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Everything posted by Quineloe

  1. are we seriously going to have more of these "look and applaud us for ganking successfully" threads?
  2. Where is this notion coming from that undercrewing will be less severe with the next patch?
  3. I am pretty sure even trader raiding would easily outperform PvP on exp per hour.
  4. Expected a ship worthy of a thread to be captured saw a lowly frigate left disappointed.
  5. What a nice way to describe an invincible gank squad
  6. He's trading his crafting hours for your crafting hours. Since it takes more hours to prepare a ship than it takes to actually build the ship, he's coming out ahead in that exchange. And given how hard it is to find solvent demand for the ship you want to make (BP lottery) I'd rather waste my crafting hours on a basic ship instead of bothering to look for someone for hours to pay me for it. That probably includes Trincs.
  7. I don't see small ship crews being excluded from this rule. If you have no crew left, you have to quit the game. I don' think such a mechanic has any place in here. It's bad enough that I am now limited to clicking one button per day as a shipwright and any other "economy" gameplay is now capping traders.
  8. wouldn't that put you eventually in a position where you can't play anymore for the rest of the day and would have to log out, ie Zynga Farmville gameplay? I already strongly dislike this aspect of the game as a shipwright.
  9. So the solution to aid a crippled nation is to force them to grind 5 million moneys? And all this does is just providing a more convenient way to trade already existing ships than right click -> trade in port? No way I'd throw that kind of money away for basically nothing.
  10. Having lost masts stuck to a ship until you survival them away would at least from a visual perspective be quite a herculean task to add. You'd basically need for every mast two or more different animations of sticking them to the sides of a ship. That's another 6+ animation things you need for every single large ship in the game at this point. While cool in theory, if you lost a mast in a fight you're already crippled enough, so it's not really a necessary addition for gameplay - I dont ever recall anyone saying losing a mast aint no big deal. Dev time better spent elsewhere imo
  11. Anneinedu why don't you play a nation whe you care about port conquest so much? It's the cool flag, right?
  12. They're not shit quality. They can appear in the shop without any quirks, or even green quirks, which puts them _way_ ahead of a player crafted basic ship with two grey quirks that act as a penalty. e.g. a Crew Space (Grey) ship will have 95% crew, a green one will have 101%. Another issue is that you can simply play the BP lottery by buying these ships en masse and then breaking them up. They're cheap enough to do this. It's certainly cheaper to do this with constitutions than to craft basic trincs, and a whole lot faster. IMO NPCs should exclusively sell common ships (Cerberus, Frigate, Brig and Snows), and -maybe- mercuries and surprises. Certainly not Constitutions. It's also bad enough that you can capture Mastercrafted Third Rates. This really diminishes the value of a build third rate with a mere three durability.
  13. What a funny list. So pirates can't enter neutral ports. How many of those are left? One. On the entire map. USA and Britain are rather tame towards pirates. I don't think either of them have launched major offensives in the last five weeks. You only need one port to run missions. Your missions aren't worse because of shallow water ports. How many deep water ports is Sweden holding right now, how many are the pirates holding? 1 Cargo on player kill is a bug. You need to resort to bugs to make that list look bigger? I also didn't realize this game was a popularity contest. Everyone hates you? I think most players don't even care, having never even seen a pirate.
  14. Seeing how we sunk your PIRATE Cerberus this weekend, why do you ask this?
  15. For a start, I haven't seen a single pirate in the last four weeks, because they're a nation located mainly in the Bahamas and northern coasts of Hispaniola and Cuba. I'd expect pirates to be everywhere in small numbers, not massively concentrated in one area... like a nation. I've already played a game with a pirate nation. It didn't work out. This game promised pirates to be completely different and not just another nation. You're talking about mechanics in the future. Can you name them? I'm glad admin is better, but this issue comes from before his flu.
  16. Patience only works when you have something to look forward to. It is a pretty deafening silence right now.
  17. I am at work so I can't exactly search youtube right now but doesn't braincage upload all his stream highlights there? Should be easy to figure out if memory served me well. Also if you read the dev admin posts in the huge pirate cote thread hs pretty much states the same thing. If we don't want pirate ports we should just capture them. . That post is unbelievable. How do we stay informed if not by reading what they release in the first place? If there is no info coming out, we cant Inform ourselves.
  18. He said this on braincages twitch stream 3 or 4 weeks back. There was an unannounced impromptu Q&A session. Its probably on his youtube channel.
  19. Admin has stated that they cant radically alter the faction anymore. Too many would be unhappy. Apparently that's not the same as repeatedly wiping our assets. So yeah we're stuck with Brethren of the Coast 2.0, easy mode piracy full of Jack Sparrows. It seems moot to post ideas as long as the status quo is here to stay
  20. What if the swedes and the french decide to trade one of those terrible pine / red wood / silver ports over and over?
  21. You don't know what it is that exploded. and yes, the AoE damage of an exploding ship is a bit absurd.
  22. People will always remember the clan tag far longer than they remember your name.
  23. Ships don't sink just because they blow up. It depends on how fierce the explosion is. It could easily render the ship inoperable by knocking out too much crew, but at the same time not cause critical leaks.
  24. It doesn't really matter if RUS and VIE stop doing it. Denmark is so much stronger than Sweden at this point that just the minor clans and solo players will be enough to prevent Sweden from recovering. If you can't get the whole nation in line, the treaty is moot. I see a Swedish captain with a mere 100k left in his pocket lose his last Surprise Dura last night, downgrading to the free Renommee because he can't afford a better ship. If he hadn't been a pre-EA player, he'd have sailed a Mercury when he could crew a Frigate. Alf Pedersen and Clan RAKER finished his ship off, and another Swedish Surprise as well. I'm pretty sure the damage the few Swedes can inflict on Russia are minor, most of those who don't want to play the diplomacy game already ran to the pirate nation.That's why "they do it, we do it" may be correct, but it's hardly the same thing.
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