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Everything posted by pandakraut

  1. Ambush can also scale up very high depending on what you build. Could also be some bad luck with the battle size modifier. Ambush you can at least always back off if you want.
  2. As previously mentioned, the objective text as well as the battle descriptions and cut scene text are all being reviewed so that they sync up between themselves and the actual battle objectives.
  3. For those struggling with Newport I forgot to mention that there are some testing videos available here. No commentary and not always the lowest casualty runs, but there are multiple examples of the battle:
  4. At one point they just showed up once you were far enough in the campaign. Might have changed, or I just bought all the research without noticing what they added.
  5. Assortment would be the place to put points to increase the store amounts. I usually just capture ships, buy them with rep, and use whatever cannons come included instead of buying them directly with money.
  6. If I'm remembering correctly you need to get past the battle of bunker hill before american cannons are available. Though if you choose the naval only option that is a bit of an issue. Might want to f11 report this just in case.
  7. If you check the imgur screenshot in the original post you can see that the ship hud icon has the orange slash in the corner and the AI button is enabled in the list of ship buttons. I have not noticed any recent changes in how long it takes ships to initiate boarding. I do usually move the ship to minimize the amount of distance that needs to be closed by the grappling lines if you aren't already doing that.
  8. It's definitely possible to get through newport with lower losses and a win. I listed some tips in another recent response. Not sure if you're a discord user, but there are a few people who will stream there and if the timing works out can probably get someone to do a run through of it. There were some scaling adjustments in 1.26, but nothing that should have affected newport much. In my save I can face 14k when I have 2 infantry units and 18k with 3, so army setup can change the situation drastically.
  9. A surprising number of players do play on that difficulty. There is a very wide range of player skill that is hard to accomodate. Have some new ideas on how to achieve this on the technical side. Perhaps in the next version. Assuming there is no flanking fire going on no. It's just a total damage dealt in a given time frame. The AO settings have to accommodate the union campaign as well which allows for far more units early on. Supporting a large unit focused playstyle also means there are some non-historical options for a player trying to stay closer to historical sizes. One of the necessary compromises to allow different players to build how they like. Balance issues and technical limitations. Technical limitations probably mean that this won't be possible. In that direction we do plan on looking into giving extra cash rewards for capturing cavalry units in the future. Thanks for the feedback, glad the officer changes have largely resolved your concerns though I know it's still not quite what you're looking for.
  10. The very early battles in both campaigns tend allow you to kill yourself with scaling depending on how you setup your army. With the 3 starting units you'll be facing around 13-14k. Adding more infantry units scales the AI at around 2:1. You do seem to have gotten a bit of bad luck though. With the setup you described I'm only facing 17-18k on legendary. Some tips for the battle with the new charge changes. Jumping into the city fortifications when a charge reaches melee range can save you a lot of condition in the following melee. You do want to try and get back out of the fortifications afterwords as they aren't great for taking ranged fire. Detached skirmishers can save you some flanking shots or delay the initial union units until your reinforcements arrive.
  11. Related Try turning off the AI control. Have had basically no issues with boarding and I never use the AI control option.
  12. Generic Requests: Be able to share custom setups between players. Even just being able to make a save of the pre battle setup like you can in UGCW would allow players to post custom scenarios. Steam Workshop integration is probably the dream scenario here. Basic Naval and Land Battle Options: 1) Select technology level or time period(amount of tech, weapons, ships unlocked). Preferably be able to enforce different limits for the player and the AI. 2) Select weather, wind direction, battle start and end times. 3) Select amount of crew/men, funds, and maybe ships/weapons available for each side. Preferably be able to enforce different limits for the player and the AI. 4) Allow setup of ships/units on both sides. This would allow basic custom setups where the two sides just fight until one side is eliminated. Bonus Feature Requests: 1) Select generic AI settings (aggressive, defensive, etc) 2) Select map, assuming AI and deployment logic can support multiple maps. Reusing existing battles like the historical and custom battles in UGCW perhaps? Alternately, could add a few maps with very generic victory conditions for each side to provide options that aren't just kill all enemy units. 3) Write custom pre-battle text description. 4) Be able to share a scenario with certain options locked. For example, sharing a scenario where the AI force is already setup and the player has to build a force with the preset resources. Or being able to share a scenario where the AI force and player force are both locked in. 5) AI or player force randomization.
  13. First step is to try not constantly assigning a new attack order to try and get the unit to fire. At best you're doing nothing, but it's possible you are reseting the aiming animation. If the unit may need to rotate to fire, set it to run, assign the target if needed, and wait. Aiming time is semi random so it will be slightly longer sometimes. If these don't resolve your issues, if possible please try to make a video of the issue occurring.
  14. You can post links to YouTube or what not, just have a small upload limit for files.
  15. There is no mathematical ideal size. 18 will do more damage than 14. But the damage difference between 10 and 14 guns will be larger than the difference between 14 and 18.
  16. The 80% skirmisher setup being described was on 1.25. With the changes in 1.26 it should be much harder to get going. The whitworth ts scoped rifle that the CSA can buy is 600 range and a 3* skirmisher unit can extend the range even further.
  17. Just to check you did submit an f11 bug report as well? This is probably related to a recent change to not auto end the stage/chapter when the last battle is completed.
  18. I suspect you'll be able to get those skirmisher formations going later in the campaign, but it's good to hear that the changes are making infantry have a role early on.
  19. Yes, both of those changes are in the new patch. Legendary has certainly been quite the adjustment. The union start received several reward increases to give the player a chance.
  20. I haven't heard of anyone trying a mostly skirmisher setup in the new version yet, so any feedback along those lines would be appreciated. There are a lot of changes that affected that army comp. These changes might not be sufficient, we didn't want to overcompensate given all the other changes. The WW(TS) has 50% reduced stock in the shop now and also had it's reload rate cut by around 30%. The AI is much more likely to charge in a semi-competent fashion and it is much harder to convince it to stop, though that will depend somewhat on what difficulty you are playing on. Several modifications were made to scaling that should keep things a bit more even when the player is deploying mostly skirmishers. AI skirmishers are also more likely to get improved weapons now. I don't have a video of the stealth changes at the moment. The basic idea is that anytime an AI unit is damaged it gets a bonus to spot. Anytime a unit fires it gets a small stealth penalty. This penalty lasts longer than it takes a unit to reload, so the penalty will continue to get worse and worse the longer you keep firing. This should make it much harder to keep units equipped with 400-500 range weapons hidden for more than a few volleys. Scoped whitworths will still be much safer, but given their lack of availability any mistakes will be very costly.
  21. It is a bit unclear sometimes if the last available battle will end the stage. But in most cases that is how it works. The exception would be some of the few conditional battles that only show up if you win an earlier one, but there are only a couple of those.
  22. Multiple others have also encountered this, they'll probably fix it tomorrow.
  23. Multiple others have also encountered this, they'll probably fix it tomorrow. Meanwhile enjoy the hilarious upside down ships paddling away.
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