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Everything posted by pandakraut

  1. The most important thing to remember here is that there is no context provided by the config files. brigadeOfficerExperienceMultiplier: As I have mentioned multiple times. Officer xp growth has been slowed down in the mod because it is far to fast in the base game. There are multiple mechanics available to gain xp very quickly but you appear to be actively ignoring them given the rate of promotion in your campaigns. artilleryCanisterImpact: canister damage is already extremely potent with the right perks, but feel free to tweak as desired. I am travelling and don't have access to the code at the moment but this may be a morale damage only multiplier. nearbyUnitsMoraleRegenBonus: While this number may appear to be small it is actually fairly significant when compared to other morale regen modifiers in the game. It also stacks multiple times which prohibits using much larger numbers. attackFactorFlanks: These numbers tie into the overall damage from weapons, perks etc. A full volley from a well setup unit will often rout anything less than a 2* brigade in a single round so I would recommend being careful with how much you increase this. Regarding artillery units: Keep in mind that movement speed perks heavily factor in here. If you want artillery to be faster than infantry take the horse artillery perk. Artillery is also extremely powerful in game and it's slow speed is one of the necessary downsides.
  2. These values are not configurable and making them be so is prohibitively difficult for technical reasons. There are a few players who play on Col, generally players who are very new to the game. BG and MG is probably the majority of the player base with maybe 20% playing on legendary. Just my impressions haven't actually tried to come up with numbers. The mod is primarily designed and tested around legendary with some accommodations made for the lower difficulties to try and keep them mostly playable for those who don't enjoy the legendary experience.
  3. The AI units receive the same penalties for being out of ammo as player units. Reloading speed is cut by about 2/3 which results in much higher condition drain due to the increased time spent reloading. Captured supply is converted directly into money rather being added into your supply amount.
  4. This means that the config files did not end up in the right place. They should be at ultimate general civil war_data/mod/rebalance
  5. Unit xp and officer xp is based on stat gain in battle. If stats are not increasing you will not see much xp gain for the unit and the commanding officer will also not gain much xp. If you want to increase the stat gain rates those variables can be found at the bottom of the unitModifiers config file.
  6. Two conditions have to be met to win on day 1. You cannot lose more than 75% of your army(this includes the allied forces) and the Pittsburg Landing VP must be fully controlled(cannot be contested). It is recommended that you not click finish when the option pops up and let the battle run until it ends automatically. There is a bug where clicking finish can cause the battle to go to day 2 incorrectly. This is not something we can fix.
  7. So in the base game if any unit is engaged with multiple units it deals 25% of its normal damage to all units it is in contact with. This means that two very small units will usually win a melee with a unit that is considerably larger than them. You can basically ensure that you will win any melee by detaching skirmishers as the units collide to trigger the bonus. This mechanic also lets units with much less experience consistently beat 3* units in melee. Because of the above I changed the modifier so that a unit engaged with multiple units will deal 45% of it's normal damage to both units. From what I've seen in testing this allows a larger more experienced unit to beat two smaller less experienced units, but as the strength of the units involved becomes more equal the advantage will swing towards the multiple units.
  8. Updates for V1.8: I decided to deviate a bit from the core focus of this mod and address some of the more notable balance issues in the game. The majority of these can all be disabled if you prefer the quality of life features along with the original balance. Optional Balance Changes - Reattaching skirmishers is now on a cooldown. When skirmishers are detached, the reattach button will be disabled for approximately 10 in game minutes. Unfortunately I am unable to add a visual cooldown indicator beyond graying out the icon. - Shattered units return to camp. Configurable using returnShatteredUnits. - Infantry units no longer have a damage penalty in fortifications(now matches all other unit types). Configurable using removeInfantryFortificationPenalty. - Artillery counter battery logic now configurable using improveArtilleryTargetting. - Artillery counter battery will now only activate if nearest target is not within 700 range. - Allied units will now return a percentage(varies by difficulty) of weapons for men alive at the end of the battle. - Allied units will now return a lower percentage(varies by difficulty) of weapons for men killed. - Allied unit weapon recovery changes are configurable using enableSurvivingAlliesWeaponReturn. - Weapon return rate from captured units reduced slightly for all difficulties. - Skirmisher melee strength reduced slightly. - AI Charge logic updated to better account for efficiency, firearms, and accuracy perks when determining melee and fire power. - Surrender chance now increases when an officer is wounded or the unit has low condition. - Units can now make surrender checks when allied units are nearby. - Surrender logic changes are configurable using enableSurrenderLogicUpdates. - Fire at will volley time when a unit is wavering has been significantly shortened. This will result in units spending less time standing in place firing sporadically. This is configurable using fireAtWillMin and fireAtWillMax. - Melee damage penalty when engaging multiple units has been changed from 25% to 45%. Setting up 2v1 melee engagements is still beneficial but it should be less possible for two smaller units to beat a larger unit under normal circumstances. This is configurable using meleeMultiplePenalty. - Melee penalty when routing or wavering increased. Routing units will now inflict less damage in melee. This is configurable using moraleMeleeRouting and moraleMeleeWavering.
  9. Item #1 is currently highly dependent on the battle AI settings and difficulty. The battles where the AI is set to be aggressive can be pretty punishing. But when the AI is set to be passive it becomes possible to wipe them out nearly for free. It's something Jonny is trying to fix, but it's slow going. #2 On the list to fix. I need to see if I can generically change this so that every single wagon doesn't have to be edited in the assets file. #3 Nothing I can do about this one. You can somewhat get around it by moving a unit into range and letting them auto target instead of manually targeting. Not always feasible though.
  10. No clue where the game developers came up with the numbers. Given that casualty rates are way out of sync with historical rates I assume the numbers are largely made up for the game. 10% may seem small but it's definitely enough to keep campaigns going. Even on legendary you'll end up with far more weapons than you can reasonably field and will end up selling off the excess. In most cases I never buy rifles except in very limited quantities and survive entirely off of captured and rep buy weapons. Capturing or shattering all enemy units. In multi-day battles this would mean dragging the battle out as long as possible to kill units that only spawn on later days.
  11. Weapon Recovery RatesColonel difficulty rates Win - supplyCapturePercent: 0.5 - weaponCapturePercent: 0.3 - weaponCaptureUnitPercent: .5 - weaponSavePercent: 0.5 - alliedUnitAlivePercent: 0.625 Draw - supplyCapturePercent: 0.5 - weaponCapturePercent: 0.15 - weaponCaptureUnitPercent: .5 - weaponSavePercent: 0.3 - alliedUnitAlivePercent: 0.425 Loss - supplyCapturePercent: 0.5 - weaponCapturePercent: 0.05 - weaponCaptureUnitPercent: .5 - weaponSavePercent2: 0.1 - alliedUnitAlivePercent: 0.225Brigadier General difficulty rates Win - supplyCapturePercent: 0.5 - weaponCapturePercent: 0.2 - weaponCaptureUnitPercent: 0.375 - weaponSavePercent: 0.5 - alliedUnitAlivePercent: 0.625 Draw - supplyCapturePercent: 0.5 - weaponCapturePercent: 0.15 - weaponCaptureUnitPercent: 0.375 - weaponSavePercent: 0.25 - alliedUnitAlivePercent: 0.375 Loss - supplyCapturePercent: 0.5 - weaponCapturePercent: 0.05 - weaponCaptureUnitPercent: 0.375 - weaponSavePercent: 0.1 - alliedUnitAlivePercent: 0.225Major General and Legendary Win - supplyCapturePercent: 0.5 - weaponCapturePercent: 0.1 - weaponCaptureUnitPercent: 0.25 - weaponSavePercent: 0.3 - alliedUnitAlivePercent: 0.425 Draw - supplyCapturePercent: 0.5 - weaponCapturePercent: 0.05 - weaponCaptureUnitPercent: 0.25 - weaponSavePercent: 0.15 - alliedUnitAlivePercent: 0.275 Loss - supplyCapturePercent: 0.5 - weaponCapturePercent: 0.05 - weaponCaptureUnitPercent: 0.25 - weaponSavePercent: 0.1 - alliedUnitAlivePercent: 0.225 As you can see above, you only get 10% of weapons from enemy casualties. Of those 8000 casualties a decent amount are likely skirmishers, cavalry, and artillery so a recovery of 500 infantry weapons is within expectations. The more casualties you inflict the more experience you gain and the more weapons you recover, so there is significant incentive to inflict as many casualties as possible while limiting your own. Coasting is sometimes the right answer, but the higher the difficulty the more you need to snowball as many advantages as possible as soon as possible. Most maps can be full cleared so higher recovery rates would result in acquiring more weapons than you need much earlier in the campaign. If we can find a way to lower casualty rates while retaining good game play then recovery rates would go up. Reputation and career point rewards are fixed based on win/draw/loss results. It is unknown at this time if they can be affected dynamically.
  12. Thanks for the feedback. The gamespeed change definitely takes some time to get used to. I spend a lot of time at 2x or 3x fast forward myself. The gamespeed is configurable if you'd like to change it. In the Ultimate General Civil War_data\Mod\Rebalance folder there is a ConfigFile.csv. This can be edited to change the gameSpeed and fastForward values. The base game gameSpeed is 5 and fastForward is 3. With the artillery have you taken a look at all the artillery types? The more powerful artillery tend to have longer ranges, but without multiple points in logistics it is hard to acquire them in any real number. Long range artillery presents a significant balance challenge as there are a lot of cases where battles can be won effectively for free. Changing the artillery ranges would involve hex editing. There is a weapon and perk modding post which provides details on how to make these type of changes if that's something you want to pursue.
  13. Random number generation. Officers in the barracks spawn with semi randomized xp amounts. In some cases you can outright buy BGs other times only high rank colonels are available.
  14. For example, you need a BG to field a second corps and one is available in the barracks. Buy him up, put him in command of a unit, then create the corps. This will cause an extra BG to be purchasable and now you have access to two BGs. Unless you have been having very bad luck with wounding/death rates, then more focus is needed on putting officers in position to gain experience faster. Not an exact comparison due to RNG and campaign differences, but going into 2nd Bull Run as the Union I have 5 BGs and 3 LTGs. After the battle one of the BG hit MG and another Colonel hit BG. Experienced officers are indeed much more expensive in the mod, but can be well worth purchasing. I basically buy out every officer that can be used to get a unit to 1* whenever they are available. I don't recall specifically but I think I've only purchased 3-4 officers with reputation. Experienced colonels are just as effective at commanding units as BGs and MGs are in the base game. The only thing you are not getting is access to corps commander perks and the rank icon.
  15. Not sure if you're aware, but if no officer of the necessary rank is available when you try to create a new corps/division/unit then a new officer will get generated to fill the slot. You can use this by buying out all officers in the barracks, putting them all in a command slot and then creating a new corps/division/unit to be able to buy a new officer of the relevant rank. Purchasing officers through rep buys being an option worth considering is a net improvement in my opinion. There was basically no reason to ever bother in the base game. Unfortunately I can't do much more than modify the flat xp rewards prior to the battle being played. Corps and division officers gain their xp in a different section of the code than brigade commanders and it's a section where everything breaks if I try to alter it.
  16. Division and corps commanders don't receive experience based on how their commanded units perform. They get a flat value based on the type of battle. If you want to level up a colonel quickly it is usually better to put them in command of a relatively inexperienced unit that will gain stats very quickly. Division officer xp gain is probably still a bit too low despite the increase in 1.25. The BG xp requirement will probably be lowered slightly in the future to make it easier to get certain historical commanders to that rank faster.
  17. Age of Sail has opened up some options. Will be experimenting with a reattachment cooldown timer and reducing the size of the detached units to somewhere in the 50-100 range. Will still allow their use as scouts while significantly curtailing the exploits.
  18. This was an issue in the base game that I corrected the numbers for in the UI mod for the CSA campaign(Union campaign work still needs to be done). The Rebalance mod also has those number corrections, but they break once the deployment sizes are increased to account for detached skirmishers being disabled. While not ideal, the player should at least always be getting at least as many units as the battle displays. Getting the numbers to line up exactly would basically require hard coding dozens of values instead of using a generic solution, so it's not something I'm likely to do anytime soon.
  19. Whitworth are going to be the same situation where you can only get them from one Rep buy and otherwise have to capture them. The CSA do also get significantly better scoped rifles than the union which should also help. It should also be pretty rare that you encounter whitworth or 4.5" artillery during the campaign as the CSA, though it is possible.
  20. Unit movement orders is not something we can really make changes to. Skirmishers just pop into existence and then will start to move so that they are not overlapping the parent unit.
  21. Needed a cutoff somewhere and getting any kind of replacement is already a large benefit to the player. It's also generally not going to come up all that often.
  22. This system has been added in the mod, after a fashion. If a colonel or higher is killed/wounded a lt colonel takes over command of the unit. If that officer is killed/wounded a major takes over, and so on. If a captain is killed/wounded then no replacement officer is given. While not assured a promotion, those ranks level up pretty quick so they will hit colonel fairly quickly.
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