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Everything posted by erelkivtuadrater

  1. i think its more a problem that whoever wants to that has the crew can fully set sail with a ship that obviously dont know how to use it properly. Its like giving a bazooka to an inexperienced one, the weapon can do alot of damage if you have experience with it, but cant even fire if you dont know how to arm it. But i dont mind, its easier for me to farm CM in my Pandora
  2. not sure though, The Night King dont really have his main focus on hair products id assume 🤣
  3. not sure if troll or not, but if i take you serious, how will that change ruin OW pvp?
  4. Me and many people heavily disagree on this one. You can have fixed historical alliances between nations, and make the pirates pirates again with the main focus on pvp, meaning free for all, this would actually create a uniqueness to your game instead of mirrored factions with no differences other then the flags.
  5. The chinese deceased after like 2 years due to local sickness etc, but carry on.
  6. Features ingame that require you to claim it before server reset is auto claimed at reset sending the items to the redeemable section for you character. This is to prevent unfortunate happenings where you wont make it back to port before reset, or some RL stuff shows up forcing you to "give up" those rewards that day, which again doesent give a great impressions to this matter.
  7. @Liq imagine the outbreak in WoW if players would have to turn in their kills everyday to get their honorpoints and people corpsecamped them until reset
  8. thats no the problem, the problem is that he won the battle so close to the maintenance that he didnt manage to reach back to port to redeem his combat marks BECAUSE he won and had to sail back, but the guy that lost got teleported back, redeemed the combat medals and then managed to sail out and tag the players so he lost his combat marks
  9. Referring to this thread, i believe its on a high note that the damage from PZ should be automatically redeemed at the reset when stuff like this can happen. This is a broken game mechanic that should logically go automatic if the devs are interested in keeping their players after they spent their time to play their game, unless an automatic solution can happen it should rather be redeemable through gifts or something.
  10. might explain why people have several full warehouses full of doubloons and some clans have literally hundreds of pve kills, not judging btw
  11. A dlc that makes you invurnerable to other DLC ships, e.g cant get attacked by dlc Hercules, but can get attacked by Hercules redeemed by note
  12. couldnt agree more, imo ships should be the last things to be added right now, there are far more important things to fix, not only mechanic wise, but also graphically and more things that would give a mindblowing first impression.
  13. atleast its something to play towards and a goal to achieve instead of just praying to the rng gods to have a decent proc
  14. The problem with all these nations are that they are mirrored and basically the same except the flags. Also when one nation is battered to a certain point, players either quit the game or change nation, because they have no chance fighting back in therms of numbers. I can only assume removing nations would be impossible, and there actually are some nations that can rectify having a relevant appearance in the Caribbean. My proposal is something like this, where you have a hard set alliances, quick thinking this feels the most accurate and balanced one at the same time. Nations are actually nations while pirates are actually pirates. Nations equip their own flag when entering the battle to bring more colors into the battlefield What i would love to do though is to have the chance as a nation to add pirate clans to the clan friends list so they can either attack or defend a port helping a nation, would only work for RvR, back into OW its free game. This can of course lead up to pirates vs pirates in port battles, but what wont they do for money. Pirates should be pirates, they should have their own pirate alliances, but create outlaw battles if they attack other pirates, both ai and players Also the only way to become a pirate should be if you as national attacks a friendly ai or player, of course with a strict warning in big red letters on the screen, but here is the actually logical thing with the forged papers that fakes your identity so you can start again in a nations navy (with same as today, current rank etc)
  15. admin has stated clearly, to prevent griefing with looting etc if you join a side and get told to leave by your teammate that was already in battle clearly stating he dont need help he is entitled to shoot you. I dont have the link to the thread nor can i bother spending time looking it up, but i know it was something about pirate players farming ai in capital waters and people in basic cutters joined in an stole loot because they were pirates so they could do it, hence if you get told to leave by your team after you joined their battle on their side they can shoot you without risk of tribunal.
  16. its good that you do it in this way, since the whole community comes with a common suggestion that they would prefer so you wont have to look into 100 threads of suggestions. The only thing i feel is missing is a short advertisement on the server selection screen and the steam page about where to get the lastest news and updates etc and a link to the game-labs forum
  17. if its made so 3rd rates are relevant again (could work with redoing BR and decrease penetration rate of 24pd-42pd cannons closer together and closer to the 18pd cannons, thinking about the imense thickness a ship can get with all bonuses) I guess it could work. Its an interesting idea, but there are far to many players in the game that wouldn't give up the chance to meta game naval action and stop having the chance of pumping out 20 first rates in a day if they would like.
  18. sounds like a great way to exploit things, lets go for it..
  19. if they cant rank up or redeem rewards from the tutorials and exams until they've bought the full version i would agree
  20. its been having a leak issue since forever, check the difference on the waterline between victory and santissima (also why is this ship so flat compared to the UA:AoS version?)
  21. New map design instead of the pale bluegrayish color it looks alot prettier if it seems like its drawn on paper with cracks and folding edges, and with a protractor on the side etc.
  22. shut gunports while in port, mooring line with the ship tied to the harbor, fleet ships anchored just off the harbor so they are visible. If its misleading i ment while in port, not in OW
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