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Everything posted by pandakraut

  1. Some nice average damage spreadsheets put together by @Sir Galahadn't https://www.dropbox.com/s/adm7wm62aja9g53/Infantry Weapon Curves.xlsx?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/yk0fm8e86m9olh4/Artillery Weapons Analysis.xlsx?dl=0
  2. Oh right, they locked it down more a while back. Will PM you.
  3. If you want to post a link to the file in this thread along with any conclusions or recommendations on how to use it, I'll update the first post to refer to it https://forum.game-labs.net/topic/26142-hidden-mechanics-and-weapon-damage-degradation/
  4. I've got something similar though less nicely formatted. I'll post them in my mechanics thread if you're ok with it?
  5. I think it depends how much risk you're willing to take on. Is the chance of dealing lower damage worth the chance of dealing higher? Or do you favor consistency? While I'm normally on the consistency side, I do think the above helps show the potential that the 10pdr parrot does have when used correctly. Many players dismiss them as completely worthless and while they certainly have many flaws they absolutely have their uses.
  6. The game is more precise, the data was just cluttered enough already that I didn't want to log things down to every single yard. The numbers in your chart look correct to me. Shows the 10pdr with very spiky damage with a low floor and the 20pdr with a lower spike, but more consistent damage. The Tredegar, 10pdr parrot and 10pdr ordinance are weird outliers in terms of their accuracy high values. All three of them have an exceptionally high number compared to any other weapon in the game. While I can only speculate on the dev's thought process here it seems like they were given comparatively poor range damage multiplier curves to keep their damage from getting out of hand. No idea if the curve was to balance out the accuracy high or the other way around though. Due to their very high potential spike damage all 3 of these cannon can be quite useful. The 10pdr parrot is by far the weakest, and really only useful if firing at targets at or beyond the edge of their firing arc. The Ordinance by contrast is really only effective at short to medium ranges as its range damage multiplier falls off to effectively 0 at max range. It can be extremely effective at those ranges though, only the 24pdr, James, and 20pdr have any chance of keeping up. The tredegar is a mixture of both, effective at short and long ranges but not spectacular at either. But as the CSA if you want to play artillery heavy your options are limited so they are very well worth using.
  7. Range degradation multiplier and range damage multiplier are the same thing. One is the technical name used in the game code, the other was an attempt to better convey what the value represents. In the tooltips I just take 5 points on the curve for artillery (100 range, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, max) to give the player an idea what it looks like since I can't reasonably display the entire thing and asking players to go look at a spreadsheet every time isn't great either. You are correct on the lowest possible damage for the 10pdr parrot as far as just the weapon parameters are concerned. I can't really provide any precise information on how likely the low vs high roll is. A custom random function is used and various other factors like altitude, firearms, accuracy perks, and type of shot all factor into the final range of values to be randomly selected from.
  8. Ahh, the 12 vs 6 comparison is harder because that brings in the size degradation curves as well(another multiplier.) My recommendation would be to go with the 20pdrs due to scarcity. You'll collect dozens of 10pdrs from the Union over the course of the campaign, but 20pdrs are quite rare to capture and always have limited supply in the shop. While the 12 10pdrs will probably outdamage the 6 20pdrs if played perfectly and with good luck on the damage rolls, I think in most cases the 6 20pdrs will outperform the 10pdrs purely due to their extra range and better performance across the entire range spectrum. For example, anytime a target is advancing towards you only the first set of shots from the 10pdr will perform well, all of the shots as the unit gets closer will perform considerably worse. Maybe a better way to put this is that if you need the short term benefit in a battle where the AI is largely static, the 12 10pdrs are the better choice. But over the course of the campaign, the 20pdrs will be a much better choice. I can try to find some time to log some actual numbers when comparing those two options, but it's unlikely to happen today.
  9. These are two separate parts in the damage calculation. Note the below is still just part of the full calculation so you won't see exact numbers when hitting a target. Weapon base damage * (random value between accuracy low and accuracy high) * range damage multiplier = (value between 6.25 and 65) * range damage multiplier = weapon damage. You can find the full graphs here: https://forum.game-labs.net/topic/26142-hidden-mechanics-and-weapon-damage-degradation/ What you'll probably find is that the 20pdr is just better most of the time. While the 10pdrs maximum damage is very high, it's not consistent and it's only really effective at near maximum range. 10pdrs are useful for counterbattery or bludgeoning through fortifications(if you don't have anything better) but if you can get your hands on 20pdrs instead there is basically no reason to take the 10pdr. Other than early on, I only use the 10pdr in my CSA campaigns where supplies of 20pdrs are much more limited.
  10. The last two chapters of the British campaign have been out for a while now. Have you migrated over to the steam version yet?
  11. Did you buy land officers instead of naval officers by accident, or something like that?
  12. More options for the player is nearly always a positive.
  13. Quote from discord: We are going to add 2 features: 1. You can cancel a side mission and return assigned ships back to port. The mission will disappear. 2. You can change the difficulty level when starting a battle. 4 levels are available - hard, medium, easy, and no adaptation. Mission has a default difficulty level selected at the begging of the game. If you increase the level, you will get a better reward, if you decrease level then reward will be reduced.
  14. The devs mentioned the other day that a no adaption difficulty is in the works where the AI units will presumably be completely static and not adjust at all based on if the player is doing well or poorly.
  15. Most of the battles that are available to play outside of the campaign are there because they were battles used for testing during the alpha when no campaign was available. Would be neat to see more battles available though.
  16. The flanked/rear flanked notifications don't display for the AI units. Those only fire for the player. Flanked and rear flank damage applies as expected though.
  17. I never use the division AI options, and I mostly give orders to individual units instead of any of the group options since it results in faster movement. The draw formation is something I often only use towards the end of battles when I'm chasing down a few units and getting lazy about closing the encirclement. Half speed or pause is what I use if I need to assign a very large number of orders, usually at the start of a battle or phase. Otherwise, I've just found that the more I play the better of a feel I have for which units need attention and when I can get away with fast forwarding because units are just going to be standing around firing for a bit. Listening for the charging sound is also important and in larger battles I'll immediately pause and figure out where the threatened unit is.
  18. pandakraut


    All available mods are linked here https://forum.game-labs.net/topic/26600-available-mods/
  19. If you aren't getting the overwrite notifications then you are probably in the wrong directory. I don't have a mac to test the install myself, but from some screenshots someone sent me there are several very similarly named folders in the areas described in the instructions. Do the folders you are trying to move the files into contain the respective assembly-csharp.dll and resources.assets files? Sorry I can't provide more exact details.
  20. I'm not sure there is a written guide, but there are several youtube campaigns that feature good sniper use if that is something you are interested in. Some general tips: 1) Try to keep them hidden at all times. This prevents artillery or other units from targeting them and allows them to sit still and fire as fast as possible. 2) A good starting size is around 200-250 men. Max size unless using a mod is ~375. 3) For the tier 2 perk selection you probably want the one that provides stealth and spotting. The stealth helps with point 1 and the spotting lets you find targets and avoid enemy units that might see you. For the tier 3 perk you probably want the one that provides the range bonus. In the base game once you assign a target, the unit will move to fire at that target if the unit moves out of range or if your unit is blocked by terrain or another unit. This can lead to snipers walking forward directly into enemy units. Hidden skirmishers will not fire at a unit when idle. A direct fire order is needed to override this. I highly recommend using this mod which shows you the extra range on the t3 perk, and fixes the AI behavior listed above among many other quality of life and bug fixes. https://forum.game-labs.net/topic/25750-ui-and-ai-customizations-mod-v181/
  21. Admirality assortment increases the amount of items available to purchase. I don't think there is a career point that reduces upkeep. Having lower veterancy crews will decrease upkeep as well as having fewer ships. Last I saw upkeep is just based on ship class and doesn't factor in cannons, officers, or upgrades but this may have changed or I may be misremembering.
  22. Those chevrons indicate that the officer has gone up in rank. If that officer is placed in command of a corps, then a BG will have one perk unlocked, MG will have two, LTG will have three. A higher ranking officer in command of a brigade will increase the xp of that brigade towards getting a unit perk as well.
  23. Implementing a new shatter/surrender at 0 morale system, balance pass on carbines, adding a magazine system so that repeaters are actually useful are some of the changes that are already mostly implemented. A lot of the rest is a variety of bug fixes and other minor issues at the moment. Modding work for this game is all done using dnspy and hexediting. For getting started on dll editing you'll need to I'd recommend just looking around the decompiled dll to get familiar with what is there. Dnspy will also allow you to export to solution, so you can do a directory compare between the base game and the mod to see what the current set of changes are. There are some decent guides available on how to get dnspy to work with unity games out there. A guide to where some commonly edited hex values are in the game is available here: https://forum.game-labs.net/topic/26225-weapon-and-perk-modding-guide/
  24. Glad you're enjoying the mod Another update is in the works, though no ETA on when it might be ready. Plenty of things we would like to improve or add for now.
  25. One of the recent changes was that AI rifled artillery will prioritize firing at player artillery if it can. The only way to avoid this is to stay out of range, stay hidden, or threaten the enemy artillery by getting another unit within 800 or so range. There were also some changes made to stealth so that units firing continuously will have a stacking stealth penalty and the AI will get a bonus to spot when a unit takes damage. We can't make the AI more likely to go check a location they are taking fire from, so this is a compromise to help make it harder for the player to kill the AI without any response. The above changes do make it harder to use smoothbore artillery effectively, as they have to be kept much further back from your infantry to avoid taking losses. Some adjustments to that will likely be needed in the next version. Are you buying up all the stock of cannon you want before each grand battle? At 4 logistics you should be able to build up a decent amount of cannon fairly quickly doing that. The initial stocks are reduced by the mod but your logistics should be mostly compensating for that change with that many points.
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