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Cetric de Cornusiac

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Everything posted by Cetric de Cornusiac

  1. List of donations (1) Kartaugh, RNP clan, Great Britain: 2000 doubloons on may 13th. (2) Allan McAlleese, NTI clan, Great Britan: one whiteoak/whiteoak gunboat on may 18th (may get used for applicant without proper boat). (3) Von Hoff, FREB clan, United States: one liveoak/whiteoak L'Ocean with heavy rig trim, on may 18th. (4) Captain Incognito, BFD clan, United States: one gunboat note (used for applicant if necessary) and 2000 doubloons on may 19th. (5) Queen Marie-Antoinette's charity foundation 'Retraite d'anciens marins fous': 5000 doubloons on may 23rd. (6) Sir Wescott, CSR clan, United States: 5 doubloons by overpaying admission fee, may 27th. (7) Sir Sadness, Netherlands: 69 doubloons by overpaying admission fee, may 29th. (8) Royal Library at Palais de Tuileries, Paris: five rare books, june 1st. (9) Quimby, Q clan, United States: 6000 doubloos, two donations june 1st and june 2nd.
  2. Contact me on PvE Peace Server, global chat, or by mail there to French player 'Comte de Cornusiac', when you have a gunboat and want to participate in the contest. After I have seen your boat and you paid your admission, I enter your name in our list here.
  3. Calculation Player records hull hits and mast hits on NPC ship, as documented on screen when pressing tab. Screenshots F12 of this screen serve as proof. Take this picture at the end of your participation to make sure all hits are collected. -- Hull hits and mast hits are summarized to one number for each contestant. -- Player sinks in battle: Note down time when it happens. Player does not sink in battle: no note, 100 % share. -- NPC enemy sinks in battle: Note down time when it happens. Calculate for each previous contestant having been sunk by NPC, at what percentage of NPC active time his sinking happened. Bring his sum of hits into relation to this percentage by reducing his sum by this percentage. -- -- Examples (not of same event): Player A made 100 hits. Player A lost his gunboat after 31 minutes from beginning of battle. NPC was active 48 minutes from beginning of battle until going down. Time stamp 31 minutes out of 48 minutes means this player was active during 64,58 % of NPC lifetime. 100 hits x 0,6458 = 65 points for player A. Player B made 130 hits. Player B lost his gunboat after 38 minutes from beginning of battle. NPC was active 48 minutes from beginning of battle until going down. Time stamp 38 minutes out of 48 minutes means this player was active during 79,17 % of NPC lifetime. 130 hits x 0,7917 = 103 points for player B. Player C made 77 hits. Player C lost his gunboat after 44 minutes from beginning of battle. NPC was active 48 minutes from beginning of battle until going down. Time stamp 44 minutes out of 48 minutes means this player was active during 91,67 % of NPC lifetime. 77 hits x 0,9167 = 71 points for player C. Player D made 90 hits. Player D did not lose his gunboat but was afloat when NPC sank after 62 minutes. Player was active during 100 % of NPC lifetime. 90 x 1,0 = 90 points for player D. If player A, B or C would be the one with high score, NPC sinking 48 minutes after start would mean his prize money would be 10000 doubloons - (30 doubloons x 48 minutes) = 8560 doubloons. If player D would be the one with high score, NPC sinking 62 minutes after start would mean his prize money would be 10000 doubloons - (30 doubloons x 62 minutes) = 8140 doubloons.
  4. Official Contestant list (will be filled over time when preconditions are met) (1) Paulo de Antigua, FRF clan, France. (teak/whiteoak very agile) Admitted may 14th. (2) Friedrich der Grosse, THTF clan, Prussia (new boat, changed: teak/whiteoak). Admitted may 14th. (3) Zlatkowar, AP clan, Great Britain (teak/whiteoak). Admitted may 14th. (4) Sir Wescott, CSR clan, United States (liveoak/whiteoak agile). Admitted may 27th. (5) Sir Sadness, no clan, Netherlands (liveoak/whiteoak). Admitted may 29th. (6) Ortac, KAMI clan, Great Britain (teak/whiteoak). Admitted may 29th. (7) Quimby, Q clan, United States (teak/whiteoak). Admitted june 1st. (8) Mr Davis, ONLYD clan, Great Britain (liveoak/whiteoak). Admitted june 2nd. (9) Major Greed, CSR clan, United States. Admitted june 2nd. (10) Rev Archibald Dikburst, Pirates. Admitted june 2nd.
  5. On behalf of the French King, I have the honor to invite Captains on PvE Peace Server to the (very) first "Impossible Gunboat Mission Contest", IGMC. What is it? Ten gunboat captains will compete to sink a single NPC First Rate, without help by other ships. Guns are limited to what can be installed on gunboats. When will it happen? Contest will start in front of La Mona harbor on Sunday, june 2nd, 2019, GMT 18:00 hrs. Coordination over global chat. Anyone being non-Spanish owning a gunboat can participate, up to ten players will be admitted. Therefor, please use our contestant list for application, here in this thread. Given the nature of NPC in the area I suppose any nationals can participate except Spaniards, simply because game mechanics does not allow you to join a battle against Spanish NPC when you are a Spanish player. Some other time we may do this event again and this time against other NPC nation, so Spaniards will be able to join. When we have more than ten applicants, we will set up a waiting list from which replacements may move over to applicants' list when players drop out (or don't show up). We will try to notify them if that is possible, in a timely manner. How does it work? (1) List is set up of participants. Conditions are: you can bring a gunboat, feel free to equip with any upgrade, and you are not Spanish (this time). Ten entries are allowed. If someone does not show up who is in the original ten player group, other players present on location with proper gunboat may take over his vacant place. Guests are allowed to watch, but expected to stay at the outer perimeters and are prohibited from interfering in the competition by sailing between contestants or firing cannons. In this case contest will be stopped and if necessary cancelled. (2) Each contestant pays 1000 doubloons to the contest organization as his fiduciary. It is an non-refundable admittance fee, unless event does not take place, and will be used for the prize the winner will get. Fee is payable before contest event is held. If someone isn't contributing his admission in time, he is disqualified from taking part and he will be replaced by first entry on the waiting list. Or if he paid and does not come to the event, his fee will anyway be spent on the prize. As soon as your doubloons are in possession of the contest organization, you receive a confirmation for a contestant list entry. You pay inside the game to me, Comte de Cornusiac, on behalf of the French Crown .You have to prove to me, Comte de Cornusiac, you own a gunboat by showing it to me in game in front of any port we will meet at, because having one is precondition for participation. No other ships will be admitted unless as spectator in the outer perimeter. Only after you show me your gunboat I will accept your admission payment and put you on the list. (3) The contestant list is public and will be on display here in the thread, with acknowledgment of payments received. When someone declares his withdrawal, for whatever reason, he forfeits his admission fee and gives his list entry free for another applicant. (4) On the given date, the player group of up to ten contestants will sail together from La Mona meeting point towards the first single First Rate of Spanish nation we will discover. Until we have found one, players are free to roam around and contribute to the search. But once found, we will hold back battle initiation until ALL registered contestants on the list have assembled closely and get ready for joining battle. The battle will be started by the contest organization (Comte de Cornusiac) only, and all contestants immediately follow by sailing to the appropriate circle. Contest starter will act as contestant but as referee, while nobody is to use guns until all contestants are inside battle instance and I give the signal in (battle) contest chat to start. (5) The goal is: (a) damaging and sinking the First Rate, (b) surviving longer than the others. (c) achieving victory as soon as possible. Delay reduces prize money. The winner of the contest will be therefore determined after the amount of damage he or she has contributed and how long he or she is kept afloat, reduced by a malus calculated by remaining time of battle countdown. For documentation of claims, we need screenshots of every contestant showing his score in hull and mast hits once he has sunk, or at the time when NPC target sinks, as documentation of the damage he or she has done. Also contestant tells the time when he has sunk, or the moment will be registered by others. (6) After battle, contestants send in screenshots as link (steam screenshot collection or picture host site) to contest organization (me) in global PvE chat and I do the calculation of your ranking on grounds of damage you did and time of your sinking, if applicable. We will count hull and mast hits only, no sail, no crew nor cannons. Contest organization will create a contest result report which shows how many points each contestant did achieve on the enemy ship. The report will be published here in this thread. The damage you do will earn you a neutral assessment of your contribution to the common victory, if applicable. The more damage you deal, the higher you rank. Another aspect of your performance will be estimated after the duration of your survival, in reference to the time the NPC enemy sank. Who lasts longer will earn more score than the ones who sank earlier. Staying afloat as long as you can means to increase your chances to win the prize. You are allowed to take repairs with you and repair your gunboat as often as you can in battle. You will not bring fleet ships with you. The moment the First Rate is sunk stops counting of survival time for all remaining contestants, as it means end of battle. Who is still afloat at this moment enjoys 100 % of his hit score and suffers no reduction, related to having been sunk before NPC did. However, the remaining time of the regular battle countdown counter (from 90 minutes max battle duration) will be taken into account as penalty for whoever is winner, meant as encouragement to sink the enemy as early as possible and not invite players into loitering. A time pressure is needed. See the example calculation in first post after this introduction. Prize money taken by this penalty will be added to the prize money pool of the next event, while donations from third parties went into adding up his prize money, as long as it was handed over to contest organization before the event. The one contestant which will independently of our calculations be named as the one who sank the enemy in battle results receives a bonus of 25 % of his hull and mast score in addition. It may or may not make the difference for winning our contest. Still, another contestant can rank higher due to our calculation method. (7) Contest organization does the calculation and declares a winner; the one with most points added together from damage being dealt, brought in relation to his perseverance staying alive, and the time needed to achieve success, will win the sum of all admission fees, which theoretically makes in case ten contestants are in the field 10 x 1000 = 10000 doubloons (before time penalty is applied). Loot from the enemy ship is free to whoever takes it. Prize money is payable in trade window as soon as winner is declared at La Mona. Voluntary contributions by anyone else are accepted as additional prize money, donators will be mentioned honorably in this thread, if so. (8) ((In case the First Rate cannot be sunk and all contestants have lost their ships, have retreated, given up, or battle countdown closed down; prize money will be kept by the organization and added to prize money for participants of the next contest. In case the First Rate cannot be sunk and some contestants are still afloat but not able to fulfill the task before countdown ends, prize money will be distributed among the survivors who are still afloat at the end of battle countdown, in even shares. No difference will be made in regard of your fight performance then and individual damage calculation is not necessary.))* You are only applicable as survivor if you are found within range of the enemy, that is, when you see his name over his ship from your ship. You will have to document your right to receive your share by screenshot made into direction of enemy which shows NPC ship with name over it and his damage status on the side. To sail later into close range and pretend to qualify as survivor will be regarded as cheating attempt and lead to disqualification. *Edit: full grand prize will be handed in any case to best performer and nothing kept back as doubloons become worthless in mid june by wipe. Also future of our contests are questionable. Annotations Transparency is ensured by public notifications and the participants' list in this forum thread. Whenever I rally people for this event I will use this link as reference to make sure they read the rules and information. In the unexpected case we do not get enough applications, the contest will have to be cancelled and admissions will be refunded by contest organization via contact of players who paid their fee, in global chat and in game mail, and there time and place of refunds will be arranged individually. I hope to have available a nice prize document which will be handed to the winner by the time the event is planned to happen, with his name on it. He will be granted permission by the French King to bear the title "Champion of First Impossible Gunboat Mission Contest at La Mona june 2019". I further encourage contestants to do videos of their performance. We will discuss if we need more referees in other ships being present in this battle or just observers for filming purposes. If so, I ask them to use unarmed and small 7th rate ships so no interference with the battle is possible. Also they will be asked to keep out of fire ranges of any contestant and especially keep clear from spaces between participants and NPC ship. Contestants will have to agree to submit themselves under rules of this contest and follow orders given by referee(s) when unfair actions are being noticed to occur, up to disqualification of rule breakers, to be declared after a first warning, which means they have to leave battle immediately. When this cannot be enforced, the whole event will be cancelled right away and this person will bear responsibility for that and wrath of the community. Written, signed and sealed by The Contest organization, Special Envoy of the French Crown at Martinique Marine Arsenal Comte de Cornusiac.
  6. How to get on the base entry for the duel list? Simply pay an entrance fee, like 500 doubloons. All those tickets of a given period get collected, say each week, and the champion of the list gets the sum in addition to his fame.
  7. That's an interesting idea for adding more 'skillbooks' you purchase from admiralty (or loot somewhere), so people can style their 'ship library' according to their personal game style. I picture the following 'skillbooks' (separately, obviously): (1) Rulebook about rules of engagement present at the moment, the guidlelines (2) Captain's logbook, a personal note collection, free style (3) Purser's accounting book, all merchant activities collected here, buying/selling, you can make annotations (4) Courier ledger, about passenger and cargo/letters transports (5) Shipyard ledger, following the story of your ship building, buying and selling (6) Battle statistics, a diary of all battles with their respective actions done ... I named them skillbooks but they would not show up for lining them up in your skillbook slots, no, those are needed for more urgent things, rather I imagine those books once acquired would add functions to your User Interface you otherwise would not get. Call it another progression field and customizing of the UI. And you can play as before without them, just with less information stored and less transparency.
  8. Once those port upgrade opportunities are implemented on PvE Peace Server (if ever), could it be possible to refit existing ships with port upgrades? Think of someone having a golden ship, he would like to use the new port boni also on this one, as he cannot expect to build a golden one so soon again, given the rarity, just for also adding port boni. Could be very expensive in doubloons to refit an existing ship, or need a week of time until it is finished - doesn't matter. People would love that.
  9. It just amazes me again and again what ideas some people have of PvE server when judging it from afar, from their PvP throne... You can lose your stuff on Peace Server as well, you just have to lose battles against NPC... misjudgement of your strength, bad understanding of economics and you are back at the drawing board, which is a basic cutter. ... if the community wasn't as helpful as it is on Peace Server. People may donate to you a new ship for starting anew. Just stop that myth that there is no risk and all you see are carebears.
  10. Could be both: Very expensive purchase of any permit from Admiralty, the direct way. And random loot from chests. So those who are rich and impatient can always turn towards their Admiralty, while others wait for their lucky moment.
  11. It could be far worse. Only have a look at Mount & Blade Bannerlord comment section of their weekly dev blog. It's the most negative example of whining complaining kids you could imagine. 7 years of development and some restart meanwhile.
  12. It's a bit more than that. The negative review bombing is nothing less than an attempt to ruin the game by driving possible buyers away. There is no way of excusing that, also not by "deserved criticism" of the current game development. Fun fact on the side: review bombing impersonators had to buy the game several times anew, so were actually giving money to game-labs in their efforts to drain their income. :P
  13. The people doing fake reviews discredit themselves. After this I reject any such call of yours to honor them by taking their bombings serious and siding with them "because devs deserved it" or what you want to hint at. Leave me out of this.
  14. I know the 'real' Zlatkowar from PvE Server, and he definitely has more hours in game than this fake one participating in the review bombing. Seems names were picked randomly from this forum. This should backfire on the rogue faction trying to damage Naval Action. Their methods are far worse than anything they have to criticize about the game.
  15. server has no ping showing, relogging attempts in queue result in red notice telling you that you failed.
  16. In a way some NPC cheating can be excused by our ability to repair, opposite their disability; not to repair. I don't count the outrageous shooting angles among that, though.
  17. Wrong. That is not the purpose of PvE peace server.
  18. so true. People love to bath and soil themselves in negativity. It's a human habit, and discouraging at times.
  19. Can't confirm this. Probably you use the woods of the tankyness church, liveoak/whiteoak. Thus NPC has always lighter built ships in fir, bermuda cedar or mahogany and has to be faster. I am using medium heavy woods and if that isn't fast enough, I suggest you use (Elite) Spanish Rig, it will bring you speed and distance to NPC when necessary.
  20. It's kind of a tradition in gaming history to blame and ridicule AI/NPC for being stupid. -- Not so in Naval Action. I can sincerely say we have the most sophisticated bots in gaming history (as far as I can tell), and it is reflected by very few commentators using the old coined phrase of 'stupid AI' doing this or that, hahaha... So that is a compliment to whoever is programming bots here. However, no ocean without a drop of salt: what I don't like, and this is not a matter of recent changes, is the perfection of stern shooting done by NPC. To name that 'laser-guided' matches their incredible accuracy. And the incredible angles they can apply to their broadsides would need an adjustment. So I agree with quite a number of people on these two points. Strong NPC are good especially for PvE peace server, to give challenges to players. Never a battle should become boring because you know too well how NPC will behave and what their weaknesses are. Unpredictability is what keeps alive interest and caution. For that purpose I especially welcome 'different skill levels' for NPC which are not visible to players, randomly applied, and of course not depending from ship type. Would be a nice tweak if the best NPC captains would be the ones who sail purple or golden class ships so if you manage to capture those you will be rewarded for overcoming the strongest enemies, more appropriately. Like they would be the pro players on PvP server, who also tend to have premium ships. Nerfing NPC turn rates is also a step into the right direction. I often got frustrated I could not outturn heavier ships even with turn rate boosting upgrades on mine.
  21. Or if your kids are staying hungry because of your hobby, something is wrong with your preferences... 😆
  22. In civilized societies you don't need to "control the masses" in order to keep them from "speaking on social media to millions of other people". We don't have totalitarism. And I believe we can defend those our civilized standards, such as free speech, against those who would like to have it suppressed, as it constantly gives sexy example how it could be in their countries... Isn't Ukraine a great example for getting free from that totalitarism of the past, as she links up with the West? Be more confident in this.
  23. Busy with cheap labeling? Okay with me if your world is so simple-structured. You will never learn the difference between being constructive and destructive.
  24. Noble idea. Let's assume for a moment among the delinquents there are some who are able to appreciate the offer and learn better conduct. Nevertheless... If I would be admin, I would exclude guys who are on a retaliation crusade in media, spreading disinfo and actively damaging my reputation and that of my game development studio in the hope to reduce my sales. There is a 'point of no return' willingly crossed by someone's hostile actions. Admin isn't Jesus, to forgive anything and offer his other cheek for more slaps to come.
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