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Everything posted by Cabral

  1. I agree that new players must have a chance to gain some gold to buy first ships and learn sail and combat, but PvE Rear Admirals (and we have many ingame) don't deserve any room. This is a PvP server, if those PvE Rear Admirals and Commodores fear any risk, they are on the wrong server.
  2. You are joking, right? In 200 square miles of ocean you can't sneak past a raider? You want an advice? Change to PVE server, it's better for you.
  3. Maybe you should be less "nail" and learn to be a "hammer".
  4. Don't know if there's so many. From 500 players online, one third is alts, if we have 100 pvp elite players it's being optimistic.
  5. Wrong, russians have all rare woods. They even have one that no one else have, bermuda cedar.
  6. Would be better to keep crafting resources outside the safezone and make people take some risks instead of this measure... Nevertheless, Moscalb and Capt Reverse are already doing the Russian Cossack dance
  7. I can already imagine your smile from ear to ear
  8. Like you said, you are a leader of 15 man group very active, that's why you like so much those Gank Arena zones.
  9. Now I don't agree with you, this topic is about Great Battles, not Gank Battles.
  10. They fear the PB's. They did the same in Little Cayman against the danes, 3 nations joined against the danes to prevent the PB.
  11. He doesn't seem to perform well as a new prison buddy, he takes more than gives.
  12. You really don't understand, do you? More than half of the players like the pve and trade aspects of the game, we on this forum belong to a minority. If we can't bring more players to the game or maintaine the current ones, where the wolfs will find food?
  13. You live for this game? It's a common problem for you pvp'ers purists, and one of the causes why you complain so much.
  14. If many prefer the NAL ideias why the devs don't get rid of this huge map and change to lobby system? It's walking that direction... I prefer OW pvp and the big map, and I think I belong to a silence majority, but the noisy minority is the one giving the cards.
  15. It's gonna kill ships like Trincomalee, Essex and Pirate Frigate. These ships have no stern chasers and if a solo captain can't defend tag a gank group, it's certain death. Most players will leave these ships.
  16. Seal clubbers are always seal clubbers, don't blame the devs.
  17. Reverse did that once in front of KPR. He was on a boarding frenzy, I had to stop him with grape or he would captured 3 british ships in row.
  18. You said it all, the game has become a simcade game over time, and probably was not devs first intention. But if they turn it more sim... all hell will be set loose, alot of carebears will complain... sadly.
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