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Everything posted by Quineloe

  1. well 75 unique players in combat news means another 75 people were also PVPing, since they got sunk. The people in combat news usually don't sink each other, as it's just a massive downer on fun to chase PVP ships. I'm just gonna laugh if this whole thing goes out the window with NA Legends where you don't have to re-earn your right to PVP in PVE over and over goes live and people don't play regular NA anymore. Would be a great loss to reduce this game to World of Tanks with sailing ships, but that's what I see happening.
  2. USA originally was the only nation to be listed as "easy". I think it's nice the "pirates are hardest faction" notion is now finally abandoned. Pirates are easy mode. And as such their "accomplishments" should be rated at.
  3. Too bad they're game decidingly good. Elite French rig refit surpise 1vs1 against one without it? Assuming even player skill, that's one surprise without masts and the other undamaged.
  4. There are no bragging rights if you play the game on easy mode.
  5. These people simply were wrong. There were so many good fights involving bad, free 74s. The main difference to today however is that today a regular 74 is nigh invulnerable to most frigates.
  6. say it as often you want, you want to force fights on players that don't want to fight you right at that moment. With those changes, those players will at least be there and there's a larger potential pool for players to fight.
  7. Knowledge slot grinding wouldn't be a problem if you could obtain decent amounts of exp in PVP. please bring back exp for damage again. x2 modifier means nothing if you walk away with nothing because you captured the ship in the end.
  8. First question: How do I generate a hostility mission at an enemy port? Do we dock there with a smuggler flag and a trader and generate it? Are these static, available at all times to begin like an epic event in front of every port? Second question: "but some ships will remain rare and expensive" What is your definition of rare? Is a L'Ocean, that Denmark could field 25 of within three weeks of the wipe, considered a rare ship? Is the goal to move away from 50 first rate port battles?
  9. Wenn eine Mission geganked wird haben beide seiten invisibility wenn sie das Gefecht verlassen. Wenn das nicht im Patch diese Woche geändert wurde, was mich wundern würde. Wenn man eine Mission ganz normal abschließt kommt man ohne invisibility raus.
  10. Was meinst du würde diese von dir vorgeschlagene Änderung konkret ändern?
  11. Some people like crafting. The devs just made it so you need an unreasonable amount of organization to get a good crafting chain going. Especially that ridiculous Facebook-game like "labor hour limit", that is straight copied from the game they wanted to copy nothing from. I'd see no problem at all if a single player could craft multiple ships up to 300 BR a day. instead you have a system where one player can, with a LOT of effort, barely push out a single fifth rate every three days by himself. But the usual reaction by players who do not even craft stuff themselves (beyond being instructed by their econ overlords in their clan, and they only obey because otherwise they get no access to at-cost-ships) is usually to just go p2w - i.e. buy another account to get around the LH limit.
  12. Then the gold / exp bonus for PVP needs to be boosted way beyond the meager +50%. That would completely defeat the purpose of the whole thing. Combat Marks are pretty pricey, you can easily buy a ship from the store for the marks you get for a PVP kill. A PVP Frigate kill is like 25 marks, that's 100k - and that buys you a frigate from the shop.
  13. unless of course enemy players see you enter while they are invisible and just spawn right on top of you.
  14. Who is doing that? Do you have proof? Do you even have a name? Such a guy should show up over and over in Combat News. Are you just making this whole thing up? I think so.
  15. If you want to protect certain waters, don't do it with magic reinforcements but by improving the forts. Most importantly: Make them stop shooting their own side. Put them closely together so they cover each others dead zones and place mission spawn points in that areas so close to the fort that they're not a 30 minute sail away. That way attackers always know what they're up against when considering the attack and defenders know what they can rely on.
  16. When crossteaming is standard, legit players are irrelevant. Where do nationals have access to the pfrig? We can't get the permit, we can't get the blueprint, the ship is not generated in the shop. Pirates sure as hell aren't selling them in free towns to us.
  17. As I said.. it worked for over a year... and now we had one one of the best features removed from the game because of a problem that most likely wasn't even as big as people made it out to be.
  18. I thought they just banned the people who did this. So we sacrificed the game because cheaters aren't getting banned anymore?
  19. > Dann hat er selbst eine faire Chance seinem Gegner zu entkommen. Nein, hat er nicht. Weil es völlig genügt, sich mitten auf die Schwerter zu stellen und dann zu joinen, wenn man gar keine Ahnung hat wo der Spieler war, der die Mission ausgelöst hat. Dann landest du immer direkt vor ihm, in einem Abstand in dem er nicht mehr entkommen kann. Moscalb hat das perfektioniert, kann man auf seinem Stream sehen.
  20. Ich sag dir mal, was ich für unzumutbar halte: Dass man beim reinspringen in Missionen anhand der Battlemarkierung und der relativen Lage zum Hafen, aus dem der gegnerische Spieler vermutlich losgefahren ist, so reinspringen kann, dass man locker nur in 300 bis 400m Entfernung von diesem Spieler im Gefecht erscheint. wenn man den Spieler beim Betreten der Mission sogar gesehen hat (weil man z.B. Invisible in der nähe war), dann sind auch mal locker 150m direkt hinter ihm drin. Deswegen ist Mission ganking auch so verdammt effektiv. Weit und breit kein Feind zu sehen, und im Gefecht direkt danach hat man eine PFrig oder Surprise am Heck. Das hat von den gankern die sich hier an der Diskussion beteiligen aber noch niemand angesprochen. Die finden das nämlich voll geil und "super skillig" richtig in Missionen springen zu können. Und wer unter solchen Bedingungen gegankt wird, und dann beim Versuch sich zu rächen die komplett anderen ROE Regeln der Open World gegen sich hat, wo man als reinforcement bei einer Verfolgung gar kein Faktor ist und selbst wenn man initial reingezogen wird, aber weit am Rand steht auch nicht, ja der regt sich völlig zu Recht auf, dass die Mechaniken das Ganken fördern. Denn eines ist klar: eine Revenge fleet kriegt einen ganker vielleicht getagged. Aber niemals unter so guten Bedingungen, wie das reinspringen in eine stationäre Mission funktioniert.
  21. Die Hälfte von deinem Post ist Strohmann Bernie. Darauf gehe ich nicht ein. Entweder du zitierst worauf du antwortest, oder lass es. Ich habe keine Lust, Standpunkte zu verteidigen die du mir in den Mund legst. Beispiel: "Dann behauptest Du, das Missionen ganking sei den Spielern nicht zumutbar." Habe ich nie gesagt.
  22. I don't see it. I'm at LD right now with a shop price list of Gustavia to cross check. Fine Fabrics is 100g per unit, weighs 15t, so 7g per ton. That's 28k profit for a full indiaman. Sevres is 41k, buys for 22k, you can fit 9 in an indiaman, that's a 171k profit per indiaman Normandy Cider is 107g per unit, 9.6t per unit so 11g per ton. 44k per indiaman. Languedoc Violins aren't listed in the Gustavia shop, supposedly sells for 5.3k, so 2600 per unit, 43g per ton, 173k per indiaman. Parisian Furniture - only 1 available, so there's that, buy for 159k, sell for 379k, 220k profit for a 1000t item - 220g per ton. For that, you sail empty to Les Des for 45 minutes, (because they pay less for Swedish goods than you buy them for in Gustavia, which I have to say is a really *bad* part of the economy, and then you sail back for an hour (your ships are slower now) This is really only worth it if you bring multiple indiamen for this trip, and therefore cripple your account on captain perks. If you want to make millions of profit, that's at least 8 indiaman you need to fill. And then you spread that across how many players? How much money and combat marks and experience can you make in that time if you just shoot 4th rate fleet missions instead. reminds me a lot of Elite Dangerous trading. Because the limit is not the quantity of goods available, all that matters is the size of your cargo hold, and trading before a Type 7 or Imperial Clipper is just a huge waste of time. It seems slightly better simply because of the limit on Parisian Furniture. Frontier, take notes. lol
  23. Nein, das geht so nicht. die PVPler können nicht einerseits von den PVE Spielern abhängig sein, entweder weil sie wen zum Abschießen brauchen um im PVP selber gewinn zu machen, oder um sich ihr PVP über Markenverkäufe querzufinanzieren, und andererseits den PVE Spielern sagen, sie sollen sich damit abfinden abgefarmt zu werden oder das Spiel verlassen. Wenn nur noch du und Bernie (also Graf Be) übrig sind, dann versenkt ihr euch so lange gegenseitig, bis einer kein geld mehr hat.
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