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Captain corn blower

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Everything posted by Captain corn blower

  1. Also the goods get bought up by players that figured out when the game releases goods in to the port resorse OR the have big contracts to buy All port stock in every port that sells it so you never get a chance to buy it . there should be no contacts for any port stock items and drops should be randume so every one gets a chance at getting some $$$$$
  2. If there's a nother rest I'm not playing any more . I'm done !!!! .they don't need to rest to change things .
  3. Did any one else lose any thing after your system updated . left the game Sunday night with 6 million in change logged in and my system updated and I had 6 hundred thousand in change .and I only noticed it after trying to put a contract in for pair_furniture and I didn't have enough.reported it
  4. I'm at work so I have to wait see .are the grafficks and better on the new engine ? Unity 5
  5. That's what I'm talking about .what about having acssess to admiralty store in all your ports
  6. Yeah I have my ship yard in.free town you should have acses ad.mdmiralty stuff in free towns and teleport if you have a base there to your other bases
  7. Yeah what's up with that we should all have a set of papers . and I thought we were getting anew redeemable ship also !!!
  8. We need more ships and available to all nations and more things to do with .like attack missions . O what kind you ask !! Well we could have attack missions ok island encampments ,towns and individual port attacks for xp and mark. also small feets could come out to diffend comparable to you ship and rank. We need more content.
  9. And still no answer if my base and warehouse was in a what was free port and now is neutral do I still have acsess to it
  10. I agree this is a game no a history lesson. At this point all ships should available to everyone that's why I brought the game to be able to biuld and play with any ship . let's face it there was only 1 victory back the not 500 come devs make all ships available please.
  11. So I'm a pirate in PVE had a warehouse in what was a free port now to be neutral Wil I still be able to have and use my warehouse now that it's neutral . and o herd we were getting a new redeemable ship with this update.
  12. will try to move stuff ,but it says that La mona will stay free then if that is so my ship yard and warehouse full of stuff should be ok ?
  13. so guy have been off the forum for some time just herd about map change . I am a pirate in PVE I have my SHIP yard in La Mons am I going to lose it ,or have access to it ?
  14. what about PVE im A pirate and I have my ship yard in a free town La mona it would take days to move every thing my stuff is all over the map come on guys
  15. Remember guys it's a game and some l thing that are being sujested really getting out there and stupid .also remember there's only 1 conne and 1 victory not hundreds sailing back then .let's keep it fun or I will never leave batea
  16. Most things Werth any thing are have become very hard to find now ever one is starting to trade .port are becoming empty when you get there . I also think if a port produces blocks or what ever there should always be port stock on hand if no player are produces any.
  17. I know I'm at work. thought some throw me a bone.will ask when I get on line later
  18. Off topic looking for coal around mort not been able to find it ,and blocks . port stock with out putting contract up for it
  19. It would be nice to see the heavy storm seas like before it was a awesome dynamic also true to life sailing ,as well as heavy sea in none stormy condisions.Awesome and challenging
  20. If this is true these thing need to be out there for every one to know . I never heard of it before
  21. Also e should be able to craft ship and buy them like before the wipe different quility levels and also more durabilitys like before as well as goods level guility
  22. DEVs most of the PVEers are older players and like the controlled PVE invierment of it . and yes there are a lot of younger players to , but it's for the same reason and not the ganking PVP side. WE Deserve the same perk and points .We paid the same money as they did and expect the same pay and perks scale . you offered 2 versions of the game and this is the one we play there should be no differents in scale .
  23. Most of your post are from PVP players!! . Here is one from PVE side . 1. More CB marks per battle comparable to PVP and XP . 2 more goods and brops in free ports and teleport to and from free ports or were your bases are!! . 3 more pirate port around the map to run ops out of . AND A WISH. Add the Panama canal to enlarge the map and port to what's all thats ready there .
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