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Sven Silberbart

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Everything posted by Sven Silberbart

  1. i the past i have thought the same. Would be very very nice if the players can custom a own flag design for their ships wich appears on the ship somewhere else the national flag. I could imagine a custom Clan Flag or Squad Flags (for little groups inside the clan). The would be nice
  2. This is sooo much needed. I hope you can implement it as soon as possible.
  3. Ändert nichts daran, dass die Erwartungshaltung durch das kleine Entwicklerstudio nicht erfüllt werden kann. Da kannst noch mehr rumzicken und jammern, das wird nichts ändern. Die sollen das Spiel weiter entwicklen und nicht die seelischen Wunden der Tester heilen. Man muss eh jederzeit damit rechnen, dass alles was man zurzeit besitzt (mit Ausnahme der XP) jederzeit wieder weg gewiped werden kann. Also komm doch einfach mal wieder runter. Sollte das ein Problem für dich darstellen, solltest du eher keine EA Titel mehr anfassen.
  4. Hello. Since the last patch i am a bit confused. I know the 7 days are currently 3 days. Thats not my problem. InGame i have different information about this point and I dont know what is the truce?! - After a Port has been captured that port cant be attacked the next 3 days OR - After a Port has been captured you cant buy conquest-flags in this port for the next 3 days
  5. I have to disagree. Imagine there is a nation with 100 Players. Lets say 30 Players are active PB and Screening Players. These guys, are fighting for their nation. in my experience, these type of player do that day by day. On the other side: The Rest are players, who mostly do Crafting, PvE or Exploring. Or Players with less time for the game. And now a decision is needed for war/alliances with nationX. Everyone has one vote. The 30 Soldiers of that nation do a vote for an alliance with nationX because they did good teamplay in the past and they have the same goals. They have ideas and plans how to win the next important PB as team. The Rest dont care about diplomacy or dont know about the ralionship between the nations in the past. What should they do? Press that button to start a war, or the button to do an alliance, or a neutral state to the nation X? I FEAR, they will do something like a random click: pressing any button. As result maybe the nation is at war with the nationX. What do the 30 Players. Dont fight nationX and wait for the next vote with more luck? This is, why i think the active players needs more votes. Maybe with that landowner thing or something else. BUT please don't give everyone a vote with the same weight. PLEASE dont give the players who don't care about politics and PBs the might to destroy the nation by random votes.
  6. That concept looks fine. I like it. But let me do one question: "Hostility level is generated for all ports in the vicinity - which creates interesting options for smaller nations and allows unexpected flexibility" How do you think this an interesting option for smaller nations? I am playing Sverige, and we are one of the small nations. This game will never be balanced by player numbers until the low populated nations don't get big advantages. The game system needs to allow the smaller nations play their role in the carribean. It should be harder to capture ports close to the nations capitol to give the small nations a chance to make their territory more save against bigger nations. Maybe it is a solution to make the hostility increasing much slower, if the harbour/area is very close to the capitol
  7. I like this treaty. Thx 4 all the hard work to come t this. @ Otto Kohl: I am an swedish PvP Player and i think i will have PvP every evening if i wish.
  8. Wer eine Handelstour fährt der muss einfach bedenken, dass Waren wertvoll sind und entsprechend geschützt werden müssen (Eskorte und/oder schnelles Schiff). - Fahre nichts schutzlos herum was du nicht auch bereit bist zu verlieren Das gibt dem Spiel doch Tiefgang: Wie schütze ich meine Waren? Nehme ich die sichere oder unsichere Route? Wer kann mich begleiten? Wem vertraue ich? Wie im echten Leben (von damals) halt. Wir wollen doch eine Karibik voller Gefahren. Ich zumindest will es!
  9. Also ich bin auch Familienvater und beruflich eingebunden und es geht ganz gut. Allerdings nicht unbedingt als solo spieler. Gute Gilde/Gruppe die sich gegenseitig unterstützt, dann ist der Nachschub und Zeitaufwand für die Schiffsherstellung nicht so gewichtig.
  10. ..don't like that. That hurts the economy. Don't understand the need behind that.
  11. Situation Open Sea: Danmark (Clan RTS) and Pirates (Clan GAF) vs. Sverige (Clan HRE) After a danish player tagged one swedish and the battle starts, one player of the Pirate Clan joined the swedish side to shoot the swedish players to hold the ship in battle. Pic 1: See the pirate player "Impi" is on the swedish side, while the rest of its group is on danish side Pic 2: See the sailing directions and distances. Just as further info Pic 3: See the swedish ship (player "Impi") shooting another swedish ship on its own team side My personal view: Unfair Play Style. Using game weekness to have an advantage. If the Tribunal have the same point of view please give that player(s) a warning or whatever Pictures as Overview
  12. Is there a need to transport the flag to the harbour after it is created? (like the current system? - Flag carrier)
  13. Hat irgendjemand mal eine halbwegs aktuelle Auskunft (Status) bzgl. des Diplomacy Contant Updates von den Devs gefunden? Schreiben die wirklich nichts oder finde ich es nur nicht?
  14. Yes, the stuff like crewmanagement, the penetration and other we get atm is nice to have for me. I and much others are waiting for the diplomacy thing, one of the most important content changes we really like to see soon.
  15. I dont like the current Boarding-System at all. Why don't implement an completely other system? I would be pleased with a Sword Fighting System like in Sid Meier's Pirates :-)
  16. Yes an old thread but i dont want to make a new one :-) I really want unique Ship Names. For myself i would give my ship a name like "HMS Berlin" or "HMS Alexader" or something. But i know much players would use such a custon name system to name their ships like "USS Ashole" or "Motherf.*****" or "xXx Roxxor xXx" or something. And that is what i really don't like to read. The solution is a ingame shipname generator which gives some name proposals and the player can choose the one he/she likes. Add a logic (nation dependent) Prefix like USS for the unites states or HMS for British to the name would be fine, It is hard to implement the name showing on the ship itself, but much easier to show in OW Name Tag and in Batte result screens and so on.. was there any answer of the devs to this issue in the history? Are there any plans to implement this?
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