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Captain corn blower

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Everything posted by Captain corn blower

  1. According to patch notes in PVE captureing a Npc trader is unrestricted ,which means that after boarding battle the same procedure should still be in place but it's not!! .it did not list it as being a different procedure to capture Trader ships or taking their cargo so is it bugged or just overlooked spent the last two nights trying to capture ships with no luck
  2. After boarding and wining ,I did not see any X or how to capture ship ?
  3. So every one said look for the X after boarding battle ,Ware does it show up at ? Or what steps do you have to do to find it , I'm PVE
  4. Be for wipe it would prompt you to take charge of your captured ship and the move good to ships hold , how do you take charge of the captured ship , what do you buttons do you press or open to take charge of the ship in pve
  5. How do you capture ship after battle or take charge of , I have lost more ship and cargo after battle the I'd like to say not seen any prompt or widow open after boarding battle but exit battle??
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