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Jarlath Morrow

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Everything posted by Jarlath Morrow

  1. I also want to add that if you did get attacked, most any captain would go for the player ship not the fleet ships, since the player ship rewards PVP marks. So while it's possible you were attacked, it doesn't make a great deal of sense for the attacker to chase down the 2 AI ships while leaving you intact.
  2. This did not happen to me, but I have a clanmate who swears he had an Endymion in his fleet, but when he got back to port from sailing it was gone.
  3. I was also targeted by a force of screeners. I can assure you, 100% of the battlegroup was pulled in and 100% of the battlegroup fought!
  4. I don't think I get my damaged cannons back until I can do a hull repair.
  5. I was watching Naval Action videos and found a strange case in which a ship's cannons are destroyed, and then immediately repaired. The ship was not repairing and had been done repairing for some time. Here is a link to the video in question: At 18:10, the NavyBrig is shooting into the stern of the mercury. Look closely at the gunnery jobs as well as the loaded guns suddenly reloading.
  6. I hope you find both success and enjoyment, for what good is one without the other? Good luck! I'll watch your videos no matter what flag you have, but I have to admit the Prussian one looks good on your ship.
  7. With the merge of the servers upon us, I wish a final farewell to the PVP Global Server! Or, as it was known when I was a newbie, "PVP 2." To all I have sailed with, sailed against, and to the select few with which I have done both - good luck in your future endeavors! We had fun on PVP Global and I hope we will have even more in "the Caribbean!"
  8. Oops. After reading all the banter I forgot what thread I was posting in. Hoping the Southern Alliance can forgive me! =)
  9. Aye. Even common mods are in limited supply. The other day, I imagined a world in which the 3 "permanent slots" on the top of the ship could be fitted with refits like they are currently - but could also be filled with ship knowledges. This minor change would provide a system in which "fully equipped" ships (3-8 slots with upgrades, depending on experience) are much easier to deploy.
  10. I experienced this issue exactly as Anolytic describes in the original post. For about a day or two, I could access the forum on my phone and other devices, but not on my home computer. The issue seems to have resolved itself - everything is working perfectly again.
  11. Hmm, definitely worth a look. It's been a while since I lived in Nouvelle-Orleans...
  12. You might want to check any of the capitals on the map, between November 1st and now.
  13. A few days ago this thread was about battles on PVP-Global. What a difference the mention of a merge can make! Are you all trying to make us global players feel at home on Caribbean Server by showing us that EU players can be petty too? It just might work.
  14. With the merge coming up, are there any other interesting European negotiating customs I should be aware of? =D
  15. Thanks for the video. It's always great to see those glorious puffs of smoke come out of one's ship from another perspective.
  16. I've seen the same thing on global server, several months ago. This was after the May wipe but before the clan-based conquest map reset. A couple members of our port-battle group simply could not click on the town or the crossed-swords, and naturally they got left outside and pulled into a battle. Just like in your case, these guys were veterans and knew where to click and what to do - it wasn't an issue of confusion.
  17. George Washington is right that we need a tutorial. But we all knew that already. I'm not sure what use it is harassing other players on the forum, but that seems to be his specialty. As I recall he didn't know you could craft the Pirate Frigate, so I'm not sure he has closely tracked the state of the game over the last year. Perhaps a grain of salt is appropriate here. Tutorial can't come soon enough. Right now giving advice is a little a la carte. It will be good to say "Try this tutorial again if you are getting stuck in the wind" or "Try that tutorial if you need help with gunnery." I like this idea, newbie zone where they can congregate.
  18. Yes, I have personally seen this on the Rattlesnake Heavy, and reported it via F11. As you say the last member of the gunnery crew never quite gets the message, leaving one odd cannon unloaded.
  19. Puerto del Padre - 4800 BR French successfully attack versus Pirates The French attackers debuted their (mostly) Victory fleet. Pirates rallied to the defense with a fleet of mixed 1st rates plus an Agamemnon. Fortune smiled on the Pirates as wind was favorable for a defense, blowing from the South. Early in the course of the battle, a L'Hermione fireship detonated amidst the lineships and several of the defenders were heavily damaged. Though at least 3 French ships were also damaged in the blast, the momentum favored the attackers. The remainder of the battle went on for quite some time as the skirmishes played out. All in all, defenders fought bravely but were decidedly overrun.
  20. I kind of like the idea of having repairs be more taxing, either in crew or time or both. And maybe we can rebalance the "Survival Books" type of upgrades while we're at it. I don't think anyone uses those but it could be interesting.
  21. Since this bug is part of the UI, I am hoping that the fix is being put off because it was convenient to bundle it with the other UI changes. It's a serious bug though!
  22. I post a lot on the forums and I really love the game. So a lot of you might be surprised that I feel the exact same way. I wouldn't recommend this game right now to my family and friends. This isn't because the game isn't fun (it is fun), or isn't functional (it runs pretty well), or looks bad (it looks amazing as long as we don't talk about the UI). Rather, this is because my family and friends don't have the time or dedication to properly test Naval Action. I'm lucky enough to have the time and patience to test the game, no matter what the devs throw at us. It's not that I don't want to recommend Naval Action - quite the contrary. To prevent bad first impressions among players with less patience than myself, I will wait to recommend Naval Action when it is even more complete.
  23. About a year ago, there were "PVP events" that occurred several times per day. The events were simple - a large circle would appear on the world map, either between Shroud Cay and Cayo Romano for the shallow event, or between Jeremie and Puerto Escondido for the deep water event. In the event zone, fleet ships were disabled which meant that all combat was 100% humans. Other than that, it provided an obvious place for people to look for each other or even play "king of the hill." Also there were rewards for getting kills and assists, but I think these were unnecessary as the real rewards were good fights and meeting cool people. The zones were out in the middle of nowhere, so (mostly) everyone you found either wanted to have a nice fight or was at least curious about PVP. Of course you would occasionally find the unlucky trader/traveler that didn't check his map.
  24. Man, those Agamemnons are getting a good test in PVP. Haven't seen that many Agas in a battle in a long time.
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