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Sire Trinkof

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Everything posted by Sire Trinkof

  1. Hello everyone, Small introduction for the many of you who do not know me. I have been around monitoring the forums and playing since sea trials (not playing much at the begining). I am back after a long year of break from the game, with regrets but I am happy to be back and to see the marevlous changes and evolution around the caribean area ! I still have some issues with the game, the more I go towards being a PVP exclusive player Presenting here a long suggestion , and explaing why, about PVP in OW, to try an option to fix the lack of fair fight, lack of fight, and the long waiting time outside instance. First of all, I beg the dev to not take this suggestion as a personal attack on their hard and fabulous work, I am in love with the game, and thankful it exists, but I really fear some problems related to PVP will kill it, for me included. Please keep being constructive in coments, if this system seem good or bad, I feel the issue I will present are VERY important for the sake of the game, and these issues need solving , the sooner , the better 1. What Problem Do I see in actual battle instance entering and exiting ? A. Entry timer of 2 minutes limits the amount of good fight we can have, reinforcement of an inferior fleet cannot often enter the battle, and wait outside as a revenge fleet B. Sometime player trapped outside an instance, are ganked by the enemy reinforcement. C This lead to the strange situation where in the OW several fleet sometime equals , fight in different instances, AT the EXACT SAME OW SPOT, very often all battle turning into small ganks, rather than true confrontation. D. So instead of one huge and fun fight, we have at the exact same place 3 or 4 uninteresting fight, with the victorious side camping in battle screen, revenge fleet waiting outside doing nothing E. Most of this issue are linked to the time compression, and disconnection between OW and battle instance Conclusion : the actual system lead to several players, on a PVP server, wanting to do PVP, but just waiting for hours , this is turning the game into Naval Inaction sadly 2. Critical issues and necessary limitation : A. Always leave the option to a player exiting a battle to safely disconnect, Not realistic, but turning the game into a time sink will make some people flee. Realisticaly, player inside a battle should see hours ago the revenge fleet coming, sadly the instance system prevent it. B. Always inform people outside the battle if people inside have disconnected. C. Do not allow a player joining a fight to be tagged outside, close, when he is joining, this is just dividing fights in small uninteresting gank. D. Force player to enter the fight if they are close enough to the battle, you want to fight, join the fight. E. Create a slow zone in OW next to battles, so players inside the instance do not have the feeling of reinforcement teleporting into the middle of the battle. 3. My proposition : A. Make battle circle in OW 3 or 4 time larger than they are now. Inside the circle, no tagging, no attacking, teleporting is allowed. Circle is a safe zone. B. Player leaving a fight spawn in the circle, allowing them to teleport to capital if they have a teleport ready, ... if not, they should have been more cautious . Palyer escaping a battle cannot enter it anymore after. C. Any player entering the battle circle will be draged into instance, with a timer. If he exit the circle before timer end, he will not join. Make a warning message BEFORE a player enter the circle, so he is warned he will be draged. Before draging start, a small timer is set (30 seconds) , This timer do not reset !!!! (important) so a player sailing at the verge of the circle to troll , will be draged anyway after 30 seconds in the circle, continuous or NOT! D. The entry time (matchmaker ? ) will be modified by the Battle rating ratio inside. The stronger is your side, the longer you will wait, the weaker is your side, the quicker you will be in. Time must stay "balanced" max timer being 5 minutes for example, quickest 1 minute. The later you come, the farest from battle you will spawn, within the limits of the OW circle E. Inside the circle players are FORCED INTO BATTLE SAILS, This is to scale down their speed to battle speed, so they cannot spawn (I call it Warping) close from the battle center. IF technically possible (up to the dev) , inside the battle, mark the spot with a fake sails (red or white depending if friend or foe) on the horizon, marking the spot where the joining player will spawn. F. Make the spot of a PVP battle better indicated, with huge smoke below the crossed sword, and muzzle flash into itG. Battle stays open forever, until the last 15 minutes. H. Battle marker stay for 3 minutes after everyone escaped, brefore disappearing, allowing escaped player to spawn in OW, in their safe zone battle circle, see what is outside, BE SEEN by player waiting in front, and teleport safely if they want to ... or not Of course, player are forced to exit battle screen after 5 minutes, dragged into OW after, even if they disconnected. EDIT : A good option, again if doable techically would be to move the battle circle in OW, following loosly the "hot spot" of the fight inside the instance 4. What this Proposal might be solving , if doable technically : A. Creating Huge Battle hot spot, with actual PVP rather than the actual boring hide and run, where speed is more critical than anything else B. Blockades : Battle in front of a port, will force player inside the battle when they undock (they can still re enter dock when they see this, and so not draged into battle instance). C. Solve the long waiting time outside a battle, or in battle screen. D. A ganked player can actually hope for reinforcement, and so will be probably more combative to slow down opponents. E. Partially solve the "spying issue" some nations have .... because right now knowing what is waiting outside an instance is SO CRITICAL that some players feel forced into unfair spying technics (with players switching nations to spy the other one) , to scout their way before leaving a battle. F. Solve the "hidden fleet" , waiting in battle screen to spawn several hours after near an enemy port or capital, very annoying and urealistic feature Conclusion : What do you think, players and Devs about it, I would like to have some feedback from devs if they want to or think the idea is interesting (it took me long time of discussing with friends, gamers from the game and some from other games to come up with this proposal) Thank you for your attention , See you all soon on the seas, and hopefully not below
  2. La reinitialisation à été annoncée depuis le début, à de multiples reprises sur le forum, dans la partie des annonces, en anglais. Absolument tous les jeux en early access, MMO ET AUTRES, présentant une progression et du contenu deblocable auxquels j'ai joué, ont subi une rei'itialisation, c'est un peu la base, pour garantir une équité à la sortie officielle, et actuellement le standard dans l'industrie pour les sorties early access. Il est vrai ceci dit que pour le pve ça n'a pas vraiment de sens, étant donné qu'il n'y a pas d'opposition entre joueurs. L'argument du "c'est pas dit" n'est ceci dit pas recevable compte tenu du nombre d'annonces faites. Quand on achète un jeu early access ou il est écrit clairement qu'on aide la fin de développement du jeu... On lit les annonces des développeurs La faute néanmoins peut être expliquée par les nombreuses sorties de jeu en early access du moment, qui sont en fait des sorties en avances pour gagner de l'argent et combler un budget insuffisant. Ce n'est pas le cas de naval action, l early access est la pour tester des mécanismes de MMO avec un grand nombre de joueurs. (Ce que font d'autres MMO avec des bêtas fermées. ) Cordialement.
  3. Nice changes! One thing : battle royal would be a cool mechanism IF YOU CAN ENSURE EQUAL NUMBER OF PLAYERS IN NATIONS.... until this, if you keep the current free nation choice, then I am strongly against it, as it will cause some small nation to loose anytime... Which will be frustrating.
  4. Turn AA off guys, and you can max anything else, and have a solid 60 fps with a 970. AA is really the Fps killer of naval action. I drop around 25-28 fps with AA maxed, more than 60 anytime without it
  5. Yeah! I made it until the last reply (for now) Only comment : I cannot wait for the diplomacy patch, it will reduce my pop corn expenses
  6. The beautiful rattlesnake also is one ... The best one!
  7. My opinion also And yeah, like Mr Admin said earlier : more battles, more fair fight, less running would be just awesome
  8. Yes, OP is not completly wrong, most of nations use some kind of exploit sometime .... But I have the strange feeling taht we are always one exploit behind the Brits .... It is a little bit like doping in "Tour de France" ....
  9. Woah ! New brit technique today Spieesss .... two well known players from previously GB, then pirates, showed up as french today. The pirates told us great tails about those two captains, how they Pirates lost a port, and some fleets because of them. It seemed they trusted the wrong scouts and a nice Brit fleet arrived today at FR, then just when the battle ended, those 2 guys show up in a freshly reedeemed bucentaure, being in French nation this time , check outside to see the revenge fleet we had, tun around us, then leave .... And guess what ? The fleet inside the battle, who had a rattlesnake and a renommée did not even sent a scout ship outside the battle Strange no ? I guess Brit player should make an official complaint ASAP ... Is it worst than battlescreen camping ? Leaving you decide on this (I am seriously pissed off to see that in an ALPHA stage of a game, people actually want sobadly to make the game worst .... Awesome)
  10. +1 for sail of glory, excellent game, with the optional rules and max level of complexity (non modded) it is somehow fairly accurate, with proper tactics of age of sail working very well, and most of the ships parameters are to be managed (crew, leaks, fire, dismasting, repair, ammunition type etc... ) The best part is both players play simultaneously, with marker of order and movement hidden, then revealing all together. In max level of complexity you have to order a broadside to fire before the mouvement phase, so after everyone made the move you might fire into water. It requires a very good level of planification and tactical reflexion to do things right.
  11. Indeed kanay, elegant solution, which could solve the problem. 15 minutes before you are forced to exit battle screen, and possibility to exit in combat result once per day or once every 2h .... Problem : if the player wishing to hide won the fight (gankers for example) he will just wait in battle rather than combat result So need for a timer forcing exit battle when it is over ... Which bring the issue : sailing for fun, teaching new guys manual sailing etc... In a trader battle and letting the trader escape to have 1h of free sailing, will not be possible anymore. EDIT : For me most, if not all balance problem regarding timer, taging, ganking are deeply related or caused by time compression, and having 2 différents units of time overlapping. After a lot of thoughts, time compression is the core of almost every problem the open world have. But map is way too large to allow a on en for one time representation. Even if I love the OW, I strongly belive 4-6 smaller maps, linked by "Teleport portals" (I really hate saying those words belive me) and a 1/1 time representation would actually solve most of the game problems regarding PVP in OW
  12. But green zone in front of free port would maybe solve the "exit port ganking" with dozens of ships stacking in front (which ruins immersion). Basically any port should have a green zone, representing port batteries.
  13. Funny, brits teached me the technic, by doing it repeatedly in front of our capital, when I was starting again few months later (still remembering the names of the well known British admirals doing it by the way.... Names starting with HMS... ) Back then it did not seem to be a problem for the British player base On a more serious side : you cannot force player to not leave the game sometime, especially if you designed a game where travel time can be counted in hour. If I know I cannot leave a game in time to go to bed, well, I will stop.... And if I start playing after dinner at 9pm, knowing I will be in fight area around 10pm, and leaving at 11pm to go to port, we'll I will stop also : 2 hours of nothing, for 1 hour of battle (not even sure of it) I play to actually play, not wait...
  14. Regarding defensive tag : Maybe you should not be able to press attack button if the BR difference in the supposed radius is too high. This and reworking the BR ratio necessary to tag.... I mean rattle or renommee for example should not tag higher than the trinconmalee (up it would be suicide IRL)
  15. Adminnsaid this will not be automatic kills... And no one said raking will be less useful, I suspect it will be better Anyway, really excited, anything putting the crew in front in combat is good for me. Once we will start to see player surrendering due to crew loss rather than sinking ships, I guess a lot of us are going to be very happy!
  16. Ne t'inquiète pas : tu auras 2 ou 3 bateau offerts à la release (comme pour l early access steam, les joueurs de l alpha et des sea trials avaient une renommée et un Niagara exeptionels) .... Et comme ton rang sera conservé, tu commencera probablement sur une bonne petite frégate. Il y a plus désagréable que la renommée pour commencer le jeu je l'utilise encore tous les jours !
  17. Merci pour les réponses. Garder le rang, mais remettre à zéro les biens le paraît être la solution la plus équilibrée, pour garantir un bon nouveau départ (et lancer le craft) pour les anciens, et ne pas être trop intimidant pour les petits nouveaux qui prendront le jeu à la sortie ! ... Enfin, sueurs froides terminées, je range la boîte de Valium
  18. With 600-900 player (including lots of afk fisher) , it is doing great good at the opposite : PVP is concentrate around ile a vache and Haiti, which is great because with that number of player, it would be a real pain to find PVP. When population will be enough to fill up the server properly (2000-5000 players), then yes this treaty will be killing the game.
  19. More hoping for 1 durability ships, and hability to buy the hull back after it is captured (not sunk) ,for an enormous price, modified deeply by the perm upgrade on it, for PVE ... and for PVP : let the guy capturing the ship offer a ransom price to the defeated player to give the ship back So : merging durability .... No
  20. Goto predestination ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_ship_of_the_line_Goto_Predestinatsia
  21. From stats I saw on a oak build strength exceptional : resistance of a surprise, turn rate (3.7?) and speed (12.15 base speed) of a frigate, 12pd (24 caro) - 9pd upper deck (Caro?) 2 chaser - 2 retreat.
  22. J'aimerai bien avoir une confirmation .... car ce n'est pas du tout ce que j'avais retenu, et apparemment, après consultation je ne suis pas le seul (on est très nombreux à avoir compris que tout serait WIPE sauf l'xp et l'xp de craft....) Je redemande la confirmation, car après en avoir parlé autour de moi.... c'est un peu la douche froide
  23. Many thanks! The French Republic has her big boy finally
  24. Ah mince.... J'avais cru comprendre que l xp et xp de craft serait conservée à la sortie
  25. Damn... I had appointment with some brit traders around Jamaica... They will feel really sad without their dose of cannon ball... Good luck for the server!
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