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Tenakha Kan

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Everything posted by Tenakha Kan

  1. You have the number, they don't. Warned or not, they have to have an ennemy in the same time zone or they'll just stop playing, in this case, its you....so try to understand, that's all I ask.
  2. We do what we can. Some days we have the numbers, some days we haven't. Since we are limited in outposts and the spanish have wierd timers we are either too far or too late to help. Our council is discussing about what we can do to help our Spanish friends. To them we say don't loose hope, having lived the same situation we know what you are going through
  3. In this case I was not talking about port timers, I was talking about zerging
  4. Since it was mentionned in your letter to the king, a screen of the battle in front of our Capital (All the captured ships were 1srt rates) I had the honor to lead the battle, it was great fun! Jeheil, great job as always. You're my favorite brit ;-)
  5. Its never that easy, a game is never "just a game". People invest time in it, they put efforts in what they do. They try to achieve something. thats the reason the Spanish are mad and they have the right to be mad. At the moment the British council is trying to achieve victory at all cost pushing Spain to submission, forcing them to fight the Port Battles the Brits will allow them to fight in some prearranged ports that would act as a zoo for them to survive. This is what the three admiral treaty was, nothing more, nothing else. It didn't work for the indians it won't work with the spanish. Launching false flags is a legitimate way of fighting, zerging on a scale like this is just ridiculous. This only emphasize the problems this game has. Sadly its a problem that only exists at the moment with the british. Every other nation adhere more or less to an unwritten code of conduct. For exemple we like fighting the Dutch, we loose, we win but we fight. this situation is getting ridiculous and more and more British captain understand it. I have personnally spoken to a few of them and some have open up in this forum. Outside of any propaganda this is simply wrong and a lot of you know it.
  6. DesMoines is still mad about the Antilles Treaty...
  7. So what do you want them to do? Surrend and stop playing?
  8. You take the lead of a PB, you stop giving order in the middle when things don't go your way forcing other guys to take over and then when the battle ends you insult us, rage quit and go Pirate...good attitude.
  9. Fortunatly we are not the only ones losing 1rst rates
  10. Well played Dutchies, this is the result of bad tactics vs good tactics, we started with two line very stretched while you stood regrouped. The head of our line took massive damage while being unable to provide dps as the back was left without targets for very long. Our tactic failed miserably even if we started with greater BR but in the end two battle happened: the front of our line got outnumbered, turned around and the same then happened to the back. Be sure we learn from our mistakes. As we say, shit happens. o7 We'll be back ;-) Edit: I survived XD Also don't forget to mention that our screening fleet took out 3 of your 1rst rates outside
  11. Jackpot for the French Navy: a Dutch Trader Snow capped by [EDR] Dalfgan yesterday near La Orchilla The Glorious Captain was escorted back to french territory where all rejoice!
  12. I don't think the British should hold a grudge against Sweden, we fought them for quite some time and we respected them as ennemies. They are the master of their fate. I see them as the balancing element in the game. It seems doubtful the French and English will be on the same side in the foreseeable future. Same goes for US and Spain. With the pirates out of the alliances Spain, Danemark and France would have been no match for the British, Dutch, Swedish and US. We're not fighting against tyranny, there is no wrong side.
  13. As far as I know he stopped attacking us at the request of the Swedish council following an incident with French ships
  14. As the treaty of the Antilles will soon come to an end, I felt the need to reflect on the past few months and thanks all the participants: the diplomats who worked daily behind the scene to resolve disputes and the Dutch, Danish, Swedish and French players who made its application possible. It was no easy task, we had our share of crisis and drama but we overcame. The four nation stood by their words as the SORRY attack showed. For a few days we fought side by side as one. The Antilles War was a chapter in the Naval Action history. This treaty was another. Let's continue writing history. /salute
  15. Been there done that. We are cowards, we surrender, etc...you are sounding like a broken record These jokes are kind of old fashion...you can do better I'm sure! Meanwhile, I'll just say this:
  16. What is the difference between a moderator on the forum and in game? Are you all both?
  17. Not mine, someone gave it to me when I started playing , i'm just returning the favor
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