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Everything posted by pandakraut

  1. Beta branch info is available here https://steamcommunity.com/app/1069650/discussions/3/1744521326156241406/
  2. Different speeds for artillery based on weight is in the rebalance mod currently. Just a light, medium, heavy system though.
  3. By historical mode do you mean some ways to build your army to make the campaign feel more historical?
  4. Once a unit shatters it's gone for good. Units shatter when at low hp % and at low morale thresholds. Enemies have a chance to surrender anytime you deal sufficient damage to them. This chance will be higher the more casualties they've taken, if their officer is wounded/killed, the lower their morale, the more numbers you have in the local area compared to their local numbers, and how completely they are surrounded. Melee tends to have the highest success rate, but only if you can keep the enemy unit surrounded and limit their escape routs. Once the enemy unit routs and starts to run away from you, as soon as you start to lose contact with them it's probably better to just halt your unit and fire into their backs instead of wasting the condition chasing them. Best way to deal with this is to setup your lines to maintain continuous fire on enemy units every time they get near. Basically you're creating a large net and slowly tightening it. You don't want to tighten the net too quickly because this increases the chances of a unit slipping out and making more work for yourself to chase it down. Best case scenario you pin all enemy units against impassable terrain and just annihilate them in place. This setup also has the benefit of every time an enemy unit comes back at you it's going to get by fire from 4-5 units at once and almost instantly rout again.
  5. While I also like the smaller unit sizes I prefer not to go under 1k for starting a battle. There are ways to keep larger units at very high experience levels, but that's really getting out of scope of a first campaign.
  6. Haven't had time to do more videos recently myself. Check out this channel. Fiasco switched to 1.26 mid campaign, I don't recall exactly which battle the change over occurred though.
  7. There is dynamic scaling applied to the AI units in every battle. One part of this algorithm is the AI Army size, which helps represent how well the player has done in prior battles. Kill more and the number goes down, kill less and it goes up. This can allow the AI to snowball if the player is doing poorly and eventually overwhelm the player. Note there are minimum sizes as the campaign progresses, so you'll never see the number go to 0 no matter how well you do for example. This is only one of many factors at play in determining the size of AI units, but my recommendation at this point is not to worry about it. Since you're playing on easy, scaling only has a minor impact. Scaling really only becomes a concern on Major General and Legendary.
  8. Transcription of the patch notes from Steam/Discord: 1. Fixed mission goal issues in the Barbary War chapter. 2. Fixed battle result texts. 3. Improves in port UI. 4. Fixed issue with "Battles" 5. Fixed issue when impossible to start battles. 6. Additional improve of the "Sudden Strike" battle
  9. Are you getting your pre-battle numbers from the Army Intelligence army size? Or from the pre-battle corps deploy screen? The pre-battle numbers should be accurate, though you need 2 points in recon to see them. The intelligence numbers affect the numbers behind the scenes but do not display how many men you will face in a given battle.
  10. If you purchased the alpha through Xsolla, you should have received an email from them including a steam key when the game became available in open access there. If you cannot find the email then message @Ink and he can get you sorted out.
  11. Transcription of the patch notes from Steam/Discord: v0.7.2 rev.34471 BETA 1. Fixed "Enemy Unknown" battle 2. Fixed issue when a battle does not start. 3. Minor improvement in UI. 4. Fixed position of "match speed" button. https://steamcommunity.com/app/1069650/discussions/3/2259060348499578539/
  12. Latest version is 0.7.1 through the steam beta. https://steamcommunity.com/app/1069650/discussions/3/1744521326156241406/ Have you tried some of the suggestions from earlier in the thread on how to get through the battle?
  13. That's rather odd, you should be facing 2 full corps at Prospect Hill. Rare bug I guess.
  14. One thing I'm curious about is would the extra armor upgrades be better than the repair kit. Since you can repair every few minutes to max out your armor and hull, as long as you aren't taking too much crew/module/cannon damage along the way that would seem the better option.
  15. One way to get extra officers is to have every colonel and above that is available assigned to a unit. Then when you create a corps or a division a new officer of the appropriate rank will be available to purchase. Spending rep on officers is almost always not worth it. Your third corps in that battle won't have to do all that much, so I'd just use whatever officers are available to start ranking them up.
  16. 2 Corps should be enough for 2nd Bull Run. 25 units in the first corps will help though. It is fairly common that you will have far more recruits than you can arm at this point in the campaign. Spending your reputation on weapons can help with extra weapons. Also, killing as many enemy men as possible will increase the number of weapons you will recover.
  17. The depth mode just makes the shallows more visible to the player.
  18. Your process is correct. You just happened to pick a variable to test against that is no longer used in the latest version. I should have removed it from the config file, but never got around to it. A basic guide to the different options(which also isn't quite up to date) is available here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/r5zgrpm0kt11cx3/Config file guide.txt?dl=0 If you've got any other specific questions feel free to ask.
  19. There is a choice before this battles as to whether you will command only the naval portion or the naval and land portions. From what you described above you selected the naval only option.
  20. The base game limited infantry brigade size to 2950. The mod increases the limit so that the AI has more freedom to scale against the player and to generally increase difficulty. Some players also just like giant brigades, so the option is available if they want it.
  21. Here is the link for 1.21 https://www.dropbox.com/s/2czznp6fr6njk0u/RebalanceModV1.21.zip?dl=0
  22. When you say "boarding score on my ship's characteristics" do you mean the boarding stat of the ship's assigned crew? If so, that stat will not change based on the equipped weapon. The crew boarding stat only displays the skill of the crew itself, it does not display an approximation of melee damage dealt. Both the crew stats and weapon stats affect the melee damage equation however.
  23. Last two chapters of the British campaign are still in development. Last two chapters of the US campaign have been released and are available in the steam beta branch.
  24. The version number I'm referring to is displayed in the bottom left of the screen when you are on the games' main menu. Steam beta can be accessed here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1069650/discussions/3/1744521326156241406/
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