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Captain corn blower

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Everything posted by Captain corn blower

  1. Any info on Niagara yet ???? , also for us who like to trade it would be nice when you have a deepwater and shallow water traders in your fleet that you can transfer command form as needed with out going back to your port
  2. Are these on random AI like cutters ,trader brigs, or on larger AI ships?
  3. I think every one should get the second chance with faction papers it won't hurt anything at this point it's still early in the game given all the big changes recently I don't see anything wrong with , make some people happy what's wrong with that
  4. Thete is hard core and then there are people and groups go around ganking easy target's like that guy ,if some one is in a trader brig he new and grinding to move up I my steal his goods but that's all I let them keep there ship , I would like to see them stay in the game then run them out of it!!!! Gankers
  5. DEVS should make it so if some or group attacks you and you escape that you stay invisible to them for 30 minutes which will stop that .so they can not teleport and get you.
  6. What kind of bump up did you get ,at work won't it till later
  7. I see ,i can see that being a problem ,this is a awsome game why do people that cheating to win at anything they are good when all they are is troll cheater
  8. Ship prices are way to high a mercury is 85000 REALLY with out cannons they were 28 to 30 thousand before I can see maybe 40 thousand .
  9. Ship prices are way to high a mercury is 85000 REALLY with out cannons they were 28 to 30 thousand before I can see maybe 40 thousand .
  10. Not necessarily starting in the US now moving to pirate I would like to go back to the US at some time ,you will have bandwagoners but I think a lot of people like to try some thing different but then find it was the wrong move.
  11. So what's the chance of reissuing faction papers again since a lot of people change factions because of wipe ,and now with major changes again they would like to change back or possibly make them purchasable
  12. I have to say after trading all weak end the delivery mission the pay out price need adjusted ,the cost to buy or craft the goods to fill the delivery are not fesiable it cost way more then your getting and you should be able to fit the entire amount in a trader brig.
  13. So are they finish the map North and South America and so on ??
  14. So are they going to expanded the map to all of North and South America and so on is there any plan? To and if so when , how about hidden smugglers ports?
  15. So still waiting on niagara print and I am looking for one oak hull biuld not find any town shops always crapyer hulled version
  16. Devs you trying to get new people in to this game if it's to hard in the beginning levels there not going to play the game and recommended to their friends!!!!! No $$ the game will never get out of development
  17. As of now I'm 2 month into the game in pve , I did not get a clan invite for two weeks and I struggled I almost gave up on this game the admiralty battles are very hard now 6 and 7 rate you used to get help in the 7 rate . And gold and XP were higher . last night I got seal club by a pirate Brig in my snow , it was all I could do to escape him and get out of the match I . Maybe if you didn't lose your ships and the admiralty battles it give you a chance to learn I don't mind losing but losing , BUT not my ship in the process !!! It is not worth the hassle the first couple of ships in each tear should be a learning tool not a impossibility I seriously thought about thought about quitting last night after getting whooped didn't made one mistake and it went downhill from there I couldn't recover was all I could do to get out of the mess without losing my ship but I'll keep trying I'm more than sure there's people who won't. come on devs!!!
  18. I have not seen the niagara prints in pve ?also how much rum is needed on ship per crew for repair
  19. I think 1 keg of to repair crew not 40 or more more and sugar needs to be more available and more xp on battles for us new guys with less then 300 crew ,the old amounts were better for battle pve like admiralty battle you got your 50 plus bonus cuz they're a lot of us that don't spend a whole day in the game playing only play one or two hours it'll take forever just to get the 200 to 300 XP to make use of the redeemable ships
  20. PmI think 1 keg of to repair crew not 40 or more more and sugar needs to be more available and more xp on battles for us new guys with less then 300 crew ,the old amounts were better for battle pve like admiralty battle you got your 50 plus bonus cuz they're a lot of us that don't spend a whole day in the game playing only play one or two hours it'll take forever just to get the 200 to 300 XP to make use of the redeemable ships
  21. I agree the admiralty battles midshipmen class and lieutenant class battles should be like they were for the newbies like me now you get your butt kick and you don't get anything and there's no help before you least got a bonus for hard work and winning it helped in crewing up. been sailing for a week no bottles or any sharks 4 drops will fishing
  22. I think 1 keg of to repair crew not 40 or more more and sugar needs to be more available and more xp on battles for us new guys with less then 300 crew ,the old amounts were better for battle pve like admiralty battle you got your 50 plus bonus cuz they're a lot of us that don't spend a whole day in the game playing only play one or two hours it'll take forever just to get the 200 to 300 CREW to make use of the redeemable ships
  23. I think 1 keg of to repair crew not 40 or more more and sugar needs to be more available and more xp on battles for us new guys with less then 300 crew ,the old amounts were better for battle pve like admiralty battle you got your 50 plus bonus cuz they're a lot of us that don't spend a whole day in the game playing only play one or two hours it'll take forever just to get the 200 to 300 CREW to make use of the redeemable ships
  24. I think 1 keg of to repair crew not 40 or more more and sugar needs to be more available and more xp on battles for us new guys with less then 300 crew ,the old amounts were better for battle pve like admiralty battle you got your 50 plus bonus cuz they're a lot of us that don't spend a whole day in the game playing only play one or two hours it'll take forever just to get the 200 to 300 XP to make use of the redeemable ships
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