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Everything posted by pandakraut

  1. Very good luck on that infantry unit, I've seen them mostly get stuck doing nothing a few times which certainly helps. Good work on getting through it. AI cav usage is definitely an issue. Haven't figured out anything that I can do to improve it unfortunately.
  2. From when I last played it, the only real way to deal with the infantry is to focus them with as many units as possible, especially the artillery to drive them off quickly. If both rush you at the same time you're probably dead. Your infantry are very good, but you want to avoid them taking damage as much as possible as that's where a lot of your firepower comes from. I tend to leave them in the two fortifications for the extra range, reload speed, and protection. You can usually rush your cav forward to get some free shots on the enemy artillery as it moves up right at the beginning which can help a bit. This can also do odd things to the AI deployment in the south which can buy you some time if it goes well. It does sound like your army setup is driving up scaling a bit. In my old saves I was only facing ~26k and the skirmishers were a more manageable 500-600. It's still an extremely tough battle on legendary though. One thing that can help is restarting until you get a favorable split. If several of your units end up splitting, especially the infantry that can help a lot. Though if those AI infantry units split its probably a restart.
  3. Yes, the values are just straight multipliers. Brigade officer xp was decreased. Corps and Division officer xp was increased.
  4. Another player was testing something similar a while back where the AI units were always max size no matter what. I can't recall if they were on MG or Legendary but they made it through Antietam at least. So it's possible at least, but probably not recommended for most players. Good to hear it's having the effect you were hoping for.
  5. Great! If you run into any issues let me know, otherwise I'll fold it into the released version in a week or two.
  6. It will ignore the force pool. It's a straight multiplier to the number of men in each unit. Can you try a larger number or something like 0.1 to make sure the size changes? If it's not there's either a package or an install issue.
  7. Here is a test version which adds two config options. enableAISizeMultiplier: set to true to enable AISizeMultiplier: set to the value you want to multiply all AI unit sizes by. This will override scaling. Max unit size is still the normal caps. https://www.dropbox.com/s/14xfaxgemw15mzm/CustomizationsModV1.8.2Test.zip?dl=0
  8. 14 is still accurate if you're playing the unmodded game. If you're using either the Rebalance Mod or the UI & AI Customizations mod the size curves have been replaced so that adding more men/guns always results in a damage increase. Diminishing returns do apply though.
  9. The Iron Brigade is a reward for winning Antietam. The only other case where this occurs is for the CSA at Shiloh where you can get Forrest's Brigade. Capturing enemy units will give you extra recruits as a reward, though the max amount is capped at 1000.
  10. Perhaps eventually. I haven't had time to even get back to my Union videos recently though. If you haven't seen it already, check out Fiasco_Games content. He was attempting a legendary run, ran into a dead end and is currently progressing through a MG run. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8mo0bLvCR-45MPnvQtVaJw
  11. Not sure which battle you're talking about? Is this Shiloh? Which side?
  12. This definitely won't fix the issue. The AI units are just as likely to stand around getting shot by hidden artillery as they are scoped rifles. On some maps the aggressiveness settings will cause they to go find hidden units, and occasionally they seem to remember a unit is in the area if they spot it once, but in general if your units are hidden the AI won't go after them at all even if they are taking fire.
  13. Thanks for the feedback. Skirmishers are definitely an issue currently. Some planned changed for them include lowering the maximum unit size for the player, adjusting some of their perks, and adding some extra spotting bonuses to other unit types. The Whitworth TS also probably needs a bit of a reduction in range. Stealth penalties as the unit grows in size is an interesting idea. I don't think the game currently implements it but I'll have to confirm. If it doesn't I think that is something I can add. That does seem like it would help the situation a bit as 200-300 man skirmishers seem mostly reasonable(within the bounds of ridiculous kill rates the game allows) but it sounds like it's the 500+ man skirmisher brigades where the numbers get really ridiculous.
  14. There should be a /Contents/Resources/Data/ folder which contains a resources.assets file from the base game install. You want to copy the file of the same name out of the zip you downloaded and overwrite the existing file. The Assembly-Csharp.dll file in the zip needs to similarly be copied over an existing file. Unfortunately, I don't have a mac so I can't provide much more detail. Hopefully you are able to get it working.
  15. The xp threshold to hit BG in the mod is higher than a MG in the base game. The officer performs the same regardless of rank, it just limits the ability to very quickly get MG and LTGs in corps command. It is still possible to level officers very quickly by putting them in command of new units. Stat gain decreases the higher the stat is, and officer xp is based on stat gain. This is why officers in command of your veteran units will usually not gain much xp. Corps Command and division command give flat xp rewards by battle, so that can also be used though it is generally slower than brigade command. We are planning on changing this system a bit in the future so that BG is a bit easier to get to. But part of the issue is that when the above is used efficiently you can probably level officers too quickly. It is relatively easy to have a MG by Bull Run and with some luck a LTG by Shiloh if you are optimizing as much as possible.
  16. There was a discussion started by the devs on the discord regarding changing the name of the game to Ultimate Admiral: By Land By Sea to better indicate that the game would focus on both naval and land engagements. The general consensus was that Age of Sail was a better overall name since it refers to the time period the game covers. The developer clearly wants to offer a variety of battles that can involve only ships, ships and land units, and only land units in the game all of which are appropriate to recreating battles in this time period.
  17. 1) Weapon curves are unchanged in this mod. I can replace the base game curves entirely or modify the values pulled out of them, but that's only done in the Rebalance mod. 2) All ranges showed in the tooltips should now be accurate to the weapons actual range. This means that most muskets/rifles have range 300. Whitworths, sharps, JF Browns, and hunters have > 300 and most carbines have < 300. 3) These display the value on the curve at .25x, .5x, .75x, and 1x weapons range. Especially in the case of artillery the specific range will vary by cannon since the effective ranges differ. Artillery also display the value at range 100 to help show canister performance.
  18. Mac install instructions should be as follows: 1) In Steam, right click UGCW and select Properties. 2) Click local files, then select browse local files 3) right click 'Ultimate General Civil War' and select 'show package contents' 4) navigate (relative path) to /Contents/ a) Place the 'Mod' folder in Contents/ 5) navigate (relative path) to /Contents/Resources/Data/ a) Copy the resources.assets file into /Data/ b) Copy the /Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll file from the mod release into the /Managed/ folder, overwriting the existing file You should be able to just overwrite all the files from the old version. Hope this helps.
  19. Only UnitModifiers is used by the mod. UnitModifiersOriginalValues is only included as a reference to the user.
  20. Those are in the Ultimate General Civil War\Ultimate General Civil War_Data\Mod\Rebalance\ConfigFile.csv
  21. killsPerEffectivity: number of kills required to gain a point of efficiency killsPerMelee: number of kills required to gain a point of melee movePerStamina: distance moved to gain a point of stamina shootPerFirearms: reloads completed to gain a point of firearms timePerMorale: time spent in battle per morale gained. There are diminishing returns that apply the higher a stat is, so you will see different rates depending on if the unit has low or high stats.
  22. If naval action is also using Unity then similar changes may be possible. It's very likely that the hex would look different though. As far as I know that game is multiplayer only so there are likely restrictions in place to either prevent these kind of modifications or detect players who are using them.
  23. Nothing has changed in recent patches regarding modding the assets file. Just to confirm, you're making your changes in Ultimate General Civil War\Ultimate General Civil War_Data\resources.assets? There is also a more recent guide to making hex changes here:
  24. Updates for V1.8.1: Adjusted infantry damage modifier for fortifications so that early and mid game fortifications are improved but late game fortification damage is unchanged. removeInfantryFortificationPenalty still allows turning off this change entirely.
  25. I think we fundamentally disagree on where the weight of where historical accuracy and game play balance should be valued. Hopefully the configuration files provide enough flexibility for you to change the mod more to your liking. If I haven't mentioned it before, I would recommend taking a look at the UnitModifiersOriginalValues file. It contains the base game settings for all unit modifiers including the five unit stat gain values. Setting those to the base game values plus changing corpsOfficerExperienceMultiplier and brigadeOfficerExperienceMultiplier to 1 would restore the base game rate of stat gain. Some set of values between those used in the base game and the mod should get what you're looking for. Colonels will still take a while to level up though as the xp necessary to gain a rank is only configurable through hex editing. There isn't a way to get around officers no longer gaining xp when unit stat gain slows/stops. This is a limitation inherent to how xp gain was designed in the base game. Adding some kind of small minimum gain regardless of stat change would be possible for brigade officers and might be included in a future patch. The types of cannon that the medium and heavy speed multipliers apply to are not configurable, but if you set both of those values to 1 you'll effectively disable those changes.
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