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Everything posted by Surcouf

  1. C'est effectivement une arme de bombardement, pas de combat naval.
  2. Why is there no mizain top gallant sail? As there are royals sails, I thought that it should also be a mizain top gallant sail.
  3. The same typ of ship. Name in setting construction: le Singe Date: 1762-1779 for French Navy Built by J. Bte Doumet Revest Constructed in Toulon (???) Data: Length x beam x moulded depht 115' x 26' x 7'6" 37,35m x 8,44m x 2,44m Artillery of origin: 20x8lb http://mnm.webmuseo.com/ws/musee-national-marine/app/collection?vc=ePkH4LF7jVZdchMxDL7K3oAZbhDaMsDQoQOU147jVTZivLax7JDenk9er7Nt-sBDJtJnWdbq_2o8vdfx9P9p8e7aMxvv96ooPA4zjWyGMfz1LphRlak5XxE3iNkj3VOiwZeZUvjsT426pRhyoz8weeUHU3Ii9CUFRSNvOTr2BDqg04K4vf84-DCj9bna2zE4RgLA3mQOHtU30vlpC8lgYiTntucbBKpJeFpkf0GhsV1Jx6UdZFb7YECGJZfjgbzQrK1_SqFESNhETfuiq_JU0sqTDY5WxjGV80270bCJwpRMPDJ9gh9DYmRJF6ETeYIPckeqRd_JOJb27gQRoa6tMmH_m7LsRIJlvH5Uzd-onBAeyc9ulV7oiCWJBbowRZZHtH0ljpWeASGscpd_kj16NW_9nPWosflyLiVGFJLUjCmz_ktRydkkFbjDttCfkIsFL9CA0Bq0BFwYjDfuGUlMEBX4Y7ETX5vUGy9ActVjr-H-huze1DUibK8gweZkr_QLZ7oJzpHF0DeHA59RAVQ65LaMbYQmxEz5iHbXzy4WdahkXgPbnLpB5BVUlS6FpPNfHjeXe-I8XmmsSXgNv5WHW6mLtVsUc7Snou6tuWT5UhKPSx5oe9_ZPwUXq8RJdy01e0QTEIP1JiYktG3l65GtGKqyixEbMHkA2hFS4Cz3IZlybsyDyYmx6bJCWxseKM3G47sRGkFTzNjuKGFtYkBTQuiWCkLDU2sHmIZf4CGUYc97x-hGGPthsRc5uBddK1v_4MOhSHXZqIVPTzBTv5EPSq2Lww_2U93g-rD4BynUNbw$
  4. Ha ! Merci Bah oui, chacun sa spé.
  5. Putain... Je n'ai presque rien compris !!! Il faut vraiment que je l'intègre dans le monde des gameurs mois.....
  6. Tiens, ben le concombre masqué est mort, vive la patate masquée Bien venu à toi !
  7. 42lb? As a reminder: Name in setting construction: le Bucentaure Date 1802-1805 in French Navy Plans by J.N. Sané (Sané-Borda typ plans) Constructed in Toulon Data: Length x beam x moulded depht 182'6" x 47' x 23'6" 59,28m x 15,27m x 7,63m Artillery of origin: 1st deck - deck 2nd - 3rd deck - Fc and Qd 30-gun of 36bl - 32-gun of 24bl - 18-gun of 12bl + 6 howitzers of 36bl total: 86-gun
  8. It is certain that l'Hermione will make other trips. And certainly to Asia, there or the first Hermione left to join the Admiral Suffren. http://demo.openpathview.fr/Hermione_48b.html
  9. His journey is not quite finished. After Brest, she goes to Bordeaux and then it comes back (finally) in Rochefort. In 2016, she leaves for Brest for boat festival, America will be the country of honor and l'Hermione boat emblem of the festival. It is planned in the various contracts that Hermione must be at least six months a year in Rochefort.
  10. In France, it added in large storm the false gunport lids for not shipping water. But they were false, and are removed after. It was a simple board. Notament we did on our 12lb frigates as l'Hermione or la Belle-Poule.
  11. It's a great job. Very well done. I just have one comment on a historical fact. In France, but I think it's the same in other countries, the vessels with two deck have no gunports on the 2nd deck. Only the first deck. Furthermore, if there be the gunports, it could not be any under the chainwales for two reasons, the first is that we can not completely open the gunport, and the second the gunports are collides with the chain of the shrouds. So this is not possible. What does the historical truth for boats not French?
  12. Brest les amis, Brest !!! Bienvenue à notre chère Hermione !!!!!!! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OpLD4pGCleY https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uLaTkN34sTs https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OMiNYwMbImE https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=N2YB6rj4OOw https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=q5jLFM0aOi8
  13. ANCRE. By J. Boudriot, but out of stock.... http://ancre.fr/en/ouvrages-de-base-en/12--artillerie-de-mer-france-1650-1850.html
  14. Ah pardon, je n'ai que regardé la vidéo... De toute façon pour bien combattre, il faut en faire beaucoup. L'expérience quoi. La difficulté est qu'en face, ils ne sont pas forcément, non plus, ageris au combat navale, ça risque donc d'être le foutoir pendant un certain temps. Par contre je pense que plus il y aura des combats comme ta vidéo, plus les tactiques navales historique se mettrons en place toutes seules. Par obligation du support (le bateau à voile). Et on le vois dans la vidéo, clairement la division Américaine suit une tactique précise. De plus ils restent relativement groupé. Dans l'ensemble, c'est cohérent. Maintenant j'ai conscience que ce n'est pas aussi simple que ça, et en plus je fais de la critiques gratitutes, je n'ai pas l'alpha...
  15. Elle est bien ta vidéo. Je ne sais pas qui commande, ou plutôt comment vous choisissez le chef de division, mais vous avez en début de combat fait une erreur tactique. Vous êtes en ligne de bataille et tout d'un coup les américains lof pour couper votre ligne et donc complètement désorganiser votre ligne, et l'ont très bien fait. Vous aurai dû virer pour se mettre en contre-marche a l'ennemie , et essayer de prendre l'avantage du vent pour soit combatte en ligne ou couper leur ligne, faisable si vous réussissez à prendre l'avantage du vent. Mais je pense qu'il y aurai eu moins de confusion par la suite, et surtout les Américains n'aurai pas eu la possibilité de maîtriser le début de la bataille. Mais ça c'est de la théorie, et il faut jouer souvent pour mettre en place la tactique. Et bien sûr, être sûre de se faire il prendre et écouté par les autres. Après c'est un gros bazar, tu te fais plus ou moins éjecté pour revenir en manquent de te faire aborder par une frégate, puis tu rentre dans le tas. Mégas confusion ! Puis tu te retrouve isolé et encadré par l'ennemi. Pfff, dur dur hein ? Ça se termine comment la fin de l'abordage ? Par contre je trouve qu'après avoir perdu deux mâts, ils reviennent en quelques minutes. Le jeu ne servait pas permettre ça. Sinon, c'est intensif ! Ça canarde sec !!! Le chef doit normalement se trouver au centre de la ligne, pas devant.
  16. Hermione's log: Friday, August 7, 2015: And now, the time that separates us from our return to France now account hours. Hard to believe we left Saint-Pierre there are already two weeks. There are only two weeks! If the journey will end when we return in Rochefort at the end of the month, the biggest is now behind us. We have crossed the symbolic threshold of 10,000 miles from l'Hermione two days ago. It must be said that in recent times we have seen the water cycle under the hull. Even on the night of Wednesday to Thursday, we found ourselves in the heart of a depression in an area where the waves were not yet formed but the wind already present. Result, a full shift worked at breakneck speeds, for a final average speed of 11.25 knots over 4 hours! The next day, Anthony, one of the lieutenants of l'Hermione, who was in command while still do not believe it, "it was the best quarter of my life ..." After such performances, it has become almost normal for us to see the GPS indicate a higher speed 9 knots for days and do more than 200 miles per 24 hours. Long gone are the days of the deckchair or we go quietly went along at 6 knots, making occasional peaks above 8 ... "We know the boat well now, the commander explained yesterday morning, so we know how far to push to get the best. Before, we carguait parrots at 15 knots and was taking ris above 20, that night we established the large parrot at 17 knots, it was furled over 20 knots and still had two topsails, the ardor of parrot, the foresail and mainsail reefing without any established more than 30 nodes. In fact, today, it operates The Hermione as they operated in 1780. And clearly, she likes it. Imagine, a cargo ship that made it crossed the 10.5 knots when we were advancing at 12.5 knots! " Run the boat this way is however tiring for the crew who spends his time to reef, dropping them establish canvas and furl, constantly adjust the sails to the conditions of wind and sea. Do not forget not only in 1780, it was 120 topmen who were on deck in the most sporting conditions. Today is twenty volunteers who do the work. The bar handles 3 or 4 almost continuously from the start, spray water the bridge daily, when it's not complete the waves hit the hull and decks exceed! Clearly, the North Atlantic has kept its promises, with real navigation, speed, demanding conditions, bad weather and seas formed. If we know that fatigue slap awaits us in Brest, no one on board sorry to have lived such a journey. We will nonetheless conducted a transatlantic two weeks and a half, an incredibly short time ...
  17. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RqWcTPSFUG4
  18. For a period from 1650 to 1850 in the French Marine Royale, there are 6 vessels having worn the name la Couronne. 1/ 90-gun 1667-1709 (3 decks) 2/ 74-gun 1748-1765 3/ 80-gun 1766-1795 (1792 Ça Ira) 4/ 74-gun of Sané-Borda 1811-1813 5/ 74-gun of Sané-Borda1812-1853 (1812 Glorious, the Minerva 1832) 6/ 74-gun of Sané-Borda 1813-1869 The plan of Wind is No. 3
  19. Typical design of the French vessels of 1760 to 1780.
  20. This is the 80-gun ship is la Couronne. La Couronne At Brest By A. Groignard 1766-1795 Other name: Ça Ira in 1792 Modification 2/3 in 1777 Destroyed by fire in 1781 and rebuilt in 100 days !! Important modification in 1784 because the very fast reconstruction. Data: 184 'x 46' x 22 '6 "(182' to rabbet at rabbet in a waterline) 30-gun of 36lb 32-gun of 24lb 18-gun of 8lb Total 80-gun
  21. Maybe l'Hermione will go one day in Asia, as it was under the command of Admiral Suffren station in Asia with his squadron. As they do travel the initial of l'Hermione, perhaps he will also make a trip there. If in addition the Götheborg can join this trip would be amazing.
  22. Bi repetita, even the second and the captain helps stir the yards! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BXe5QsVAuvI
  23. C'est fait ! http://www.hermione.com/blog-de-l-hermione/1313-48h-memorables.html
  24. Hermione's log: 48H MEMORABLE! Friday, July 31, 2015: The last 48 hours are likely to remain engraved in our memories for the rest of our lives. Wednesday 29, to 10h30pm, the notice falls. Depression we want to hang just changed classification. Having drawn two other depressions, it became a hurricane. On deck, the commotion of combat. We one reef in the foresail, then tighten the mainsail. Other teams prepare additional the robands to all the sails. It lowers the gaff of mizzen and is braced with straps. Installing lifelines on deck. We are assured that everything can walk, supports boats. Then we try as much as possible to grab a few hours sleep. But eventually, a new weather report in the middle of night changes tone: after his fury spilled over Newfoundland, Hurricane has returned a classic depression. Instead of a fury with winds over 70 knots, so we had the right to a Thursday in the sun to watch, incredulous, dragonflies on deck and flying fish at latitude benches New- Neuve ... After the night we had spent these hours basking were welcome. Because our program had not changed much: we were to follow depression on its southern flank to hang winds carrying it happen. On the evening of yesterday, the barometer began its descent and the winds started to freshen gradually. At 7am, we were finally in the heart of the subject. Difficult to describe a day like the one we have just had. Also difficult to make it to the image. Whatever we do, the objectives sag water mountains that marched under our keel and the words do not have the strength of a gust to 45 knots. The looks were likely to get lost in this majestic waves up to 7 meters established stronger. If you feel small when you cross an ocean, it feels downright tiny face these waves as beautiful, attractive and dangerous as the sirens of the Odyssey. When one sees the break above the catwalks, the wake of l'Hermione seems to undulate before our eyes on the steep paths of a hill in perpetual motion, which is found almost lying on deck to compensate roll, we see the tip of the guns scratch the surface of the water, as the deck tremble beneath our feet when the frigate accelerates surfing the waves, you feel more alive than ever. Especially as l'Hermione was designed for these conditions: 35 knots established broad reach and a rear wave is a perfect playground for the three-master. Helmsmen took turns to four quarters exhausting because the slightest error could lead to an immediate sanction. But the volunteers did not fail and we beat all records: maximum speed of 13.3 knots achieved 2 times a day (our previous record was 12.7 knots during sea trials 2014) and nearly 11 knots average with 130 miles covered in 12 hours. Between midnight Thursday and midnight Friday, we even had finally exceeded 240 nautical miles in 24 hours, 10 knot average! On the night of Friday to Saturday, we continue spinning above 10 knots almost constantly, always in a big swell and always returning as regularly by the ports. The biggest of depression has now passed us but we should continue to enjoy favorable winds easing but at least for another day. Then we will be on the road a secondary depression that should allow us to retain the lion of l'Hermione pointed at Brest. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=b5m1e2gy0Z4
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