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Everything posted by Cr33D

  1. Just to add on top I have only 3 ship knowledges on Belle Poule, and very new to this ship so it is learning curve for myself as well Really well played by your guys @Jubal Early, you have some good potential there Regards
  2. I like pacific idea, and complete removal of reinforcement zones. To protect new players to pvp simple captain ranking can be added where high points captain would get only minimum rewards, hence they will stop focusing new players as this would not be worth an effort. Captain ranking should add up in bigger battles too, to provide incentive for fights with ranking disadvantage. This would also impact pvp mark farmers as everone will focus them due to their high captain ranking
  3. In my eyes best motivation would be to give free ship for pvp purpose only, let's say oak/oak surprise and on top of it reward in pvp marks for damage. There should be no reward at all for someone that is only participating as it will be unfair for people that go out and sink others. For surprise killed you are getting 7 pvp marks if I remember correct. 5 for participation is far too much. damage orientated rewards: 1 for 1-49% dmg of total shp of sides + structor + sails. 2 for 50%-99% of total dmg. reminder of pvp marks of total reward after sinking. If captain of this ship will surrender no rewards are payed out. On sinking redeemable for same ship should be awarded after maintenance. This ships should be marked as pvp trainee ship and only this types of ship should be able to fight eachother.
  4. agreed, I can smell @Bart Smith trying to shift responsibility for this shitstorm...
  5. Cr33D

    Inger flip

    @vazco @Banished Privateer Forgot I was streaming yesterday https://clips.twitch.tv/LightBoringWrenchSpicyBoy
  6. Cr33D

    Inger flip

    There is still something wrong. I don't have recordin but last night while sailing inger my bowsprit boke being probably 2-3 meters away from opponents ship. This was not the case before last hot fix.
  7. Am I reading it right that right now you are accusing us for convincing @Wojtek to leave commonwealth and steal materials from PFK for our benefit ?
  8. Sorry I can't agree on your translation of "szmalcownik", please look below as it explains it briefly. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Szmalcownik Especially with us moving to Prussian nation above translation makes more sense ? btw. I have no idea who you are btw.2 Above posts had nothing to do with @Queen007, I wanted only to bring up @Bart Smith statement that he made in regards of PvP marks farming.
  9. Davos, Thank you and I agree with what you said. I am aware of who is PvP mark farming, but I want to leave it for Clan Leaders to deal with due to @Bart Smith statement made when Queen007 was caught. Preferably I would like to see a list of people that they removed from the clan. Rules are rules. I was questioning what they are doing for quite a while and I lost all of my willingness to keep doing it. Parchin, I agree this could have been resolved differently, although hearing that I am a traitor, "szmalcownik", " and all kind of other things it takes your engagement away and you ask yourself a question: "Why the hell do I keep doing it". Situation with Saint Louis only proved that leadership of PFK is incapable of arranging 4 people action to grind hostility on the port next to their capital. I also agree with you that not all PFK people are bad and mostly I feel heartbroken that I had to leave commonwealth as I really enjoyed playing with several of you guys and you are definitely one of them. I mentioned number of times in my previous post: "minority", "3-5 people" where you are definitely part of this minority and last thing I wanted is that people like you will take my post in the way that I meant whole clan was bad as this is not true ! My apologies if this is what you understood from my post, this was not my intention. I can try to name all of the people that tried to make a difference but I don't want to miss anyone. You all, same as myself, know the best, is there anything you could do differently and do you fit into my previous post. Please take it that way. I didn't mention any names purposely. I tried to did it on the teamspeak before I left nation, but in some cases I was ignored: "Thank you to everyone that found a little bit of enjoyment while playing with me and thank you to everyone that wanted to make a difference" I am trying to make it as generic as possible due to my above statement of not listing any names Cr33D
  10. I was not going to comment it publicly but being accused of planning treachery few weeks in advance I have to react. I didn't want to discuss it in broader forums but if this is what you want @Bart Smith that is absolutely fine with me. Below I am only going to comment my point of view and no one else so let's stick to that: Situation in PFK before Union clan was formed to increase quantity of English speaking players: ** very stagnant, nothing is going on, we had to push and pull people to really do anything. People are care bearing around Les Cayes. To plan any RVR or PvP vision of the clan leaders was - send message, an e-mail with preferably 2 weeks’ notice, we were told to put in messages on the TS which really turned against us as a guest of one of our admirals was passing information about our actions to GB nation. Despite of giving a few days’ notice, only minority was showing up, with other people doing PvE missions, example would be Great Corn outpost, where we had an announcement on the TS for at least a week and probably 5 people created outpost there. When we announced hostility feedback from people was – I don’t have outpost/repairs or any other reason to not to participate. When offered training and different content majority of people ignored it without any willingness to participate (I am not saying everyone - probably from the 150 people in PFK only 3-5 was really interested). Out of 3 clan leaders only one interested in any activities. Port battles – people not following simple orders which was causing frustration and not their skills and then arguing after sinking that they were right. Getting anything from this clan became impossible. I was asked to organize some teak from my Swedish contacts. I arranged everything, my contact was ready next day although he had to wait 1.5 weeks for PFK, to get our goods to agreed port, despite of me asking for it probably around 5 times. Deal was done only thanks to 3 captains that borrowed me their goods for trade to happen. I can point situations like above probably 10 if not more. There is no organization, clan leaders are not interested at all, sometimes showing up once a week. Union Clan was formed - I was already called a traitor (which I ignored) and attitude of people changed completely despite of all of the hard work I've put into this clan in last 6 months. That is fine I accept it, it was not enough. - Note on Saint Louis, this was taken from Dutch only due to my diplomatic negotiations with Dutch. If I remember correct 3-4 people from PFK helped us doing hostility missions vs AI??? Probably majority of people participating in this event was outside of PFK (Union / Host / SCAR / Tribe). We flipped port with 8-10 people together. Until this moment everything was fine and I completely ignored any personal comments directed towards my person. Goal is great let’s keep working for nation. After that few (biggest care bears and PvP mark farmers**** – I will get back to it later on) PFK members started to question why UNION is taking Saint Louis and situation only got worse probably due to 3-5 individuals which I am not going to name here. I was not really interested in their opinion as what I was doing was for benefit of the nation and not benefit of PFK especially individuals mentioned in my previous sentence. After that we decided to flip Prinzapolka for PFK, where for 12 people only 2 PFK players turned up (4 signed up for PB in total, 1 didn't turn up at all, another one didn't have any ships available ??? Really ?). When we asked for reason, PFK members refused help as they were advised that this port will be UNION's port - which was not true. No idea who was spreading this fake information ? Clan Leaders ? Mentioned above 3-5 players ? No idea. This made everyone upset including HOST clan. This was first time I started really considering changing nation. When issue was raised and we mentioned it to one of the PFK clan leaders, we’ve been completely ignored and note was made that we pick up on PFK or something like that. Next day I jumped out from Saint Louis to help one of the new players as he was tagged by 2 WO members. We chased them away, I switched ships to something heavier. Outside was 7 PFK players, so I tagged 2 French guys – no one from PFK joined leaving me alone in 2v1. When I asked for a reason I was told people were sailing on PvE ships (which didn’t stop them from joining other battles against WO players just few secs before). This was moment when I decided to move to nation where I will be able to count on other people that won’t leave you alone despite of you helping them. As I was already treated as a traitor as I left PFK to build something within a nation this made no difference to me. About leaving Commonwealth. Situation around Prinzapolka and PvP did happen during weekend. Information about me switching nations became public on Tuesday/Wednesday. On Friday evening I informed one of the clan leaders and probably around 10 members that been at the same time on the channel that I am leaving and I will disband UNION clan and informed all of this people that they have to be ready to capture Saint Louis. Around 3 hours later, I joined channel and I said that I am disbanding clan at this moment and wanted to confirm if this port will become neutral straight away or next day after maintenance. After maintenance was the answer. At the time when I’ve done it 10 PFK members was on the TS channel including one of the clan leaders giving in my opinion enough time to raise hostility, unless another 2 weeks e-mail notice was needed as 16 hours is not enough. I was also accused of few other things (including convincing people to switch nation with me and few other things), although I will keep ignoring them until someone will try to accuse me of something else. **** I will let you deal with it yourself as clan leaders and officers are aware of who is farming PvP marks. You made a statement on this forums that this kind of practices are not allowed within PFK after Queen007 being caught on it. This would include a case of one of the clan leaders that is dueling another polish player from GB nation. I was hoping @Bart Smith that you are going to take it like a man and agree to a fact that all of us failed (including myself) from beginning with goals and ambitions that we had, knowing what playerbase we have. Although you prefer to blame others for mistakes, because this is convenient. Also this was your choice to put such a false statements in public forums, without even asking myself for a reason of "turncoating". Cr33D
  11. confirming - reported through F11 as using an exploit ...
  12. hi Jon, me and Vazco are usually hunting on daily basis (evenings after 9PM). Feel free to join us. We sail from LT, LM and Aves.
  13. was good fight, at least battle I participated in. Looking forward for more. It shows only how important teamwork which we badly failed with and experience, which we are getting now hard way us. well played and o7
  14. not at all, I treat whole game as a chill and forums is a part of it Troll Horatio did mention something about us in this topic or similar, I am sure this will convince him even more to believe in his statement with kind regards
  15. interesting concept, according to some we still are... I am as chilled as possible. Pfk was not much help when played for Sweden anyways, we were just an insignificant number looking on pb participation at this time and probably wouldn't make up 5 % of Sweden numbers to be honest. Not sure how many left to play for Russia.
  16. what does Poland have to do with it ? are you trying to drag in more nations into this discussion ?
  17. If you willl keep supplying us with 1st rate as you did in last 2 days we don;t need to win anything... 2x santisima yesterday 1x victory today
  18. Each of the ships that formed polish fleet had also white eagle on the red background. Privateers jack was only used on the ships that did not belong to polish crown and as this was a high percentage of polish fleet ( as Poland hired at this time number of ships or captains) due to unexperienced captains.
  19. We are as much as we can. If you would assume that each person has 3 hrs a day to play a game or even 3 hours to pvp, with current chasing and running, you let's say that you will average 10pvp marks a day. This gives you 10 days to build a 1st rate. Sometimes with 400+ players we sailed around whole Haiti and had no single fight... Remove safety zones so we can sail everywhere to have a fight and this can make some sense, anyways it's better then no access to vm at all and sorry but I am not going to camp by KPR all day long to farm brits.
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