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Everything posted by Quineloe

  1. Is this also an exploit when proper nations do this?
  2. If you've gotten the trolls to make a strawman argument in response to something that was never said, you know you're on the right track.
  3. Some guy who can't even crew a Frigate doesn't exactly count as "Britain".
  4. We British fight for money. You Danes fight for justice and honour. You know what they say. A man always fights for what he lacks the most.
  5. Swedish players seemed more interested in fighting the pirates at northern Hispaniola. Too bad they already got kicked out again. The Denmark-Rus is already the strongest nation, they don't need any help to fight anyone.
  6. I thought that was a genuine offer. If you think you can't find people with enough integrity to not abuse their mod powers, then that is your assessment and I'm not going to dispute it. I thought moderators are already volunteers with that kind of power.
  7. If you sink in a mission, you stay in the mission - at least if there's another player still in it. Not sure if that also applies when you were soloing it.
  8. I am not attacking you... I just think it odd that a blatant false report like this would actually work. You'd see the trade for the materials in the log, I would assume you'd also see the trade that gave the Pavel back Of course he could report right away, but the report is not going to be reviewed right away, by the time a moderator would review it, you'd either have the ship being traded or the shipwright at least sending a dozen messages to the recipient "hey don't you want your ship now?"
  9. Being a member of an esteemed clan would be one reason to give out resources.
  10. Are your logs that unwieldy that you can't pull the entire trade history for two traders? select * from tradelogs where player_1_id = 12345 and player_2_id = 23456 oh look, there's two trades. Materials in the first, the Pavel in the second. Now have the guy reporting being scammed explain his report to you.
  11. I don't see why a photoshopped chat screen would even matter if you have the server stored chat logs to fall back on. Nope, because in your trade log you have two minutes later me giving him the ship. Which you would find with a good db query. assuming my IT skills are up for the task I can do this. I can do some minor select stuff in SQL. Would that be enough to pull trade log data?
  12. "new" issue? I recall these sort of scams way back to Everquest in 1999. But if that's how you run your clan, that's your business. I wonder if Kotiku will ever receive the Bellona.
  13. You're not entitled to a response, even if you ask in a very rude manner.
  14. 1:00:30 for a deliberate green on green broadside. Why this guy hasn't been punished is way beyond me. Since he's streaming right now I popped in and asked him, he's not aware of this thread but he's well aware that green on green isn't allowed.
  15. I think a completely 1-sided trade with the chat showing why it was given that way would be very easy to prove. How do you fabricate this? The trade is logged on your servers, right? If you have the trade log, and you have the chat log, what could a fabricated scenario possibly look like? The reason this is happening often right now and would require a lot of work on your part is solely because currently you do let them get away. As soon as punishment is a real thing, scamming will also become very rare. If you don't want to use dev hours on this, use the volunteer hours. Do your moderators have access to the server chat logs? Then just add trade logs to their permissions as well. The system Malice4 has proposed, that would take far more effort to put into play. I'm the kind of guy to craft ships for free if all materials are provided to me because I want the craft exp and the BP drop chance. This stuff actually hurts me, because people might be too hesitant to do this due to repeated scams having been made public.
  16. Nein, mittlerweile ist die Prime time pop von PVP1 froh über 2000 zu kommen. Die 2400er peaks die ende Januar noch drin waren sind mittlerweile sehr weit weg... Ja, macht bestimmt unendlich Laune resourcen in weit entfernten Free Towns abzugreifen und dann nach Hause zu teleportieren, und dann wieder 4 Stunden hardcore grinden um sich den nächsten Besuch in der Free Town leisten zu können... Frankreich hat kein Coal mehr? dann haben sie auch kein Gold mehr. Dann ist das dickste Schiff, das man bauen kann die basic surprise. und das als "generation WoW" abzukanzeln ist ja wohl nur noch albern. Nicht jeder hat die Zeit, dutzende von Stunden durch die Gegend zu segeln. Ganz im Gegenteil, gerade die "Generation WoW" könnte das noch, weil unendlich Zeit...
  17. Those who are defending this, imagine the following: you purchase a conquest flag for a port. When your fleet arrives there, instead of a lot of enemy ships, you see 25 Cerberi of your own nation. As soon as you start the port battle, these 25 cerberi instantly click in, and then leave as the battle starts, instantly losing your the port battle with your own fleet sitting outside, unable to do anything about it. This kind of stuff was among the top 5 issues of POBS. It needs to be dealt with.
  18. Exactly. You have volunteers handing out 7 day chat bans, surely the same guys can resolve these incidents as well.
  19. I've seen some players simply Surrender when it was clear they wouldn't get away anymore (uneven battles in RVR combat, so no ganking), abandoning constitutions, frigates, even third rates, without putting up a fight. PVP rewards are poor enough as it is without this. Something needs to be changed there.
  20. I don't buy that argument, if it's supposed to help, but it actually doesn't, then might as well not put it in because no one will end up using it. Reminds me of EDs power play and CQC, ED fanbois kept sayying "no one is forcing you to do it.." and in the end exactly that happened: no one used it, waste of two major content patches.
  21. Two issues 1. Realism. It's inconceivable that crews would not drop everything to put out a fire as soon as possible. Any captain ordering to not do so would probably find himself stripped of command by the other officers of the staff for insanity. 2. Ships become huge bombs. If you are in a large PVP fight, and you catch fire, it makes sense to sacrifice your ship if you can sail into the enemy. Even if they can get away, they'll have to scatter and break formation, giving your side an edge. And if they can't get away, the enemy loses more ships than you did, so it's a win. Fire should be a thoroughly negative thing, not a huge opportunity. before anyone says fireships - doesn't apply. Those didn't come with a full complement of crew and cannons.
  22. Crafting ships for all materials provided is not an "obvious scam", it's something that is done every day because crafting a ship can be very rewarding if you get a free note or even better a rare BP out of it. This needs to be changed. Players are expected to behave within the common decency that was standard back then, not today, and scamming simply was not acceptable back then, even if it is today.
  23. Yeah let's waste the rest of 2016 on defining the exact line where ganking starts. The funny thing is I am a worthless carebear bluebie, because I prefer fights where I might also lose, and therefore don't PVP often because those fights aren't available very often, and those who spend the entire day roaming around in an invincible gank squad, with 9 out of 10 sides being one-sided pushovers, are teh hardcorez PVP gods.
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