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Cetric de Cornusiac

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Everything posted by Cetric de Cornusiac

  1. Believe me, it's just two weeks ago when I was still like you. And I didn't mind being accused of fanboyism for months... Ship wipe on PvE server broke something in me.
  2. Same day as birthday of "famous people" Donald Trump? Bad Omen.
  3. Just as 'hilarious' as forgetting about the hundreds which did not make it back in the last months, nor will after release... Who cares. Close your eyes and believe all is fine. -- I have experienced the party feeling at some other Early Access title I accompanied into release, what a contrast to the armageddon feel here.
  4. May I remind you of the (some day, but announced) upcoming introduction of port conquest by means of "sabotage" on PvE peace server? After that, the next logical step is to start building improvements like on war server. Voila: port boni.
  5. Just has not the priority at the moment. They fix things on PvP war server first, always was like this. Does not exclude it may come later to us. But will I be there? Half of resources are shifting over to 'This Land is my Land' anyway. And this in a small studio. Good luck with that.
  6. While I don't mind if you drag your belongings from War server to Peace server in order to have them preserved, I don't understand why the discussion immediately switches over again to "destroy Peace server" thinking. Like it always does. You guys never learn to behave. That is why we are where we are and you are where you belong. Analyzing what came after the original idea and got supported by others, I am surprised that I wrote in my first sentence I don't mind you moving over...
  7. You should know better with your xx alts on PvE server. We don't get it gifted all the time, we also work hard for what we get.
  8. Lot's of talking here is off topic, thread is basically about release and connected wipe. The attempts to annihilate PvE peace server have seen many 'suggestion' threads before, don't need to repeat the same crap over and over again. We from PvE server remind devs of their recent concession to leave our server alone as far as release wipe is concerned. PvP guys made a rage storm when they saw promises fall under the table, so do we now as it happens to us. Again I ask to let us keep our ships (and materials)... (blablabla) Erased the rest. What's the use, it's all been said before. I am not here for begging devs to allow me keep my things, I paid money for the game, twice.
  9. With the few screenshots actually sent in to event organization, I have seen no reason not to declare Zlatkowar the winner. He already received the grand prize of more than 28000 doubloons in the sum, a L'Ocean and five rare books. His score was 99 hull hits and 1 mast hit = exactly 100 points without time reduction factor. Something to surpass at some future event, if one will ever be done. Screenshot sent by Friedrich, who could possibly be the only one challenging Z's score was taken about half an hour into battle, not at the end. Has an impressive score of 30 hits at this time. However, we don't know the score towards the end of countdown and that matters alone. Losses: SirSadness at 20:29 hrs server time. Sir Wescott at 20:30 hrs (captured). Major Creed at 20:41 hrs. Ortac at 20:45 hrs. Mr Davis at 20:52 hrs. Rev. Dikburst at 20:56 hrs. Quimby at 21:05 hrs.
  10. Aside from wipe discussion, it is a constant on PvE server to see people on global chat saying, if they are ever forced to get integrated into one server with PvP, under what conditions whatsoever, it would mean instant good-bye to Naval Action. Very understandable.
  11. Personally I think the effects of boni and upgrades are grossly overrated in the debate. After all, each upgrade has just a few percents in improvement, mostly in just one category. True, you can focus on one category by combining upgrades dealing with just that category, but there are known upper limits. My counter prove would be, any 'pro' gamer in NA can win in a standard unmodded ship against a newbie in a "powership" with all advantages. In the sum, it is still the captain who wins not the boat.
  12. There it is. The disdain and condescence we usually associate with "PvP heroes", which drives people away from your favorite hunting grounds into our server and lets you drain your own swimming pool. For a time, early this year, we had higher new player numbers added to server than you, for that reason. The peak was around february, early march when in the high 200's. Not that you ever noticed if someone wouldn't tell you. Why numbers dropped again to now around 150's as peak? I don't know, but it certainly does not have to do with our community. It would be far worse if we had that social climate which shines through with this your statement.
  13. No trouble at all on PvE peace server. Never was. I was still sailing ships built months before which still could have upgrades of the same icon type (like two gunpowder upgrades or two hull improvements) next to each other. Did it bother anyone? No. They would not know it if I did not tell them. In addition, we have minor patches all the time with maintenance which change stats of mods or ships and no big wipe is necessary. Is it possible you didn't notice yet? Indeed. I won't speculate now.
  14. Not me. I am wondering if I will come back at all. It would not be funny for devs either, if for every customer who buys a DLC ship after losing their crafted ships (and does DLC ship bring you a gold one? Let me doubt it), three other customers would swear to themselves they won't buy any game-labs products in the future, because of their disappointment here with Naval Action, or rather, some ill decisions taken towards community. That means for devs three times no sold copies for "This Land is My Land" and three times no sold copies for "Ultimate Admiral" and ... and... and... whatever comes next. Just for forcing people into buying a DLC at NA release. Which is probably in many cases not resulting in a purchase either. Altogether, a high stake poker game and bad math. And I even did not mention the influence of another shit storm wave of steam reviews to come with release. I know I argued strongly in favor of dev's case back then when we saw the "Banned Privateer Revenge Campaign" affair, but this was... before my own fanboyism started to get strangulated now with the "no ships and mats" decision for PvE peace server. And it is still no fun for me having to write this.
  15. This. And still not even an attempt from dev's side to explain what exactly made them turn their backs towards PvE server community and kill off existing fanboyism by simply switching over from giving hope we keep everything to saying "You're gonna lose your ships" for no reason...
  16. First, not offical declaration of results (1) All players except Paulo de Antigua showed up. So 9 participants in the event. (2) Flottilla left La Mona port and sailed up north La Mona passage in search for a suitable target, turned west at the north inlet and went south along coastline of Hispaniola. Finally sighted single Santisima in the bay of Higuey. Referee boat Le Requin opened battle and all gunboats entered on French side against Spanish Santisima. (3) In the course of the battle, one contestant got boarded by Santisima, six got sunk by her and two contestants survived when countdown reached the end of the battle. Santisima at the end scored 6 sank enemies (probably a first time wonder on PvE server), had about half of hull down and lost half her crew, but still afloat. (4) We are still collecting screenshots as evidences, but we can already anticipate Zlatkowar won the contest with the most hits and staying alive until closedown. (5) Contestants not delivering screenshots will not be admitted to future events. First video coming in from Friedrich der Grosse:
  17. If no or only partial wipe is being promised to you: don't trust them. Never again. PvP had their disappointment in february and we on PvE have ours now. No room left for illusions, as there is no other server community left unharmed.
  18. in absence of a decent argument by devs of why suddenly the 'tranquility' of our server had to be disturbed by killing our ships, I have to suspect into the same direction. Envy of the PvP toxic faction towards us. So the "now carebears lose their ships, hehehe" satisfaction serves as compromise to us still keeping rank, knowledge, opened slots. But what a disappointment in our developers!
  19. Supported. And refits for existing (well, after crap release wipe to-be-existing) gold and purple crafted ships, who lose their quality substance opposite converted elite ships if not refittable with similar port boni. Crafting ships becomes meaningless without their adaptation to the new port boni system (all talking done here about PvE server particularities).
  20. Now where can I actually read the reasoning behind devs' decision to kick their longtime 'consideration' to allow players to keep ships on PvE Peace Server at release? Or can we tone that down to "player gets opportunity to chose five ships out of twenty/seven out of thirty (with admiralty dlc) which will be taken over with him into post-release period"?
  21. Will try to get 'observers' in light ships into the event which can do videos. Hopefully someone is skilled to use '3rd person camera' out of his ship so the perspective isn't refrained to a distant view without much distinguishing between contestants. He can't really sail in the middle of action without hindering them.
  22. PvE peace server: Disappointed because we had up to this moment reasons to believe we would keep our ships, as this was 'considered' in several dev posts since november last year. What gave the final decision to do away with them? PvE community in the worries of the past had at least the expectation wipe would not harm them as much as PvP war server, and I often used that argument to ease the minds being upset of this or that. Now I feel like a liar. I will also 'consider' something now, and that will be to stop my engagement with NA after release. I hate to lose my gold ships for no good reason. Period.
  23. I will not start with complaining about my losses of one day... Just this: It is strange server crashes continue even after fixes last week on host side were announced, and at this point I start wondering why they keep to a server host who is apparently unfit to provide sufficiently secure hosting. I mean, after alleged fixes which are still followed by new crash(es) there has to be an end to give new chances. Anything else is toxic to playerbase. Or is an uncle or the mother-in-law of some developer running the server host company?
  24. Maintenance, and updates, are no "server problems". They are are regular thing in a MMO, and as long as updates are being done, you should not associate the game with failure, quite the contrary. It's being worked on. And new features being introduced or bugs being liquidated - hopefully - are improving game experience to you. That's what their purpose is.
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