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Pad Seayew

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Everything posted by Pad Seayew

  1. And correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think they put HMS on the stern of RN ships, just the name. I defer to our much more knowledgeable members. I suppose if we think of NA ships more as "based upon" or "inspired by" it could work in my head.
  2. I think Awkward was a bit fatter than that fella. I love how murderous and crazed Killick looks in the boarding. What a nut!
  3. I can't wait to see what they do with the map. Hopefully more of a proper naval map, clean and full of details.
  4. I'm more of a fan of having special flags and pennants. The barkies themselves are based on historical models. I'd cringe and disconnect to see a Surprise with the name Victory on it. Or an "HMS" or "USS" visible anywhere on the stern. History is part of the appeal of the game for me, and while a fleet of Vics and Santis may be ahistorical, it doesn't make me gag like some of these suggestions.
  5. I don't know how it could be done, but I would like to see a VoIP that is somehow not as cold, and sterile as a TeamSpeak or Discord. Something that could add to the voice experience of the game, more of a match to the crew sounds/calls. Does that make sense to anyone? Bottom line is I find the current voice communications to be an immersion breaker.
  6. Great idea. I'm actually thinking about switching to PvE after the wipe. I don't have time for PvP, it always comes to me when I need to get ready for work or bed. And when I want PvP, it cannot be found. The devs have said AI are being improved so it could be very interesting (what you propose).
  7. Were the major nations the same in their flag protocols?
  8. Not sure what balls have to do with it. It's a game, play the way you like.
  9. I'm actually thinking of switching to the PvE area after the Wipening. I just don't have the time for PvP. I love the game, it's just the most phenomenal time suck I've ever experienced.
  10. It's very frustrating for new players. If they don't have an almost fanatical zeal for the basic concept of the game, discouragement comes hard and fast. A lot of great tutorials out there for square rig manual sails (I always point to AxeManAnt), nothing fore and aft. I'd love to see Hethwill or Paederast Pete make one.
  11. Great idea as a special event at the very least. I never played in Sea Trials, but watched a ton of those stormy NA videos months before I bought the game.
  12. I'd ask @maturin to post the lime green sail monstrosity, but I fear all the posts clamoring for it in the game.
  13. Personally I prefer to leave like Artie Fufkin, Polymor Records.
  14. Pad Seayew


    I think 'Post Wipe' itself is pretty good. Something scatological about it.
  15. Maturin orders sand on the floor when he was operating during battle. There's a shot of his foot slipping on the blood. I like the clean, navy-like appearance of all the ships.
  16. Letting the game breathe! What a perfectly apt phrase, Uilleam.
  17. Remember, there's no such thing as "best ships". Upgrades are becoming Ship Knowledge (or whatever name is settled on). So bring your best Captain (you).
  18. This is fantastic information, and should be put concisely into the Guides section. That .gif is going to be a common reference point for new players. Can you do one for fore-and-afters as they are so different?
  19. The only thing that sucks for them is limitation to 3 Nations. Although I'd encourage any of them to just join PvP area, I'm the worst PvP player on the server and I've found a lot of fun as well as fear. And TONS of great, big hearted, generous, friendly, sportsmanlike players. I speak of the Continental Navy and it's allies although, believe it or not, I have run into gentlemanly, sportsmanlike enemies as well. Get together, make friends, sail together.
  20. Ya better hope the prices are dirt cheap. I gave up on crafting (except materials for my little clan/squadron) when I joined PvP EU, I may give it up altogether. Hopefully I can find a Surprise or a privateer for 10k.
  21. I played on PvE on up through Commodore rank, and switched to PvP. I've found the overwhelming majority of my (somewhat carebear to use the pejorative term) experience there has been very friendly and extremely generous. I was welcomed straightaway. Now, I don't know about the Realm Vs Realm Port Battle Conquest side of things, it could well be different. But it's not what I'm interested in, at all. Now we shall see what kind of game is left for me, as I barely have time for any real PvP (it always comes to me exactly when I don't want it). You'd be amazed the amount of times I've surrendered because I had to get ready for work.
  22. And @Tiedemann - accusing certain players of being "lazy" is really coming it a bit high. And....are you high, indeed? This is a game, I'm being lazy every hour I add to my current 800 or so.
  23. So you like inflation? Or you mean you like the idea.........except for the fact of crippling ballooning inflation.
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