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Everything posted by pandakraut

  1. Additional campaign content is planned, but it will get released sometime after the game moves to early access on Steam. The EA release is probably going to be within the next month or two. No ETA has been announced for when new campaign content will be available after that. They'll probably be busy dealing with bugs for a while.
  2. As far as I know it's not doing much for naval units, but there is already line of sight and stealth system in the game. If you hold L you can see the vision lines from a given area or unit. Units also have spot and stealth stats which influence which units they can reveal.
  3. It's definitely possible, it's been completed on Legendary. There are certain army setups that will punish the player far more than they should be though. On average you should be facing 2-4k fewer AI units than you currently are. Still, the new AI charging logic is going to require an update to most people play. It can be beaten, it's just not as easy as it was before.
  4. Scaling shouldn't be affecting either of the first battles beyond the increases from difficulty. I'll double check Phillipi and maybe just make it a bit easier. I can beat it on legendary but it's considerably more frustrating than Potomac Fort. I'll check all of the allied unit only battles again. They aren't supposed to be scaling against the players units, but I think that part of the base game logic is not working correctly. The mod is intended to be considerably harder than the base game. The starting union battle has been beaten by multiple people on legendary but it should probably be toned down a bit more to be less annoying.
  5. FYI, a bug was found in some of the scaling code that is making certain battles such as Newport, Distress Call, and Cross Keys harder than they should be. This will probably get patched sometime this week.
  6. If you're referring to the mission fireworks, you are provided with two fire ships that are intended to be used to destroy the 3rd rate. Capturing it is possible, and does unlock a bonus mission, but doing so usually requires breaking the scenario in some way. Most common one involves bringing transports full of large land units. You can then board the 3rd rate and dump more men onto your ship with rowboats.
  7. The BR limit was removed in an experimental patch last week that also turned scaling based on player units back on. Consensus seems to be that more players enjoy rampaging around with 3rd rates, so it seems likely to stay.
  8. It is possible, but it requires some programming ability. The game has a curve which relates unit hp to number of sprites that are displayed. This would result in the units taking up more space on the maps which doesn't play very well.
  9. While I don't think anyone has managed to finish a legendary campaign yet, the early part of the campaign is definitely possible to win. They are quite difficult however as a lot of the old tricks don't work anymore. Unfortunately, there are no videos of the early part of either campaign in 1.26 that I'm aware of currently. There are two new configuration settings in the Mod/Rebalance/AIConfigFile.csv that you may be interested in. Recommend just editing in notepad as some users have reported problems if they use excel or an equivalent. AdvancedChargeLogic, changing this to false turns off the increased chance of AI units to charge when a nearby AI unit is charging. AIscalingSizeMultiplier, this directly affects the size of all AI units in a given battle. Increase if a battle is too easy(or if you want giant AI units on lower difficulties), decrease if a battle is too hard. You will have to restart the game anytime you make a change to these values. If you'd like to continue playing the previous version, links are available here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/x4nr38qstplx7ml/RebalanceModGoGV1.25.2.zip?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/j9ywpx26rqdliab/RebalanceModV1.25.2.zip?dl=0
  10. Did you start a new campaign when you installed the mod? It changes so many things that switching to it mid campaign leads to odd results. Example of winning Antietam in the mod: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1kVCnjDIxg Example of winning it in the base game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zy8J6qs9HZw&list=PLNFTAFys32_-N-fIfWJgRSJIhVtOZjEGe&index=24
  11. For most players the solution to avoiding this issue is to not save and reload during the battle and to click finish as soon as the option becomes available. This is the first I've heard of someone reloading a save after they went to day 2 and not going to day 2 on a second attempt. Usually it seems to take a full battle restart.
  12. Making officer ranks have greater restrictions and delaying the capture rewards would be good changes in my opinion, but probably better left to harder difficulty modes or modding. I would also agree that restricting the player's ability to setup their own ships is not a good idea. While the early battles are not nearly as punishing as the intro battles in UGCW, the restriction is still likely to annoy players.
  13. The campaign is split into several stages. In each stage there are multiple battles and points of interest. The points of interest resolve when you complete the stage. Once you've completed all the content in the stage, the battles are done and ships assigned to the PoI, then you move onto the next stage. It should be possible to complete all content in each stage. The UI for some of this is not the most intuitive currently. Is there an aspect of this you missed, or am I misunderstanding in some way? Or is this tied to the primary issue where you wish this was a more open world game where time progresses? I also don't understand how this system made sense in UGCW but not in AoS? They are both relatively linear campaigns where you play through a series of battles at specific dates? The wind blowing against the sails causes the ship to roll as one side is pushed down towards the water. This causes the cannons on that side of ship to aim downward and reduces the range. As a primarily land game focused player as well, the micromanagement of ships does seem quite high. A few are fine, more get oppressive. It seems like the people coming from naval games aren't having as many issues? Might just be getting used to it since UGCW also requires quite a bit of micro but controlling considerably more land units doesn't give me any trouble these days. There is a scuttle ship option that can permanently solve this problem. I do agree that it is very annoying when you can't get crew onto a ship in time and new men spring out of nowhere to crew it. If the player sails off and leaves the ship alone I wouldn't mind it, need to have some trade offs to slow the player from capturing every single ship in the campaign. But if your own ships remain nearby they shouldn't be able to unsurrender. Flanking fire seems necessary to get units to waiver, and quite effective at doing so. From what I've found once you start making sure you have 2-3 units firing at their 1 they rout fairly quickly and then you have to wait for them to come back and do it again. Charging seemed ok the last time I played, but I think it got changed again in the last patch. Overall, while it still doesn't feel quite as smooth as UGCW it's definitely been improving over time and is starting to feel close to good in my opinion. The devs have mentioned that different sides have different upgrades for flavor. Not sure what the mechanics look like behind the scenes in terms of weaponry and officer xp. This has been in flux the last few patches and definitely needs more adjustment. Apologies if I overlooked it, but it sounds like you are playing on normal? Common feedback at the moment seems to be that scaling is too harsh on normal, very difficult on hard. Haven't seen much feedback on easy, but from some tests I did the other day it seems like it will allow you to outpace the AI in ship size. You definitely aren't alone in some of your complaints. The game has still been changing fairly rapidly in some ways, so hopefully some of the issues will end up being addressed and improve the game overall.
  14. @CajunNavy Can you confirm what you mean by boarding was broken off by the AI? The ships grappled together, pulled even, the crossed swords show up above both ships and men start to die(not from cannon or musket fire), and then the melee suddenly stops and the ships move apart?
  15. You brought them up and stated you were unsure of how it worked, so I provided confirmation of how they worked. My apologies. This does not appear to be how the game is functioning. I just tested with a ship that was captured with 2 damaged guns and very low hull damage. The ship was equipped with 6pdr armstrongs which cost 53 per gun with no purchase discounts. The ship costs 96 to repair total. If any cost is being charged for replacing cannon it is at an extremely steep discount.
  16. AI scaling was turned back on so it's possible you're just fighting better experienced and equipped crews.
  17. Recent patches have made some changes to boarding. Kill rates seem to slow down faster than before is all I've really noticed though. You've always been able to break off boarding by hitting the button again. Maybe the AI is actually doing this sometimes now?
  18. The battle definitely changes a lot if the AI ends up with rifled guns. They usually have at least one or two units worth on legendary and they wreck havoc on your smoothbore artillery.
  19. I offered no opinion one way or the other. I simply restated your post in a shorter format for easier reading. To clarify the UGCW mechanics: In UGCW you recovered a percentage of weapons from all inflicted casualties. This percentage varied by difficulty. You also recovered a different percentage of weapons from any captured units. This capture recovery percentage also varied by difficulty. There were some bugs around the capture percentage that were fixed in mods, but that is what the original setup was. While cannons in UGCW can't be turned around and used when captured, it is possible to mod in allowing captures so that the player can obtain a higher recovery percentage. Regarding captured ships. It is unfortunate that cannon that are damaged in battle are returned to the player for free on both their ships and captured ships. If it was harder for the player to maintain captured ships, the capture everything and only use trophy ships approach would be less of the optimal strategy. However supporting this this would lead to new problems due to the inability to mix cannon types in a specific slot and that the player often cannot purchase the cannons that are on captured ships.
  20. The deployments at Shiloh are weird. What I do to get them sorted out is start the battle, write down which units spawn, then go back into camp and see what slots those units are in. Then I move unit around so that those slots are filled with the units I want. Doing this up through the second phase takes a bit more work, but you can increase the fastForward setting in the configFile to speed up the process. The 1.25 videos for Shiloh will be a bit more helpful. 1.24 is basically let artillery kill everything. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55T6amKxoJk&list=PLNFTAFys32_8_OFQir6FNqGoo0y13UZMm&index=11 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RO1pcRGkrg&list=PLNFTAFys32_8_OFQir6FNqGoo0y13UZMm&index=12
  21. Normal functionality is that you can click on the + icon on the map and it will add your first corps. You can also click and hold on your corps commanders portrait and drag the corps over the +. Can you confirm that both of these do not work?
  22. Summary: 1) If the player wins a battle unmanned cannons and manned cannons should count as captured. 2) you would like a 100% weapon recovery rate for captured cannon.
  23. Technical restrictions in that allowing variable amounts of units in a brigade is difficult to add as the amount must currently come from a hard coded value in the assets file. Balance in that if the player can throw their best officer into a single division and support a large number of brigades, even at reduced efficiency, it lets the player get around to many restrictions. If the player wants to field a lot of units, they should have to invest in AO and in officers. To do this they must sacrifice something else. Alternately, the player can choose not to focus on these and use fewer better equipped units. This would also make it easier to empty the recruit pool to allow units to be disbanded. Given how powerful that mechanic currently is it does not need any power boosts. Using an officer of insufficient experience to command a large unit results in an penalty to the efficiency stat. This results in a corresponding loss of ranged and melee damage.
  24. You can absolutely do this, I regularly play with 1k units through Shiloh. As an aside. Another modder has been working on a submod which focuses on Regimental style play. Smaller max infantry sizes, so it might be something you are interested in. It's available on the discord, I'll talk to him about getting a post up on the forums as well.
  25. Experimental patch went live last night that removed BR restrictions and enabled player based scaling again. Feedback on this change is appreciated. I'm not sure what you are saying regarding sending troops to reserves. Can you provide a screenshot or try describing it differently?
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