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Everything posted by Rebrall

  1. Might be also a lot better if he listened to his peers who have tried to help him
  2. I can see your concern I also can see a flip side we’re the sales for the prolific forger go up so people can swap nations to counter these “zergs” so 2 things 1. the devs have there sales hats on 2. There is a high chance of content to come from this
  3. I do appreciate your point and you are not wrong, but isn’t the whole idea of being in a clan that you look after each other and work together, also new players should do the tutorial and look at getting into a clan so there is thing in place but as you say it’s not full proof
  4. Is there a clan that can put a reasonable screening fleet and a Pb fleet? Just one clan?
  5. MMO’s are never going to be kind to the solo player
  6. Actually his disorganization is what hurts him the most tbh
  7. then they risk having no help from others when they need them such as screener's and the actual pb itself
  8. Agree with this, only thing is the victory needs to be looked at those leaks shots are broken and it should be the tanker of the 3
  9. It wasn’t negative at all it was a question, your tip makes it sound like you want every one should to run boarding mods and that’s it, that’s the down side of text of voice. I actually mostly agree with your ideas tbh just not this one I feel boarding is still a valid option and you still see people getting boarded a lot in combat news you may have to work for it but it’s achievable is what I’m getting at, im fine with it being tweaked to but at the same time tweak ships that run boarding mods should have negatives on there cannons such as less accuracy and one we already have less reload and the musket fire fire is a very good idea btw
  10. Its still possible to board players even in fair fights which very rarely happen in NA, That’s cool maybe he doesn’t want to be a boarding player? Maybe we don’t need to change the game to suit boarders maybe you need to change the way you achieve your goal of boarding ? is it really that hard to chain a player and stern camp them let’s be real here most of you sail specific hunting ships, also you could drop there hull to 30% and grape them, if you have a taller ship you can use your top guns and fire straight into there deck, there are are ways to achieve your goals and I know most of you are very capable of doing this maybe your all being a little lazy tbh also reading combat log boarding still happens a lot
  11. It would be nice to have our own server with nice ping hopefully we could get the numbers for it to work, I have to ask couldn’t you use the European trader in a better way to reduce how often you do maintance? i know you wanted a player driven Econ but with the current pop it’s not going to work right now, so what I’m thinking here is European trader could “restock” the ports instead of downtime you could even go crazy and restock the ports at random times I know that makes it sound super simple but I do appreciate that would be a huge project and wouldn’t be an overnight change if it’s at all possible
  12. I’m fine with being a specialist boarder that’s fine but at the cost of reload speed and accuracy of there cannons. every advantage in one direction has to come with its trade offs such as being better on your cannons should weaken your boarding capabilities and vice versa
  13. let’s just calm down here, I understand the frustration with DD, but it at the same time you have to select to run boarding parties on your warship correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t all warships have specialist boarders already on the ship some more then others? also if you’re runing boarding spec not only should you reload slower but have less accuracy on your guns as your crew is dedicated to boarding not shooting cannon balls? im sorry but you can’t have your cake and eat it here I’m fine drop DD or lower it’s percentage fine but those who board ships which I see as a very Valid tactic in game have to lose there accuracy on there cannons they already have lower reload that way it becomes a skill not an easy win
  14. You try having around 280-300 ping and see how you feel about that (not trying to be a dick) but its a huge disadvantage when that last second click makes the difference,
  15. Maybe they should change how the damage is calculated much like it is in pvp zones/missions so every bit of damage done from hull to crew to sails also inc modules, that way when it’s a team kill everyone gets there share of the reward?
  16. It says example think you may have misread your talking about the 2nd post, the conversion rate rate has not been decided as of yet
  17. At this stage of the game not one person could speak on behalf of a nation anymore it’s more of a clan by clan situation now
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