite correct. The British ships would have hard larger gaps and the Constitution would have had no gaps, whereas in the video it has gaps. Would be awesome to see a non-scaled test with the correct dimensions, framing, and larger sized guns. That ball bouncing off was amazing. Also funny to compare them putting the different test walls up. On The British ships, the framing was spaced, so a good portion of the ship was only 8'' thick, whereas the constitution had 0 space framing and had between 20-25'' thick (I've seen different measurements). Would be interesting to see a test on a hanging knee, which pretty much doubles the thickness.
  10. Something that allows us to experiment more and isn't complex is awesome. However, most people don't sail perfectly. I would say that probably no one sails perfectly. There is more to using the yards than most people expect and it is beyond turning and tacking. I don't know if any of this is realistic, but there is a ton of stuff you can do with the yards. Even on the small ships with controlling the boom there is a lot you can do (well, a few things at least, considering you only have one yard to control). There are a ton of people in superfrigates and up that can't tack or even use the yards for turning, let alone using them to their maximum advantage.
  11. This has a heavier broadside weight than the ST or Victory. Edit: Wait, nm. You didn't calculate the broadside weight. Broadside weight is 992, slightly more than the Bellona (892). It will be slower and less maneuverable than the Bellona. Does look really cool though.
  12. http://www.navalaction.com/preorder/ At the top of the page, first thing: Warning: Game keys are sent out every in batches every friday. Also, it is sometime after 3pm Kiev time that they send it out. The customer service is excellent, if you stick around. The devs are very active in the community and actually interact with us. This is also a testing system right now. Although we think of it as a game and play it as one, it isn't quite "I'm buying a game product" right now, but a, I'm buying an alpha that I can test and will eventually be developed into a finished product. The team is small and not everything is in place. But it is the best thing I've spent my money on recently. Hands down beats any big title game out there (in my opinion).
  13. I highly doubt people aren't choosing their favorite ships. They are trying to convince others to vote for their favorite ship by saying it is really needed in the ship lineup.
  14. 18th century is 1700s. Game is 17th-19th Centuries. 1820 is the hard date for the end. Most named ships in the alpha are post 1790s.
  15. There are heavier armed baltimore clippers, such as the Antelope that carried 14 guns. Instead of the Lynx that historically carried 6.
  16. I really want to see the Leander and Newcastle. Though, the Brits could just use the Constitution model for that in the meantime.
  17. We can use the Bellona or other lineships though. Let's concentrate on more important ships, such as merchants, privateers, more warships of different types.
  18. Here are ships of a thousand tons that were said to be really fast. https://books.google.com/books?id=hcb5AQAAQBAJ&pg=PA87&lpg=PA87&dq=merchant+ships+napoleonic+era&source=bl&ots=ft-Yx-zJYD&sig=DnuQPvp9cNLFCrWrTUGZSnf6XMA&hl=en&sa=X&ei=SCHJVIqsJYacgwStxYLYDA&ved=0CGQQ6AEwDQ#v=onepage&q=merchant%20ships%20napoleonic%20era&f=false
  19. I personally only want ships between 1760 give or take to 1815 give or take. I want the game to be set between 1795ish-1815ish. The Victory and Bellona were still around when the US Frigates were released, so that is historical. The ships currently in game are mostly from the Napoleonic era and I think that should be the setting of the game. 1701 ship? No thanks. But that's just me and my preferred vision of the game. Like Crankey said, hopefully we will see the precursors, like Baltimore clippers in the game, and other Schooners: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baltimore_Clipper
  20. I personally will be all to happy to sail next to Grim to fight the Brits. Though if you set your sights on American interests, I might have to give you several 18 and 24lb presents. But I would rather not do that as we will definitely have to work together to curb British influence and strength. By looking at the nation polls, we will be sorely outnumbered if we don't work together.
  21. Prater

    Severe lag

    Two people have had bitdefender cause similar issues See here: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/2440-freezes/
  22. The only problem is that Game Lab's hasn't really stuck to their timeline and I think they need to change the preferred to go through 1815 as quite a bit of ships and a good portion in the game already lie outside their preferred limit. Lynx (1812) La Renomme (1808) HMS Trincomalee (1819) Leda Class Frigate (first 1805) USS Constitution/US Superfrigates (1797) HMS Pickle (1799) Surprise/Unite (1794) Brig Mercury (1820) [American] Privateer schooner (1775-1815) HMS Bellona (1760) HMS Victory (1765) HMS Ontario (1780) Santissima Trinidad (1769) HMS Cerberus (1759) La belle poule (1765) Ingermanland(1700s?) But yes, hopefully there will be American Topsail Schooners in the game. We might be able to double the American Privateer Schooner as an armed merchant ship.
  23. Exactly! A few of us have been arguing to penalize going to full stop. I can slow down and stop just fine with my yards. Why should going to full stop slow down and stop faster than using it with sails which is closer to how they would have done it (though not quite, but still better and closer)?
  24. It would be nice if you go to full stop (0% sails) that it releases the anchor, which then has to be retracted before you can set sails.
  25. If his card didnt support dx11 he wouldnt be able to launch the game. Have you tried verifying the integrity of game cache? Right click the game in steam -> properties -> local files tab -> verify integrity of game cache
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