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Everything posted by pandakraut

  1. Usually this means that the mod files didn't end up in the right place. The default steam install path is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ultimate General Civil War\Ultimate General Civil War_Data There is also an Ultimate General Civil War\UGCWReporter_Data folder that tends to trip people up as it contains similar files as what would be overwritten in the correct install directory. In case you're having issues with zip extraction here are the paths to all the files used by the mod C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ultimate General Civil War\Ultimate General Civil War_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ultimate General Civil War\Ultimate General Civil War_Data\resources.assets C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ultimate General Civil War\Ultimate General Civil War_Data\Mod\UIAICustomizations\ConfigFile.csv Hope this helps. If you're still having trouble, or are not using a PC or a steam install let me know and we can try to figure it out from there.
  2. I usually don't defend Matthew's Hill at all. I keep all of my starting units at the bridge and the reinforcing AI units usually stay along the bend in the river. Try not to get too spread out when defending. You want multiple units within range to support each other in case a unit charges. Unit xp, condition, and perks are all very important. Investing in training and/or in better officers so that all your fielded units start with a perk can help a lot. Difficulty can be adjusted for each battle using the following. In the /Mod/Rebalance/AIConfigFile there is an AIScalingSizeMultiplier and an AIScalingExperienceMultiplier. You can try increasing these values on BG or decreasing them on MG to adjust the challenge to your tastes. Just make sure to save the file, restart the game, and restart the battle after making changes.
  3. Damage Range: shows the base damage variance of the weapon. Every time it fires the base damage is randomly chosen within the range. Range Damage Multiplier: How effective the weapon is against a target at a given range. Fire Rate: how fast a given weapon reloads after a volley. Higher is better. Note that repeaters and revolvers have a slower fire rate because they are able to volley multiple times before reoloading. Ammuntion: how many times a weapon can fire before the unit needs to be resupplied. Ammunition Cost: how much supply is removed from the supply wagon for each count of ammunition refilled. So when comparing weapons you're looking for the highest range you can get, highest damage multiplier at the distance you're expecting to fire at, and then the highest damage range. There are specialty weapons that may be weaker in one category or another as a tradeoff for an advantage elsewhere. Most weapons in the mod can be effective when used correctly. Muskets for melee or close in firing. Smoothbore cannons for charge breaking, rifled for counterbattery or medium range anti-infantry. Skirmishers can use infantry weapons or carbines for screening and flanking roles, or longer ranged scoped rifles for a much harder hitting but more vulnerable unit. Cavalry require a lot of micro to get the most out of but can be extremely strong when used well. Try to fire off a few revolver shots before charging if using melee cav.
  4. Either can work. I prefer econ since I tend to play with smaller units and prefer the configuration of other stats I end up with when taking econ.
  5. Did you accidentally click on the link to the mod's discord channel instead of one of the download links? These are the links for the mod download Steam version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ftza045c4j652fj/RebalanceModV1.27.1a.zip?dl=0 GOG Version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/h4lwv9tm40ms4uc/RebalanceModGoGV1.27.1a.zip?dl=0
  6. They are pretty similar. The Richmond has slightly better melee but the HF 1855 has a faster fire rate and is cheaper.
  7. You should have received an email from xsolla with a code for the steam version. If you can't find that email contact @Ink to get it sorted out. Barbary DLC will be included.
  8. 100 fire rate is approximately one volley per in game minute. 50 fire rate is approximately one volley per 2 in game minutes. In practice the exact results will vary as reloading, aiming, and volley lengths all have an element of randomness built in. You can put two units next to each other with the same stats and weapons and you'll notice that they will get more and more out of sync on their volleys the longer they continue firing.
  9. The higher the fire rate number the shorter the time it takes for the reloading bar to fill. The henry, and other magazine weapons, have their own custom system in the mod. They reload almost instantly between volleys as they have not fired more rounds than are in their magazine. Once that limit is reached the longer reload time shown by the fire rate takes affect. This allows a unit to fire effectively continuous volleys until their magazine is expended, and then the unit will be vulnerable during the longer reload cycle.
  10. Ammunition is the number of times the weapon can be reloaded and fired without the unit being resupplied. The cost is how much supply will be removed from the wagon per round reloaded. So resupplying a 6pdr will be much cheaper than a whitworth.
  11. I forgot to update the version number from 1.8 to 1.8.1 so you're set there. What should happen with the general is that they get promoted to BG after the first battle. This allows the player to select their starting perk. +ammo perks for artillery and generals still does not work. I've tried fixing it, but the issue is tied up with the save system and I haven't been able to figure it out. The +ammo from the career point does work however.
  12. Starting point of how scaling works can be found here https://forum.game-labs.net/topic/26142-hidden-mechanics-and-weapon-damage-degradation/. There are some additional changes made by the mod to account for the larger unit sizes and to adjust specific battles, but these mostly either limit the random range(1.0 - 1.5 multiplier) that is applied to a battle or are average unit size related. This does mean that average unit size matters more in both side and grand battles than it does in the base game. I would recommend just using the AIScalingSizeMultiplier. The historical size multiplier basically just does the same thing but also affects the historical battles outside of the campaign. These were a quick fix to support some testing scenarios and are not properly restricted from affecting the campaign. The size random only adjusts the size of units between around +/-30%(exact numbers vary by difficulty). This only affects a random number of units in each battle so it tends to average out around +/- a few thousand. If you increase the sizeRandomProbability it will affect more units which could lead to wider swings depending on RNG. As mentioned earlier, average unit size does matter more in the mod than in the base game. This is because the mod tries to allow players to play with both small(1-2k infantry) and large(4-6k infantry). Accommodating both setups does mean that there is usually some change to the size of AI units as the players builds out their army, but in most cases the AI should be bringing roughly the same size units(or a bit larger on higher difficulties) as the player. There are some notable exceptions in certain difficult battles though. While not the most convenient, I do think that AIScalingSizeMultiplier should work for your goal. You should be able to build your army as desired and if the numbers you are facing are not what you'd like, just adjust the value up or down. You can effectively force their size to 0 or max them out with the right values. In the future we can add a mode that basically turns off scaling entirely except for the player controlled values.
  13. Can you let me know what difficulty you are playing on, how far you have progressed in the campaign, and what size of cav units you are using? Or is your issue with the strength of the AI melee cav? What we've found is that on MG and Legendary the melee cavalry is very strong early on, but also very fragile and micro intensive. If the player messes up they will take a lot of very expensive losses very quickly. As the campaign progresses the battles tend to clutter up more and it gets harder to make use of melee cav if you can't manage to isolate units. In terms of adjusting them, it depends a bit what your specific concern for them is. The perk and weapon numbers can be adjusted with hex editing https://forum.game-labs.net/topic/26225-weapon-and-perk-modding-guide/. Unit sizing can changed in the AIConfig and ConfigFiles in the /mod/rebalance/ folder. Past that you'd be looking at dll editing through something like dnspy.
  14. I would also recommend to try increasing AIscalingExperienceMultiplier. When units have more perks there is a larger chance for the enemy army to be better at melee or at ranged which leads to different behavior from the AI. It's not quite the same as the general AI behavior you are describing, but allowing the player to change that isn't something that is possible currently. The AI does use different general settings for different battles/phases. A good example of this is Brock Road where in the first phase the AI is fairly passive, but in the second phase it'll come find you no matter where you are hiding. Not something we can make configurable or randomized unfortunately. You can also try increasing duplicateRandomProbability a little bit. This will give the AI additional units more frequently which tends to change its behavior quite a bit. I wouldn't recommend a value higher than 0.35-.4 as in the largest battles you can end up with too many units on the field and the game will crash.
  15. Were you able to extract the files into this path? C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Ultimate General Civil War\Ultimate General Civil War_Data You should be prompted to overwrite 2 files. A common mistake is that the files end up in this path instead Ultimate General Civil War\UGCWReporter_Data. If you have the files in the right place, the version number on the main menu should update. Let me know if you continue to have issues and we'll get it figured out.
  16. Thanks for the report, this is related to some fortifications changes we made to try to improve the AI performance and apparently it breaks saves. We'll look into it.
  17. Starts that invest heavily in training are very popular at the moment, but econ/logistic focused builds can work as well. Econ will lower the cost for both officers and weapons. Happy to hear that you're enjoying the new version so far.
  18. Just a minor update to fix several bugs and address a few balance issues. No need to restart 1.27 campaigns after installing. Balance Changes - Increased weapon variance chance slightly. - An additional damage penalty from low morale now applies to melee as well. - Slight reduction to mounted cavalry range damage. Bug Fixes - Fixed negative efficiency issue. - Restricted merging units in multiday battles. - Nearby routing units morale regen penalty now applying correctly. - Fixed merging bug where incorrect number of sprites would display. - Fixed Blackwater River deployable units issue.
  19. Unless you can find the money to clear the pool, or figure out a way to make it through the battle without clearing it you are unfortunately correct. Clearing the pool is something that I always prioritize, especially because while those officers are expensive they also provide the invaluable service of printing 1*s. There is a decent amount of variance in the officers that are available from campaign to campaign, and I have seen cases where a lot of BG generate and it's extremely expensive to clear the pool. Will add this to the list of things to look into either normalizing, or try to find a way to let a min rank officer always be an option somehow.
  20. Included in the Mod/Rebalance folder there is a Config file guide that provides some insight into what the values do. Compiling some suggested middle ground values between difficulties is a good idea, though I don't think I have enough information to do so currently. I've just made guesses on numbers so far, so any feedback on what has ended up feeling good would be helpful.
  21. Campaign is a linear progression between historical battles where you build and maintain your fleet and land units. There are custom battles where you can setup your own scenarios, but this is mostly limited to outfitting ships. The campaign is about 2/3 naval battles and 1/3 land battles. There are some battles that combine naval and land components. Land battles can be skipped if you only want the naval component. From what others have mentioned the naval combat gives the player a bit less control of the details than naval action since the player is managing multiple ships. But otherwise it is modeled reasonably realistically.
  22. FYI, you'll be losing out on some experience gain for your officers, money from any captured cavalry, captured supply return rate will be much higher, and any officers wounded before the save/load will be lost using this method.
  23. Re-enabling that is not something that is currently configurable. This bug was potentially providing a huge cash influx from the officers that could be gained from it, so it's not something that should probably be in the game. However, in the future we can try and see if it's possible to ensure that more of those historical officers show up in the barracks or as rep buys, though I'm unsure possible that is(mostly if we can get the historical portraits). For example a change we have previously considered is moving any rep buy officers into the barracks if they are not bought.
  24. Yes, that feature was retained in the latest version to improve the AI's ability to coordinate charges. AdvancedChargeLogic set to false prevents the AI from being more likely to charge if another nearby unit is also charging. However, this just reduces the chance, it doesn't prevent it entirely. Charges will be be more common the wider the difference between the size, experience, and melee power of the player's units compared to the AI units is. AIscalingSizeMultiplier and AIscalingExperienceMultiplier can also be used to reduce the size and experience of enemy brigades respectively. These should allow you to adjust the difficulty of battles as desired.
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