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Captain corn blower

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Everything posted by Captain corn blower

  1. This game has turned in to a bunch of PVP whinners about everything .I sure hope the DEVs don't listen to all BS you people complain about .
  2. You know the game is petty good it was better be for the wipe .it was simpler and user friendly , if you wanted somthing you traded or combated saved and bought it you could craft high level ships and buy them , no stupid marks system that's been changed now 3 times . A lot of the complaints are more over personal issue ! that ship faster then mine. I lost part on my nation his cannon balls are bigger then mine.DEVs keep it simple and fun . don't try and reinvent the wheel over and over. Put out and in game email survey what you liked before the wipe and after ,then make the game better !!.
  3. Everything in system needs recal a niagara permit cost more then a Connie permit and so on .
  4. We sail in a game the only skill it takes is to push a button
  5. You fail to miss the point . we cap ship all the time . and yes we have been crafting a long time to . nothing easy any more that's fine to .
  6. Really aren't you the bizzy bee. O this isn't real life buy the way its a game .and yes 700 battle marks convert in to 3 victory marks to buy the permit .the permit was not that costly two days ago the problem is lets change the system every up date now and raise the cost to keep people out of bigger ships sorry don't see that many bellonas in PVE
  7. Bellona 3 victory marks for a permit .700 combat marks for 3 victory mark are you kidding me !!!!!!! Get real guys it's not worth grinding for that much and one durability .come on dev what's next the browny point system ? Victory marks area bad idea especially in carfting ships now. Especially sense you just added CB marks to crafting and everything else STICK To ONE SYSTEM and make reasonable.not all over the place
  8. The game will lose and gain players . I like playing before the wipe and I wish they would change some things back ,but the game is still in flux and I love playing it. But please no more wipes just biuld the game around us as it is developed and send out a in game emails of what players won't to see changed and new things in the game and it would be nice to teleport out of free towns like before.
  9. Or also to be able to teleport back to your base that was perty cool .one it saved me from sitting in front of my pc for a hour and a half to go home .
  10. I have had same thing happened to me shot logger is not out of date . I was coming a long side and taking steam chaser hit. And took a beating from a trader brig , I think that's the way they won't it .as was told to me just escape . REALLY. !!!!
  11. I'm a faid to claim my contracts that have been full filled sense sat when I never received BM mark after claiming them . as of last night was still dropping me off server and freezing . I am sill hoping DEVS will take care of thoughs marks for me I played a lot for them
  12. You won't hert my feeling been out my self and retired also very long time now. There's enough young fellas on here who talk out there pipe all the time the game is about fun
  13. It's a game dud ,go joint the ARMY if you really won't to find out what its about
  14. Sorry I haven't lost any ship . yet . I figured some one would have to say something against it and its the ones that always do . there was no need for it to change in the first place .
  15. Well I think this needs attention!! Ships having only one life needs to be changed . I think crafted ships and npc bought ships should still have 5 life's ,a lot of money and time goes into them and not having 5 life I just silly ,we used to , I can see 1 life on caped ships but on big investments you should have more the 1 life myself i dont mind taking a chance but I don't won't to lost my best ships and I know most feel the same. So come on DEVs have mercy on us captain and are good ship
  16. In stead of making cap there again going backwards with the game once you put something in place , make all mods available for all ships and stackable . that's what we won't is to get the edge over a another ship . that the reason for perks and mods
  17. To have a button to switch went traveling to normal speed to look at you ship ,video. , screen shots also when entering port every thing goes to normal speed for same as above . ships look so cool at normal speed .
  18. I know this is not the place for this . but you really need to make the inactivit timer longer at least one hour before it closes your game that way when I'm traveling way a crossed the map I don't have to sit there the hole time between ports to keep it going
  19. Sorry did not see post yeaster day.
  20. I traded allover the map I have gotten about 13 no time or reason were you get them
  21. Also on PVE my ship start and stop and then go light speed or won't respond to any in puts . and the time out for inactivety needs to be longer also navigation tool is not very acuret now for some reason?
  22. So the PVE marks I have are changed to combat marks? And the contracts i have in ports for more are what ? Gone ? Please clarify this .thanks
  23. Sorry but most traders were design shallow draft for Speed in and out of shallow ports and to evade capture, larger Commerce trading vessels or Fleet support vessels we're we're compare Ubly fast to keep up with the warships they were huge and were designed to carry vast quantities of materialsbut .but when they over loaded them they would be slower .this is game does not allow that. AND WHAT REALLY SUCKS is how they nerfed the wait that the Indiaman and LGV could carry .
  24. Picking your perk . It should be free rest ,it would allow you to taylor your missions, and stop wasting pve marks to do so . 50 pves to reset REALLY!!!!!! Come DEVS make it free at least until the game is released
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