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Captain corn blower

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Everything posted by Captain corn blower

  1. Thanks that would be great I'm operating in the lesser Antilles around La Desirate there was always single war ships and small 2 and 3 ship fleets to go after . also what about putting in indamans traders to loot and sink and traders with escorts which I don't see any more . these thing are what male are server work
  2. I also am on the PVE server with map change it really screwed up there are almost know WAR SHIP TO BATTLE WITH NOW. The last 3 night on I have not seen a war ship by its self or even in a small fleet .I have seen a couple of very large fleets. Also why are there not traders with escorts like before and why are the indamans trader not in the game even if you can't cap them you should be able to loot and sink them . Also having the PVE map the same as PVP has done nothing for the PVE server but give us less national ports .being a pirate we have one tiny area now AND NO ENEMY SHIPS TO FIGHT. Last night I sailed for hours trying to find a war ship buy its self all I could find were trader brigs by them self and lgvs
  3. getting back to being able to buy extra life's for you ship in pirate den or admiralty store by either CM or Gold . I as well as many others craft and add rair or hard to find up grades and mods .no we don't won't to lose are ships .it's not about willing to risk are ships its about having insurance for my favorite ships with its hard earned and difficult to find and exspinsive mods and addons .we had durabilitys for are ship before so why not have the availability to purchase the in are shops . if you don't won't them then don't buy then ,but for us value you are stuff we should be able to which we would be willing to take more risks then . or make it that you never lose thoughs mods then . one or the other.
  4. I play on the PVE server trading really is not as good as it was .I have to sail completely across the map to 2 port I found out of 10 that are selling high end goods at the prices they used to be , but they only stock about half of what they used to stock .so its a very long trip only to fill 1 of my indamans .so I started do combat again and still over powered AI,s again carows Dubble charges and all they try and do is Stearns cap you .we went in circles trying to keep him off my Stearn and they still shot at unrealistic angles I can't even shot at . there ship should be completely basic armet and average captains also you should be able to kill there captains and cause disarray on there ship and reduce there ability fire back further. Come on dev
  5. I will have to say the prices are to high now in a lot of ports and 10 tax as well I'm a trader and I'm finding my self sail a th round now looking for good that are not selling for what I used to sell them for not much profit to be made any more then though the 10 percent tax on its not worth it and I'm a level 45 ship crafter and I'm not going to waste my craft I my hour on crafting part or goods so not crafting ship now as well .most player aren't in this game to play economics there here o have fun either in combat or trading .SORRY I pay enough tax in the real world and can't afford shit ,
  6. No one in PVE. Is farming materials not much money to be made doing it . also most are building or clans are building ship for them
  7. Just got back in town logged on .so when did they updated pirateden its about time 1rates and 2 rates way to go devs . so what's up with the bottle drops .I was on for 6 hours ran from one side of the map to the other 3 times not one bottle and I didn't get any last week running al over every ware
  8. We would be able to craft all things like before or buy it like before .and not wait for thing to drop or just get lucky
  9. Enough with the stupid Don use it if you can't afford to lose it. There are two types the this game PVP AND PVE why are player of PVP so fixsaded with what go on in PVE with are econ and gold and what were doing .play your side of the game and don't try to screw up are side . and having more mods and add ons is what make the game challenging and fun and yes we get atched to are ships .if you don't like mods that's your problem don't use them as you said . most player like them and agree we need more options and content the game is not strictly about PVP combat ,it. About the age of sail ships and what went on with them . and there is 2 ways to play it.
  10. Yeah buy extra life's for your ship so you don't lose installed modes ,also buy extra permanent slots and nowleage slots
  11. All I can say the pricing and profit margin is terrible now in PVE. the materials that brought good profit are very scarces .I am a trader and is all but dead now
  12. It would be nice if we got papers to be able to move your ship yard and main base since the map change some of us have placed are main ship yards and base in areas we run ops out of now thoughs areas are screws up we should be able to move are level 3 ship yards and not distroy and start over again .we never put them in locations they are in if we would have known that this big of a map change would have happened.
  13. We should be able to port battle neutral fleets for neutral non capital ports
  14. Something that needs fixed is when placing a contract you should drop the minimum to 1 not 10 as well as when crafting . I should be able the place a contract for 1 Tera -cata to fill a delivery order. No have to buy 10 minimum which requires a shit load a money . and also when crafting eating all your labor hours up and warehouse space whitch brings me to we need to have more available warehouse house space and dock space and cheaper expansion prices on it . please
  15. Depend on what part of the country your from down south we say y'all in stead of you all.
  16. I do have a coalmine just because of that problem along with many thing I produce . But like many you fail to get the post. Most player don't won't to craft at that level because it requires a large investment . so most most ports don't have raw materials available because dev expect players to produce toughs goods .but there not henceforth you can't readly find them .that's why raw materials basic port stock should be available
  17. I agree . but if a port has a produce able good and no players producing it then the port should .that way your not sail all over looking for it hours
  18. But if no player are producing any thing that port can produce then the port should produce it for a sliely higher price so at least there is some there .don't know how many times sailed to a port that was supposed to have a good a cording to the trader tool and there's none when you get there . trader tool is useless .
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